For the Memory of Our Brave Warriors

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Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
As we all spend time with our families today, I am reminded of Dale. Dale is my neighbor down the street. I will be throwing some steaks on my grill later, and maybe tilting a beer or two. My three sons may be coming by, to hang out with us. We are so blessed to be free.

One of Dale's sons won't be with him today. It is a somber day at the Giffords home. Micah was one of our brave soldiers who gave his life for our freedoms. "No greater love is this: that a man lay down his life for his friends." And so we acknowledge our local hero. Flowers, or a note. Or a hug if you dare.

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One of the greatest honors of my life was my time in D.C. as part of the Honor Guard. I didn't have to brace for battle. I didn't have to have that final note of love tucked in my breast pocket. Just in case.

I just had to make sure my hat was clean. My brass clickers were polished. I had a good tuck, and my rifle movements were crisp and timely to the commands. Three shots. Seven guys. Make it sound like one, to honor the family in the folding chairs nearby.

Arlington is a beautiful, horrible place to be sometimes.


Nearby, the body bearers march with the precious man of honor. He's not heavy. He's our brother.


Nobody wanted it this way. This soldier should be standing with us in the chow line, making jokes. "Shit on a shingle again!" But here he will lie. Make no doubt, though. The body will be buried. But the soul and spirit will soar on wings, like eagles!


Wives and mothers will grieve. Kids will look at their lost dad or mom only through the picture frame on the wall by the folded flag. Memories fade. Cling to them.


The best way we can honor our lost brothers is to live a good life. Laugh and dream. Work hard, and give of ourselves. Step in to right a wrong. Do the toughest chore, and ask for no payment. Payment enough.

Say you are sorry to someone today. Soothe a rift. You were kinda wrong, anyway.:love:


Reach out to a soldier or first responder today. Tell them you are grateful. Seek a Gold Star family in your area, and give them a note, or a show of your love.


Freedom IS fragile. And pretty awesome. Pray for those in the world that do not enjoy our freedoms.

We get enough freedom to appreciate our Rams. Some fight for survival today. Pretty embarrassing. Not to make anyone feel bad. just grateful. Maybe redirect some of our time.


Thanks guys! Enjoy your families today! List some thoughts, and stories of soldiers you are grateful for, if you get a moment.

And for those that served- Thank you.

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
My Grandfather arrived off the shores of Iwo Jima on a Victory ship called the USS Mifflin. This very ship.

He landed ashore with the 4th Division on Feb. 19, 1945. There were 20,000 plus Japanese soldiers (unlike the predicted 5,000 number), who were told that their job was to kill 10 American Marines each before they were allowed to die. The tunnel networks were extensive, and they would not surrender, forcing the Marines to kill them one by one. Grandpa went through hell, but saw the flag raised on Mt. Surabachi on Feb, 23. A cheer went up throughout the island when weary Marines saw the flag.

He and his fellow Marines, fought hunger, thirst, and even had to defecate in their pants because standing probably would get them killed. Gramps was shot by a "jap" sniper on March 6th, 1945, as he ran for ammunition. He lost a lung that day, but made it back home to his family after much rehabilitation. He lived until 1983, while I was in my first year in the Navy. He was proud of my being in the military, I think. I know that I am proud of the imperfect man that served his country, and I treasure the Purple Heart he earned on that faraway Pacific island. He was a hero.

Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
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"We sleep safely at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would harm us."

-Winston Churchill (or George Orwell)
Both have been credited.