LEGEND Food Porn

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Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I'm a foodie. I want to start a thread where we can share pics of food. I really enjoy seeing things others enjoy... especially if it's something I'm not familiar with.

So let's use this as a spot to share pics of any type of food. It doesn't matter if you cooked it or are eating out. Let's see what all of you are grubbing on!

Here's one of my favorite dishes. I love octopus. I had this on Sunday night. I had already eaten one of the tentacles before I thought to snap a quick pic. This was grilled....



Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I like playing around with salsa. I have made so many different versions over the years, cooked, blended, chopped, whatever.

I’m into a peach version for the summer right now.



Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
My business made bank on BarBQue pork ribs for the most part, although Steaks, Prime Rib; seafood, asada & chicken Tacos and 1/2 lb. Cheeseburgers, along with appetizers mainly consisting of Nachos & Hot Wings round it out. I owned a motion picture location catering company and later added a 7000 sq.ft. restaurant with a full cocktail bar at a resort near Lake Havasu, Az on the Colorado River. The great thing about the resort is that it was only open between Memorial Day weekend and the Labor Day weekend as the Lake traffic is pretty seasonal. It was mostly rich kids from Orange County with their daddies big boats, but the Spring Break college girls were something else altogether. I opened the Catering Co. in 1984 and my first two gigs were the 1984 Summer Olympics in L.A. and the first 'Beverly Hills Cop' movie which was filmed primarily Downtown and in Pacific Palisades. Beverly Hills didn't allow 18 wheelers filled with film equipment or large location type catering vehicles at the time and we had to set-up just outside the city border for like 10 days out of the 6/7 weeks. At the time I had the only all black truck & trailer in the business. She wasn't feeling well one day, so I did get to bust the lovely Lisa Eilbacher smoking a joint when bringing a meal to her in her trailer. One of my craziest/fun encounters was with Judge Reinhold.

To this day I have never served more people at one time than the Olympics opening day ceremony party for 2000 VIP guests from all over the world. We had 4 food booths set up at the 4 corners of Exposition Park for this event. Following this, for me, it was all about the 500 or so Track & Field athletes/coaches/coordinators, or at least those who weren't on restrictive diets. 2 or 3 days into it the biggest motion picture caterer in L.A., and there were several of us performing at the various venues, was fired and we were asked to take up the slack. At 31 y.o., I had never made so much money in such a short period of time.

I sold the works and retired in 2006.


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Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010

A New York steak I cooked up the other day. I dry aged the Angus steaks for 10 days then put my 14" cast iron skillet on a hot bed of coals in my Webber with a few chunks of red oak bark. After getting the pan good and hot, I seared the steak on each side for 3 minutes then put the lid on the Webber for another 5 minutes.

The steak was perfectly rare from edge to edge yet not raw inside. And you'll notice the lack of blood on the plate. It all remained inside the steak.


Jul 6, 2018
Good work 503. That is perfectly done. I've taken to sous vide for steaks with a finish either over charcoal or just a blazing cast iron skillet. This gives me very consistent results as it is pretty much foolproof. But doing it right like you have still provides a better finished product, just not as consistently, for me.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 9, 2016
My business made bank on BarBQue pork ribs for the most part, although Steaks, Prime Rib; seafood, asada & chicken Tacos and 1/2 lb. Cheeseburgers, along with appetizers mainly consisting of Nachos & Hot Wings round it out. I owned a motion picture location catering company and later added a 7000 sq.ft. restaurant with a full cocktail bar at a resort near Lake Havasu, Az on the Colorado River. The great thing about the resort is that it was only open between Memorial Day weekend and the Labor Day weekend as the Lake traffic is pretty seasonal. It was mostly rich kids from Orange County with their daddies big boats, but the Spring Break college girls were something else altogether. I opened the Catering Co. in 1984 and my first two gigs were the 1984 Summer Olympics in L.A. and the first 'Beverly Hills Cop' movie which was filmed primarily Downtown and in Pacific Palisades. Beverly Hills didn't allow 18 wheelers filled with film equipment or large location type catering vehicles at the time and we had to set-up just outside the city border for like 10 days out of the 6/7 weeks. At the time I had the only all black truck & trailer in the business. She wasn't feeling well one day, so I did get to bust the lovely Lisa Eilbacher smoking a joint when bringing a meal to her in her trailer. One of my craziest/fun encounters was with Judge Reinhold.

To this day I have never served more people at one time than the Olympics opening day ceremony party for 2000 VIP guests from all over the world. We had 4 food booths set up at the 4 corners of Exposition Park for this event. Following this, for me, it was all about the 500 or so Track & Field athletes/coaches/coordinators, or at least those who weren't on restrictive diets. 2 or 3 days into it the biggest motion picture caterer in L.A., and there were several of us performing at the various venues, was fired and we were asked to take up the slack. At 31 y.o., I had never made so much money in such a short period of time.

I sold the works and retired in 2006.





Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013

OK, you asked for it ...

Other than a lot of public nudity around the boat docks and the occasional open sexual activity among some very drunk young people, it all pretty much came with the territory during spring break, with only a few fights breaking out over the years. The only time I had to personally break things up was when a couple decided to have sex right up against a huge plate glass window which was facing the lake, and with a restaurant full of spectators, including some children. It was daytime, and with the sun's reflection off the glass, not being able to see inside, apparently they didn't realize the show they were putting on. The young lady's butt & more was on full display. On another occasion in the early 00's, when we were pretty light, a group of 5 or 6 came in and ate lunch. Apparently they really, really liked the 18 year old busboy who was cleaning up and flirting with a few of the girls. They asked him if he could get out of work for a couple hours as they wanted to pay him to do a porno flick with one of the girls in their boat. We were slow and he was all for it, so I let him go and he made $150.00 bucks for about a half hours work, certainly more than he was making at the restaurant. The rest is now video history.
I told my story about Judge Reinhold over at RamStalk several years ago, ... when filming at that Pacific Palisades mansion which got shot up (in the movie), I was taking a break and got involved in a long conversation with a uniformed cop of which there are usually several around for traffic control & security on movie sets, and we were just B.S.'ing about nothing in particular. There was a loud PA announcement and this cop had to scurry away, so I head back to my truck and my employees are looking at me sideways and I ask what's up ? They look at me and ask how my conversation with Judge Reinhold went. WHAT ? That was my reaction. If you've seen the movie, J.R. wears a cop uniform in several scenes. Of course I was embarrassed at not recognizing him, but I was just relieved that I hadn't said anything too stupid during the conversation. He was just a friendly, regular guy, although he might have been surprised at how clueless I was, I mean we are meant to know who the bloody leads are.
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Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
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Sometimes I forget to snap the pic before I feast on it.



Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
This is my blended salsa version. Made this yesterday.

You GOT to have a recipe for every week of the football season!

Enchiladas on the menu tonight.



Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Well, I had pot roast and cornbread today. No pics, unfortunately; I prefer to eat food than take pics of it.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
Well, I had pot roast and cornbread today. No pics, unfortunately; I prefer to eat food than take pics of it.

I love cornbread and really like to experiment with the ingredients. My last batch I used a 50/50 mix of flour & corn meal, doubled the butter & sugar and added maple syrup directly to the mix. It was more like a cake consistency, but tasty as all get out and went over well. Cornbread & BarBQue seem to always go well together. jmo.


Here we f’n go, baby!
Sep 7, 2014
Shit, I should’ve taken some shots of the brisket I smoked today...it was delicious, good bark and smoke ring.



Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010

Did a little family BBQ for about 40 people this weekend. Pork back loin ribs (often referred to as "baby backs" even though you ain't getting 3.5lb racks off a baby pig), chicken thighs brined in my chipotle rub, and brisket with a killer bark from my Hog Wired rub.

The picture of the brisket unfortunately doesn't show the pink smoke ring very well. I choose to trim my brisket a little less than most people so even the flats come out extremely juicy.

I smoke the brisket for about 5 hours, wrap with paper and finish off at 225 degrees for approx 8-10 more hours.


Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010
Homemade pho from last week. I use my instant pot to speed up the process of making the bone broth....
Love me some pho.