I would think unless they go 8-8, 9-7, or even 10-6... Fisher will not be back in 2017!
My gut feeling is Kroenke is going to give Fisher a pass because of the transition the team dealt with moving from St. Louis to LA. I think Stan will appreciate his effort moving the team. Although it won't help with the team's image and fan support in LA, I think he is safe. I would bet he gets a 3-year extension with some type of clause indicating he will be fired if they don't make the playoffs in 2017.
Pass or no pass the results will remain the same.....I also expect a number of the better players on this team to get the hell out as soon as they're eligible.
For all those in perpetual denial, just spend a few moments adding up the number of head coaches over the past few years who rebuilt a team within 2 or 3 years to achieve either a winning record, make the playoffs and/or make it to the show.
12 miserable years dealing with this perpetual loser is more than I can stand. Maybe I've just become worn out by this misery and stupidity of it all. As of this moment and until they replace this entire coaching staff, I'm sticking with college football....I've watched my last game with this bunch of undisciplined losers. At least under Allen, Knox, Robinson and Vermeil they had a clue and plan how to actually win and be competitive..
Allen believed in veterans, Knox and Robinson believed in a sound O.L. & ground game and Vermeil knew how to instill mental and physical toughness.....all Fisher knows how to do is make excuses, repeat the same mistakes over and over and collect his pay check. Between him and Williams, it's difficult to identify the biggest fool. All I know is we're suckers to keep thinking and believing this team is anything more than a third tier bunch of bullies who manage to remain firmly at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to any-all offensive categories year after year after year. Speaking of offensive, that's exactly how I feel about this team, they have become not only perpetual losers, but completely offensive to boot.
5 years under this guy is more than enough for me to stomach.....Some of you may enjoy repeating this misery year after year, but for me, life is too short for this crap. This will essentially be the same team next year as it has been the previous 5 years and if Fisher remains for a 7th season, it will still remain the same......if that isn't the definition of insanity, it's close enough for me.
