First Republican Primary Debate

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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I'll tell ya, I've been backing Paul for about a year now and watching how easily he was schooled makes me really want to do more research. I don't have an issue with him always being on social media to get funds for his campaign.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
What's funny about Trump, is that I actually agree with his points, assuming I'm understanding his rants correctly. But I have no clue what he thinks about any sort of foreign policy. I have to believe that he isn't that well versed in any of it. I like that he says what he wants, but I don't think that is gonna fly for to damn long.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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What's funny about Trump, is that I actually agree with his points, assuming I'm understanding his rants correctly. But I have no clue what he thinks about any sort of foreign policy. I have to believe that he isn't that well versed in any of it. I like that he says what he wants, but I don't think that is gonna fly for to damn long.
I think he thinks he can negotiate with world powers and rogue states like he negotiates with potential business partners.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Didn't watch it. Don't care. They act like children. And Donald Trump is making a mockery of our election system (even with its flaws).

I watched Simpsons reruns and then the Daily Show's final episode. I didn't always agree with Jon Stewart's views or opinions, but he was great at what he did. Also, his last episode was not a Jon Stewart tribute show. He brought out every correspondent that had ever worked on the show in a bit and then recognized all the backstage people. That took more than half the show. He had a little 5 minute or so speech and then a band (don't know who) came out and played a song (don't know which one). There was hardly anything about Jon Stewart himself.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I plan on watching a rebroadcast on the internet tomorrow.

I remain intrigued by Trump. I love that he's a businessman doing this. The candor is refreshing. It's a love hate thing with few people in the middle with him.

Rubio might be the first republican in the digital age that can woo votes for superficial reasons (he's good looking and a good speaker). That was the Bill Clinton strategy, and to some degree Obama. Some people actually fall for that and cast a vote for those reasons.

PA Ram

Pro Bowler
Aug 12, 2012
Didn't watch it. Don't care. They act like children. And Donald Trump is making a mockery of our election system (even with its flaws).

I watched Simpsons reruns and then the Daily Show's final episode. I didn't always agree with Jon Stewart's views or opinions, but he was great at what he did. Also, his last episode was not a Jon Stewart tribute show. He brought out every correspondent that had ever worked on the show in a bit and then recognized all the backstage people. That took more than half the show. He had a little 5 minute or so speech and then a band (don't know who) came out and played a song (don't know which one). There was hardly anything about Jon Stewart himself.

I did agree with Stewart on almost everything and to me, he's irreplaceable.

I will miss his wit, his intelligence and his ability to break down complex issues into short and easily digestible sentences that shined a light on the power and power makers who control the political debate in this country.

The band was Bruce Springsteen and the E Street band and it was a great moment.

I get that he wasn't everyone's cup of tea and some will be happy to see him go. I will miss him.

PA Ram

Pro Bowler
Aug 12, 2012
I plan on watching a rebroadcast on the internet tomorrow.

I remain intrigued by Trump. I love that he's a businessman doing this. The candor is refreshing. It's a love hate thing with few people in the middle with him.

Rubio might be the first republican in the digital age that can woo votes for superficial reasons (he's good looking and a good speaker). That was the Bill Clinton strategy, and to some degree Obama. Some people actually fall for that and cast a vote for those reasons.

I realize that people will disagree with my political views and I have no problem with that. I just honestly hope that whoever people vote for, they do it with more than superficial reasons. I hope that looks or gender have nothing to do with that important decision. Although I know you're right---that people vote for all sorts of reasons(they like a colored tie someone wears--I actually heard that once on CNN when people were being polled)I would hope, and all Americans should hope that people at least pay some attention and know WHY they're voting for someone. You wouldn't buy a car just because you like the color of it(I hope). You'd have more questions about it.

Why vote for someone with a nice smile?

I do fear that people today rely on soundbites or allow a candidate to be defined by talking heads.

It takes time to examine candidates, to become familiar with their record or their plans and policies for the country. The fact is that many people can't be bothered with that. They feel by voting they've fulfilled their duty. But anyone can push a button. I think that the founding fathers envisioned something more participatory. Yes--it's America, and you can vote for anyone you want to for whatever reason you want to. That doesn't mean anyone should.

But yes--it does happen.

And debates are important.

I believe the ratings were through the roof for this debate. I hope it wasn't JUST to watch Trump crack funny lines or insult other candidates.

I also wonder if Trump had not been involved if the ratings would have been very different. I would guess they would have been lower.

By how much?

No idea.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
I've been a huge supporter for Rubio and I was glad he didnt disappoint


Hall of Fame
Jul 19, 2013
Megyn Kelly is an extremely intelligent woman, she is normally enjoyable to watch, and not just for her looks. I was a bit put off by her attack of trump. See, I thought Christie looked stupid, his attempted attack on Paul was pretty week, cause Paul campaigns on FB. Christie, to me, seems like a bit to much of a liberal republican if there is such a thing. I think he could pull a reverse Reagan. I was really impressed with Rubio.
I'm not a big fan of Megan Kelly but I did like her going after Trump and his attitude toward women! He's a chauvinist, for sure!

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
People love to talk all this shit on Trump, saying he is a chauvinist. The dude goes for the throat. He isn't afraid to hit below the belt. He knows where it will hurt the most and he swings for it. He has said more rude shit to men than women, but because it's a woman, suddenly it's worse. Rosie is a fucking pig of a woman and she had it coming. I have no issue with someone, during an argument, saying any damn thing they want. There are no rules. That said, do I want that personality for my future president....not sure on that.


Jan 14, 2013
Can't wait to see the real hot Democrat debate

Or I forgot its just a Coronation.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I did agree with Stewart on almost everything and to me, he's irreplaceable.

I will miss his wit, his intelligence and his ability to break down complex issues into short and easily digestible sentences that shined a light on the power and power makers who control the political debate in this country.

The band was Bruce Springsteen and the E Street band and it was a great moment.

I get that he wasn't everyone's cup of tea and some will be happy to see him go. I will miss him.

Bruce Springsteen? :oops: Well that's what I get for growing up in a non-traditional American household.


May 28, 2011
Can't wait to see the real hot Democrat debate

Or I forgot its just a Coronation.

It'll likely be more civil, Bernie Sanders doesn't appear willing to attack his opponents, but rather just discuss the issues, which could keep others more focused. Wont be as exciting, but I would rather candidates actually discuss issues anyway.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010

Just sayin'... I'm watching it now because it should be entertaining to see how Trump handles this.
It's the silly season again... already?


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I don't like it when Trump calls other politicians stupid. I may not agree with some of the things Obama does, but the man is absolutely not stupid.

Trumps advisors need to coach him on that.

We've ALL done stupid things. Doesn't make one stupid.


Jan 14, 2013
It'll likely be more civil, Bernie Sanders doesn't appear willing to attack his opponents, but rather just discuss the issues, which could keep others more focused. Wont be as exciting, but I would rather candidates actually discuss issues anyway.

Well it should be because when the Mod's ask questions like the great issues of the left progressives today .....what is your favorite flavor of ice cream or what type of depends works best for you .....

I agree its going to be real hard to have heated conversations with your one or two opponents;).


Jan 15, 2013
I did agree with Stewart on almost everything and to me, he's irreplaceable.

I will miss his wit, his intelligence and his ability to break down complex issues into short and easily digestible sentences that shined a light on the power and power makers who control the political debate in this country.

The band was Bruce Springsteen and the E Street band and it was a great moment.

I get that he wasn't everyone's cup of tea and some will be happy to see him go. I will miss him.
He also has a team of writers that puts most of his material together for him. For him to look like the smug genius he is takes a whole team.
He is good, although usually pushing an agenda, in the interview portions of the show.
I am surprised he is leaving and I will miss him as well and frankly, I don't see how he is going to be replaced.


Jan 15, 2013
Didn't watch it. Don't care. They act like children. And Donald Trump is making a mockery of our election system (even with its flaws).
Whats flawed IS the system. Look at the last 14 years and change. Arguably (I don't really want to argue) the worst run of "leadership" our country has ever seen. From all appearances nothing has changed. Does anyone really think any of these people on either side of the isle have the ability to change a system that self regulates from within? Money, money and influence.
If we continue on the path we have been on we are doomed.
Coke and Pepsi, same poison with a different ad campaign.
The next swearing in day cannot get here quick enough.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Whats flawed IS the system. Look at the last 14 years and change. Arguably (I don't really want to argue) the worst run of "leadership" our country has ever seen. From all appearances nothing has changed. Does anyone really think any of these people on either side of the isle have the ability to change a system that self regulates from within? Money, money and influence.
If we continue on the path we have been on we are doomed.
Coke and Pepsi, same poison with a different ad campaign.
The next swearing in day cannot get here quick enough.

Now why you gotta bring in my drink of choice Pepsi into things?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Whats flawed IS the system. Look at the last 14 years and change. Arguably (I don't really want to argue) the worst run of "leadership" our country has ever seen. From all appearances nothing has changed. Does anyone really think any of these people on either side of the isle have the ability to change a system that self regulates from within? Money, money and influence.
If we continue on the path we have been on we are doomed.
Coke and Pepsi, same poison with a different ad campaign.
The next swearing in day cannot get here quick enough.
Not to get too political, but I agree. We are entrenched in a two party system that does not like outsiders that might buck the system. Thus, you get moderators of debates that try to out the disruptive outsiders or just ignore them. You see it every election cycle. Kelly obviously had it out for Trump or even worse was stumping for the GOP elite. The old GOP guard wants a Bush/Christie/Rubio guy even though a Carson/Fiorina ticket would be a slam dunk.