I'm not trying to deride the guy, so let me get that on the table first. My *problem*, I guess you could say, is that his mouth is writing checks his ass can't cash. I remember when he was in on a pass breakup (that had no chance of being completed anyway because it was out of bounds), and I could hear his mouth from my TV. Yelling, "OH NO! OH NO! OH NO! OH NO!" while following the receiver back to the LOS. And then two plays later he gets torched on a slant and soon after takes a bad angle on C.J. and gets roasted again. I just wish he would concentrate on doing his job and stop worrying about getting into players' heads. He had a so-so game (because of an int), but he's not been the guy Fisher wanted when he was signed last year. Maybe some of that is due to being injured, and I hope that's the case, but I dunno. My broad-stroke impression still remains ... not impressed.