Fatal police shooting in Missouri sparks protests

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Pro Bowler
Jan 12, 2013
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  • #21
Agreed @Angry Ram no one would shoot and innocent kid for no reason, in broad daylight in the middle of the street. The kid was clearly doing something he shouldn't have. One of my biggest issues is white people afraid to say the riots were wrong because they are scared of being labeled racist.

Riots were wrong


Jun 19, 2014
There are kids and grandmothers getting gunned down in this city and nobody bats an eyelash. An 18 "kid" (I'd hardly call anyone at that age a kid anymore" gets shot dead with questionable circumstances (did he struggle with the cop? Grab for his gun? who knows) and there are riots. Nothing garners a lick of interest or reaction from people unless its a racial issue anymore.

Callous to say the least. Doesn't matter if its a race issue or not here. Its definitely a culture issue.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
There are kids and grandmothers getting gunned down in this city and nobody bats an eyelash. An 18 "kid" (I'd hardly call anyone at that age a kid anymore" gets shot dead with questionable circumstances (did he struggle with the cop? Grab for his gun? who knows) and there are riots. Nothing garners a lick of interest or reaction from people unless its a racial issue anymore.

Callous to say the least. Doesn't matter if its a race issue or not here. Its definitely a culture issue.
Yeah it's a "cultured" culture issue, the sad part is that it has it's beginnings in some basic truths one of which is that black people aren't imagining that being black makes them start life with a strike against them, the tragedy is that everyone has some sort of drawback in their life that bedevils them.
Look at Robin Williams ,most people here would think he had life by the short hairs and could have and do anything to make himself happy ,people loved to be around him,but he didn't think his life was worth another day, so what does he do, he excuses himself from the pain and ends it.

There are enough people of color to have come from the most dire of home-lives and succeeded wildly that the idea that it's impossible or even so difficult to make it that an average not super talented person can't do well is ludicrous, but it's a commonly held belief deeply rooted and has spawned self fulfilling prophecies that sadly some have turned into a vehicle to power and exploited for personal gain and riches .Luminaries of the civil rights movement have become caricatures of their former selves and "gotten theirs" by convincing others that the dream can only be accomplished through abdicating personal power for group identity and re-segregating themselves.

Further it's so much a "vehicle to power " that discussing it treads heavily into politics and some people (way too many) take politics so personally they can't have it discussed without emotion in their presence >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>hence we don't discuss politics here after the first few salvos are loosed we have to shut them down.

I will say this there are things I know about the results of actions taken by people in power that defeat the dreams and ambitions of black people disproportionately, I do know that the self fulfilling prophecies and powers of expectation do effect the treatment of black people when it comes to police,I have seen both sides where a cop will deliberately bend over backwards in order to not have to arrest and inflame a situation and where a black person was suspected just for being black ,there are no ultimate truths here,both sides of that argument are correct and both sides of it are incorrect depending upon the situation.

There are conflicting accounts of what happened in this case both of which are feasible ,I was a friend of Tom Froemsdorf ,some of you may have drivin on I55 near Perryville Mo where a stretch of the road is dedicated to him, he was killed in his patrol car when a young black man freed himself from handcuffs wrestled with him for his gun and killed him. What does that have to do with this? Nothing , except the racial dynamics are the same and so it engenders the possibility to spawn an attitude
that is identical to the one used as an excuse to loot.
We may never know what the truth here is except that someone is not telling it.
For me I'll say this,walking in the middle of the road is an invitation to police to be harangued ,it's an exercise in defiance and illegal ,no one who does it shouldn't see that and it needs to stop,but it won't.
If a cop empties his gun into you and he needed to your Superman or he went over the line.
It is an incredulous turn of events that those two things ended in the death of an 18 year old.


Pro Bowler
Jan 12, 2013
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  • #24
Yeah it's a "cultured" culture issue, the sad part is that it has it's beginnings in some basic truths one of which is that black people aren't imagining that being black makes them start life with a strike against them, the tragedy is that everyone has some sort of drawback in their life that bedevils them.
Look at Robin Williams ,most people here would think he had life by the short hairs and could have and do anything to make himself happy ,people loved to be around him,but he didn't think his life was worth another day, so what does he do, he excuses himself from the pain and ends it.

There are enough people of color to have come from the most dire of home-lives and succeeded wildly that the idea that it's impossible or even so difficult to make it that an average not super talented person can't do well is ludicrous, but it's a commonly held belief deeply rooted and has spawned self fulfilling prophecies that sadly some have turned into a vehicle to power and exploited for personal gain and riches .Luminaries of the civil rights movement have become caricatures of their former selves and "gotten theirs" by convincing others that the dream can only be accomplished through abdicating personal power for group identity and re-segregating themselves.

Further it's so much a "vehicle to power " that discussing it treads heavily into politics and some people (way too many) take politics so personally they can't have it discussed without emotion in their presence >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>hence we don't discuss politics here after the first few salvos are loosed we have to shut them down.

I will say this there are things I know about the results of actions taken by people in power that defeat the dreams and ambitions of black people disproportionately, I do know that the self fulfilling prophecies and powers of expectation do effect the treatment of black people when it comes to police,I have seen both sides where a cop will deliberately bend over backwards in order to not have to arrest and inflame a situation and where a black person was suspected just for being black ,there are no ultimate truths here,both sides of that argument are correct and both sides of it are incorrect depending upon the situation.

There are conflicting accounts of what happened in this case both of which are feasible ,I was a friend of Tom Froemsdorf ,some of you may have drivin on I55 near Perryville Mo where a stretch of the road is dedicated to him, he was killed in his patrol car when a young black man freed himself from handcuffs wrestled with him for his gun and killed him. What does that have to do with this? Nothing , except the racial dynamics are the same and so it engenders the possibility to spawn an attitude
that is identical to the one used as an excuse to loot.
We may never know what the truth here is except that someone is not telling it.
For me I'll say this,walking in the middle of the road is an invitation to police to be harangued ,it's an exercise in defiance and illegal ,no one who does it shouldn't see that and it needs to stop,but it won't.
If a cop empties his gun into you and he needed to your Superman or he went over the line.
It is an incredulous turn of events that those two things ended in the death of an 18 year old.

Perryville Missouri I been there sir.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Perryville Missouri I been there sir.
Just outside P-ville a high school friend State Trooper ,got the name wrong it was Jim Froemsdorf ,there is a Tom Froemsdof I know as well anyway a guy named Mallet killed him in his car fighting over Jims gun.
Mallet has since been executed .


Pro Bowler
Jan 12, 2013
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  • #26
Just outside P-ville a high school friend State Trooper ,got the name wrong it was Jim Froemsdorf ,there is a Tom Froemsdof I know as well anyway a guy named Mallet killed him in his car fighting over Jims gun.
Mallet has since been executed .

Sorry about that. Man that is horrible.



May 28, 2011
This entire thing is one of the most retarded fucking thing I've seen in a while, and both sides are just as stupid.


In typical cop fashion making a volatile situation even more toxic.

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Hall of Fame
Jan 11, 2013
Where was the public rioting, and looting over this tragic RACE crime? 23 year old SLU Volleyball player slain in Central West End over a cell phone?


Didn't see the "Rev. Sharpton" here to show his support for this victim and her family!!!!!

Why has Sharpton refused an open invitation to come on the air with one of the more popular radio stations in the area? Because their audience is predominantly WHITE?


Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013
View attachment 2640 this is a picture posted on Facebook, of the "innocent" victim!

"Why is it just talk of the Gentle Giant? News is supposed to be unbiased and fair. If you are why aren't you showing this photo of Micheal with the gun and Dorian Johnson in the background?"

Coach, reverse google image reveals that this picture is not of Mike Brown...it's of a teen who killed a woman in oregon in 2013.


For everyone: Don't fall for the race baiting. Do your own research, you can't trust anyone in these sorts of stories.


Hall of Fame
Jul 19, 2013
Folks like Sharpton are the haves in their community and won't deal with intelligent conversation as he's afraid to be shown up! I'm afraid that if the violence continues, there will be a backlash from the rednecks that live nearby! Too many of them with guns and their own agenda!


Where was the public rioting, and looting over this tragic RACE crime? 23 year old SLU Volleyball player slain in Central West End over a cell phone?


Didn't see the "Rev. Sharpton" here to show his support for this victim and her family!!!!!

Why has Sharpton refused an open invitation to come on the air with one of the more popular radio stations in the area? Because their audience is predominantly WHITE?

I am more concerned about police shooting tear gas at a group of reporters..


Hall of Fame
Sep 17, 2013
I just want to say, to all the Saint Louisian posters here, be careful. It's dangerous out there.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
The response by those few people in Ferguson is equally wrong, if there was something wrong to begin with.

Last I heard the courts decided those things.