Had one the other night. I was chasing around a big black spider that had hairy red and black legs. Now by big I'm talking about 3 ft across the legs and the legs were about as big around as my dog's legs. I am not an arachnophobe but I hate spiders - especially after having a particularly nasty spider bite a couple years back that made a hole in my back that lasted about 9 months. For some reason, I was chasing this spider around, and it would just disappear into dark recesses of my restaurant. Of course the lights were out because in dreamland, I am apparently too stupid to flick a switch, and even though I have a carry piece, I didn't apparently have it on me that night. So basically I'm hunting a dog sized spider and doing every dumb ass thing you see the idiots doing in horror flicks. You know - the idiot whose head is soon to be rolling along the ground or have a hatchet stuck in his forehead. Yep - in my dream, I'm the expendable extra. If I was a chick, I'm sure I'd have been naked. Anyway, as I'm looking into this dark cabinet (that doesn't exist in my restaurant BTW) my freaking dog jumps on my chest and wakes me up. Just about pissed myself.