Not at all.
As someone brought up in another thread, we're seeing FAR fewer crowd induced yellow flags.
Even the most stalwart ref is gonna be influenced by the crowd. They may stick with a close call (right or wrong), but then give that all too familiar "make up call" which I hate with the fire of a thousand suns.
It's also remove some of the home field advantage that doesn't have shit to do with the home team's familiarity with the venue or the benefit of sleeping in their own beds... no "oops, headset doesn't work" crowds making it so that teams can't communicate.
Teams have to win based on skill, talent, planning, availability, and execution... with a smidge of luck as is usual.
I kinda like that crowds aren't influencing the outcome.
Doesn't mean I don't want to see people in the stands, but I really hope that the league sees how this season is officiated and takes note.
Fewer home field calls means more consistent officiating and if you look, that means different teams are rising. Cleveland always seemed snake bit...funny, they aren't getting crushed by those inopportune penalties like in the past. I mean, they are playing better, but it's not like a few calls couldn't have affected their season.
Teams like Miami can jump all over the 9ers and blow them out (even though the ball placement for every down was off by nearly a yard in favor of the 9ers, which is a scandal because in a close game, that swings it). How many times in years past have we seen a media darling look like they were getting blown out and then their opponent suddenly becomes "undisciplined" and the media darling is able to take advantage of all those extra chances? Too many.
I dunno. Just seems like this year the officiating of the NFL is less like the NBA and I'll take that every day of the week.