Covid 19 thread

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Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
so..what do you guys think I should do with my business..have 2 guys working for me, one just started yesterday, the other is my nephew. We generally work side by side with 1 guy on the ground cutting siding etc.

Have about 2 weeks left on the current job. Should I shut down now or wait until the word comes down from the government?


Hall of Fame
Aug 4, 2014
Yup...never realized you are in RI tho

Wife works at The Ocean Mist and she got laid off today

I will keep working until I finish the siding job I am on now, then see what is going on.
I live in Providence, grew up in SK. I've had some good times at the Ocean Mist.

Sorry about your wife, hopefully this doesn't last longer than a few weeks. There's going to be a lot of people out of work and probably some businesses will have to close permanently.


Jun 11, 2013
I bought Dying Light to play through during this quarantine. The moods already set, should be hella immersive right now haha Prep complete



Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
So out of caution, I'm wiping everything down that may have been touched or handled in our bar/restaurant. Cashed a couple people out in the process :ROFLMAO: oopsie! Oh well. They are being good sports about it and it's a really small inconvenience.

I agree that there is some info we may not be privy to but it's just a hunch.

In the mean time it's a simple thing to do to just use any means at your disposal to take a few extra steps.

If nothing else, I hope the precautions will flatten out the spread and we can more quickly get back to normal. I'm still going to be more of a hardass on regular while downs of gaming equipment, pool cues, handles, etc. Some good can always come out of things like this.
How bad is the shutdown going to be for you guys?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
I think a lot of this has been blow out of proportions in this country for nefarious reasons. That said I really hope each and every one of you is safe and healthy and all of yours are as well. Keep safe and keep healthy we'll get thru this.


Fifty-four Forty or Fight
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 16, 2013
I think a lot of this has been blow out of proportions in this country for nefarious reasons. That said I really hope each and every one of you is safe and healthy and all of yours are as well. Keep safe and keep healthy we'll get thru this.

Again I'm not one to overreact, however, what is going on in other countries is alarming especially Italy...I'm might feel a tad more safe, if my job allowed me the ability to stay at home, but NYS feels it's still essential, so that adds into my concern.

Tom Brokaw's book about "The Greatest Generation." encapsulated the generation that lived through the great depression and World War II, but our Generation has been through quite a bit as well as I echo @OldSchool sentiments, we will get thru this and hopefully learn from this, so it never happens again.


I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
gain I'm not one to overreact, however, what is going on in other countries is alarming especially Italy

I wouldn't put too much stock in what is happening in Italy. They didn't cut off travel from China until it was way too late, and the whole thing erupted in a section of Italy that has a lot of close ties with China and thus a lot of people coming in from there. Add to the fact that it's common for Italians to greet each other with a kiss on the cheek, and that the mayor of one of those cities had a "hug a Chinese" day after the outbreak so that they could virtue signal their tolerance. And then add that the last time the Italian peninsula had a truly functional government was when Marcus Aurelius was the Emperor of Rome, and it's no surprise that the have been hit so hard.

Not to get into the politics of things, but cutting off travel from China on January 31st by our government was a great move and blunted the impact of the virus over here compared to Italy's fueling of the same.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
I have to drive to Austin today to close a deal for my brand in China and South Korea of all places. It’s a huge deal so I am gonna risk driving from SB to Austin today with my wife and two dogs. That is more frightening than the coronavirus. I figure I will stop in Demings NM or as far east as I can get in AZ. I figure nobody wants to be in Demings - not even a virus.

Getting out of California for the week doesn’t sound all that bad to me!!!!


May 28, 2011
I wouldn't put too much stock in what is happening in Italy. They didn't cut off travel from China until it was way too late, and the whole thing erupted in a section of Italy that has a lot of close ties with China and thus a lot of people coming in from there. Add to the fact that it's common for Italians to greet each other with a kiss on the cheek, and that the mayor of one of those cities had a "hug a Chinese" day after the outbreak so that they could virtue signal their tolerance. And then add that the last time the Italian peninsula had a truly functional government was when Marcus Aurelius was the Emperor of Rome, and it's no surprise that the have been hit so hard.

Not to get into the politics of things, but cutting off travel from China on January 31st by our government was a great move and blunted the impact of the virus over here compared to Italy's fueling of the same.

Cutting off travel to a few countries doesn’t solve the issue, especially when the disease has already made it to the states and taken hold.

I would also say our governments response, especially the federal government has been serverely lacking. From downplaying then seriousness of it, to what they’re focused on in terms of how to stop it and help out the American people, to people who are being tasked with working on things who have no idea what they’re doing. A competent government would have already gotten relief packages and testing materials sorted out. We’re far behind the curve and that’s the likely reason we’re likely going to see cases spike soon. We’re just now getting widespread testing set up, we had a heads up months ago.

I’m not trying to start any panic or anything, and chances are that most will recover still, but this is serious and too many Americans aren’t taking it as such. Too many people are playing politics over this, our government being one of the worst of the offenders. Politicians tweeting out photos of themselves at restaurants, telling others to get out and do the same, it’s incredibly irresponsible and will likely lead to more infections than if they all took is seriously from the start.

Seeing a city grind to a halt as we are now, while a bunch of fucking dip shits are coming into campus to “check it out“ despite us telling them we don’t advise it is more than enough proof to me that we’re going to get hit hard by this. Those people are directly behind part of the reasoning we’re likely to move to total campus shutdown and quarantine up here, because they just can’t help themselves.


I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
Cutting off travel to a few countries doesn’t solve the issue, especially when the disease has already made it to the states and taken hold.

Didn't say it solved the issue, but it seriously mitigated it. China was the epicenter of the pandemic at the time we cut travel off, and we (the U.S.) were receiving 10,000 travelers per day from them. From January 31st to now, that number has been a big fat 0.

Italy let travel from China continue well after the outbreak started over there, while the U.S. was one of the first countries to cut off China travel. The difference in the numbers shows.

Our government's response hasn't been perfect, but given the charts below, I'm pretty happy where we're at.



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