I like the breakdowns, and I appreciate how objective people are being about what they're seeing, but I have a couple of thoughts about still photos being used as a tool for evaluation of QBs.
1. In a still photo, you get the following benefits.
__ a. 2 hours to stare at progressions as opposed to 3 to 4 seconds
__ b. aerial shots of throwing lanes as opposed to what may or may not be there at eye level.
__ c. aerial shots of pressure as opposed to actually being pressured.
__ d. no internal clock.
__ 3. no game speed. In fact, no speed at all.
2. I challenge anyone to pick any game at random and find 4 missed opportunities (you can)
I think we're all aware that Sam has some work to do, and he isn't a finished product yet. And this is no excuse, but I cannot WAIT until he has a few of the same receivers on the same page as he is. I think it'll happen by mid-season, and it'll be at that time that we separate the wheat from the chaff as far as who the guys are that he has the most trust with (preposition ending sentence notwithstanding).
Good stuff, guys. And let's try not to view these things as undue criticism, everyone else. Nobody is saying that Sam isn't a good QB. He's clearly getting better, so that means his ceiling is still a ways off in the distance. It's all good.