Coach's Tape - Austin Davis Struggled

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
I have done this for Bradford in the past and I've found that some like it, some don't. Regardless, I'm going to give you my opinion and break things down to the best of my abilities. You don't have to agree with my conclusions, please, just keep it respectful. I had expressed the opinion that I believed San Francisco's defense had not played all that well against us and that I felt Austin Davis had just really struggled but that I would check to see if it could be confirmed on Coach's Film. I did just that and unfortunately, it was confirmed.(in my mind)

Here's some examples with commentary:

This is first and 10 just outside the 20 on a drive that ultimately ends in a FG. A completion here is important because it sets us up with manageable 2nd and 3rd downs. On this play, Austin Davis has a choice to make. The linebacker circled is more or less the guy he's going to read. If the LB crashes down on the drag route with Kendricks, Davis should throw it to Cook down the seam inside of the safety. If the linebacker drops underneath Cook, Davis should hit Kendricks with the cross for a solid gain. Unfortunately, Davis takes too long to make his decision. If he's going to hit Kendricks, the ball needs to be out now. If he's going to hit Cook, he can take his hitch step(which he does) and throw it down the seam. Instead, he takes his hitch step and tries to throw to Kendricks. It's late and the defender is able to defend the pass.



This is the same drive as the first picture but it is now 3rd down and 10. Brian Schottenheimer calls up a brilliant play. They may or many not have flagged us for OPI...that's up in the air but Stedman Bailey(IIRC) is wide open over the middle because the 49ers brought the house. Davis, though, panics and runs himself right into pressure. The free blitzer was coming off the right side. Cunningham actually does a great job of picking up the blitzer on the left side. Davis has the time to stand tall in the pocket and hit a wide open Bailey over the middle. Instead, he flushes out of the pocket too early and is forced to throw the ball away. This is what you have to do to stop teams from blitzing. You stand tall and deliver the pass over the middle to the open WR. If you bail on the pocket, they're going to keep coming.


This is the interception that Davis threw that led to the 49ers TD. Here's the frustrating thing, Britt was WIDE OPEN the entire time. He ran a crossing route from the opposite side of the field and nobody covered him. Davis locked onto Austin and never looked Britt's way. But even getting past that, he still could have completed the pass. Here's the issue, he has to throw the ball now if he is going to throw the comeback route here. Austin is making his break and Bethea isn't in position to undercut it. However, Davis holds the ball far too long, Bethea drops back to undercut the route and Davis throws it right to him.


Davis's second interception of the day. Kenny Britt is behind the defender. Davis actually does a great job of escaping the pressure on this play and extending the play. Unfortunately, he makes the right read but throws a duck. The ball comes up 5-7 yards short of Britt and ends up right in the DB's hands. Britt scores easily if Davis gets the ball there on this pass.


This is probably my most questionable play in that it's a tad nitpicky. As you see here, Kenny Britt has gotten behind the CB and Davis actually has a nice pocket to work in. The safety is playing Britt so Davis is going to have to throw this ball towards the sideline or else there's a risk that Bethea can make a play on it. Still, I think it's a risk he should have taken. I wonder if the two earlier interceptions made him a bit gun shy. Instead, Davis tries to take off and runs himself into a sack(this was a 3rd down play).


Here's another third down play(3rd and 11) that did not get completed. Davis does a nice job of escaping the blitz which gets sealed inside by the OL. However, he's completely indecisive once he gets out of the pocket. He has a choice here, he can either hit Britt down the field(Britt will work his way back to the ball) or he can drop it off short to Cook and see if Cook can pick up the first with YAC. I would have dropped it off to Cook because it's a safer play and I think Cook can get to the first on this play. However, Davis inexplicably doesn't pull the trigger on either one. Instead, he holds onto the ball until he is forced to throw it away.


Here's my final play and the Rams final offensive play of the game(not counting the kneel down). It's 3rd down again. This time, the 49ers bring heavy blitz off the right side of the OL but they also fall for our play-action. Kendricks is left completely uncovered and the 49ers have nobody back to stop him from scoring. However, Davis panics when he sees the blitz and does the worst thing possible. He rolls right into the blitz. He has 3 blockers to pick up the 3 blitzers on that side of the OL. If he stays where he is, he has ample time to get the ball to Kendricks. Or if he's worried, he can slide to his right and the OL will have enough blockers to account for the blitzers. I don't know if he misread it or what but instead, he flushes out of the pocket to his right which is exactly where the blitzers are going. He is forced to throw it away.

Don't take this as meaning Davis didn't do anything well in this game. He simply made a lot of mistakes. The 49ers defense made some huge mistakes in this game and Davis just didn't capitalize on them well. I'm really concerned at his tendency to panic and flush when blitzed. The 49ers gave us multiple opportunities to punish them on blitzes and Davis just didn't do an effective job of capitalizing.


Sep 7, 2011
Well, I just posted Mike Franke's observations in the RamView thread and although he agrees that Davis struggled, he also lays plenty of blame elsewhere -- some of it (quite a lot, actually) in GRob's court.

So, I guess different people have seen slightly different things.


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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
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Also, I'd like to note that as much heat as Schotty gets, this game wasn't on him imo. We had a lot of chances to score and simply didn't execute despite good play-calls.


May 19, 2014
Wow. What is GRob doing in that last screen capture? He's turned completely around the wrong way.

Anyway, height is probably becoming a factor and Davis probably needs to manipulate the pocket better to see his WRs.

But, all those mistakes are still pretty much typical of a rookie, which he really is. Not much you can do but just hope these things improve.

What I did like better this time, was we actually saw him step up and run forward for positive yards. He has legs. He is mobile. He needs to utilize them more. And honestly, I think it'd help out his passing game if he ran the ball when the lanes open up for him.

But for the love of god, dude needs to go to the Aaron Rodgers/Russell Wilson school of learning how to slide.


Jan 21, 2013
Wow. What is GRob doing in that last screen capture? He's turned completely around the wrong way.
It was a play action pass with a rollout to the right, GRob's job was to seal off the defender on that play, he was relatively in position, the defender was not a factor. It was actually Barksdale getting blown up that caused Davis to panic on that play, Barksdale has struggled the past few weeks actually.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Sep 7, 2010
I think the most important thing Davis can do is treasure possession more and not allow unnecessary turnovers like he has committed in recent weeks. It's pretty clear that Davis is losing his composure in most situations and it effects his judgement.


"Rams next Superbowl is 2023 season." - (Oct 2022)
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Camp Reporter
Dec 10, 2013
Those screen shots are really nice to see. Thanks for providing them. They confirm what I have feared about Davis, that he really doesn't have what it takes to be an above average #1 QB. I WISH he did. I like him as a person and I'm rooting form him to get better. But he's not progressing week to week, even on the little things. He's making the same mistakes. That does not inspire my confidence. We need a different #1 QB next year and for the life of me I have no idea who it's going to be.


Jan 21, 2013
Also, I'd like to note that as much heat as Schotty gets, this game wasn't on him imo. We had a lot of chances to score and simply didn't execute despite good play-calls.
Schotty's been calling good games all year, imo. I even like the plays he's called to Tavon even though none of them have worked out so far. I think Davis has done as well as any young UDFA with his skillset could do, but it's scary to think about what this offense could've been with Bradford at the helm..


Hall of Fame
Jun 25, 2014
I still don't see what he's doing that isn't common among young QBs. There are highly touted QBs who are considered franchise players who do these things every week. Namely Mr Kapernick. I don't think I've seen this much worry about a QB going into his 9th game before. If Fisher decides that he's not improving, then we will see Hill.


Jan 13, 2013
Can't argue Davis made bad reads and bad throws. Bad game for him overall. But Even the best QB's have games like this....sometimes back to back.

The question really comes down to "Can Davis Learn from his mistakes and maximize his talents to become a good or great NFL QB?"

I think the Answer is Yes and only time will tell. I really think the early interceptions contributed to his indecisiveness.

Davis needs to get back to quick drop ...quick read.... quick throw.


Hall of Fame
Oct 28, 2012
Great work Jrry32! Your contributions to this board make this place enjoyable. (y)

The game doesn't appear to be slowing down for AD. I'm not sure if that's b/c he's got a lower ceiling than I originally thought or because he's gotten his bell rung a few times.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
The analysis is great, and accurate. But I am not worried. I think the kid outgrows all of his faults.


Hall of Fame
Oct 28, 2012
The analysis is great, and accurate. But I am not worried. I think the kid outgrows all of his faults.

That's pretty optimistic Stranger. Those picks he threw were bad. Really bad.

But he's young and totally out of his depth (in terms of practice reps, NFL strength training, etc).

Not sure how many "second chances" he's going to get based on his current body of work.

We'll end up drafting a first round QB and that will be that. He's a gunslinger that doesn't look good in shorts. The likes of Bradford and an additional highly drafted QB are pretty show ponies that will displace AD on the roster.

AD will not be given time to develop.

(too tired to form complete thoughts... but you get the drift). ;)


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
That's pretty optimistic Stranger. Those picks he threw were bad. Really bad.

But he's young and totally out of his depth (in terms of practice reps, NFL strength training, etc).

Not sure how many "second chances" he's going to get based on his current body of work.

We'll end up drafting a first round QB and that will be that. He's a gunslinger that doesn't look good in shorts. The likes of Bradford and an additional highly drafted QB are pretty show ponies that will displace AD on the roster.

AD will not be given time to develop.

(too tired to form complete thoughts... but you get the drift). ;)
Hey, I'm certainly not going to debate the logic. I think the points are all strongly supportable.

But you can just say that I gotta feeling. I know, that's not supposed to be a strong backbone for a position, especially for someone who's spent his whole life in the physical sciences. But the older I get, the more I've learned to trust my gut. And my gut still tells me AD will be competing with SB for the starting role at the beginning of next season, and that AD will probably get the starting gig until everyone is confident that SB is 100%.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Good analysis jrry .good prelude ,but I think if you did an analysis of Kaep. you'd come to some pretty similar conclusions and he nearly won a Super Bowl, QB's under pressure beyond their comfort level play that way at times , but look how many more starts Kaep has , I'm not going to dig my heals in either way on Davis ,I don't think any of us need to at this point Fisher has said he's getting all the starts and right now we aren't mathematically out of it ,especially if the shape of the defense to come is what we saw Sunday,we can beat anyone with all our DB's healthy and that sort of front 7 play no matter who we play at QB.
All the QB's people are suggesting are well and good and will be there at seasons end ,for now ,I'm hoping the kid evolves into what the coaches need from the position and whatever choices they make bring us championships.
I may be as off base as a muhfuka here but when I watch Payton Manning I don't see a stronger arm than Davis has ,so I know ( OK I think) if he makes the right decisions Davis can take this offense to a high level with the tools he has ( certainly his escape-ability counts for something as well).
In short since I don't have to make up my mind now ,I'll wait and urge others to be patient and do the same ,but as usual ,I honor your hard work,a true asset to the board.


Hall of Fame
Aug 4, 2014
From what I've seen in most games this season, Davis doesn't plant his feet on most throws. It could be a reason as to why he has no "zip" on his throws. Had he planted his feet on that 2nd Int, it would've gotten to Britt.

Britt was open a lot, and getting behind coverage on the deep ball. He could be having a great year for us. I say resign him and get a QB to throw it to him.


Hall of Fame
Jul 5, 2013
The interception on the attempt to Austin with a wide open Britt was the play that really got me.


Super Bowl XXXVI was rigged!
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 23, 2012
Nice work @jrry32 . Enjoyed the read and concur with your assessment. I also agree with @Thordaddy , I think Davis can grow into all we need to win this year if the D continues to grow and play well. Next year, I just want to see Sam back under center with this offense and some new talent on the OL.