Chile's 6-Inch-Skeleton Might Be The First Evidence Of Aliens On Earth, Scientists Research

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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude

A new documentary on UFOs featured a bizarre six-inches-long skeleton that was found covered in a pouch in a Ghost town in the Atacama Desert of Chile in 2003. And the scientists began resolving this new mystery. It has been more than ten years already, and there are no clear outcomes to the studies that have been going on. Till today, the discovery has created a big confusion that whether specimen belongs to a fetus or an evidence of some mysterious creature that does not belong to the Earth.


It was one of the mysterious and bizarre discoveries on the Earth that is suspected to a sign of an Alien life. The research over this tiny skeleton began more than 10 years ago and yet it is not confirmed, what this weird human-like skeleton belongs to? Is it a mummified fetus or deformed child. This type of creature has never been seen on the Earth and so, the skeleton is suspected to be that of an alien.

The specimen is probably a few decades old.

It was first assumed that the specimen was thousands of years old, and as the Atacama Desert is one of the driest spots on the planet, it could have preserved for ages. But the prediction went wrong after further studies. "The DNA was modern, abandoned, and high quality" which reveal that the skeleton is not that ancient.

It was discovered in a pouch in a Ghost Town in the Atacama Desert, Chile

There are several apparent abnormalities in this tiny skeleton which made it difficult for researchers to get any clue of it. Ten years of studies did not reveal any firm evidence that could give an indication of it's origin.

Most of its structure is alike a human being but not exactly.

The x-rays of a fetus and that of the skeleton show the remarkable differences. It is smaller than even a human baby. After deep studies over this x-ray, scientists came with the clue that, this tiny skeleton can belong to someone who is 6 to 8 years old. OMG! It is again one more bizarre prediction came into light.

A DNA sample from bone marrow extracted from the specimen and was studied by scientists at a famous American university.

The specimen was acquired by the Disclosure Project and has been under investigation by researchers at Stanford University.

The results of the studies of the skeleton reveal that there are huge chances of it being a human, but the large head and less number of ribs is creating the confusion. There is no such other creature ever found on the Earth and so it is suspected to be an alien.

This hole in the head is made while taking samples for testing.

Some experts also reveal a shocking fact about the skeleton.

They said that abortions in the region were often carried out using an unknown mixture of herbs and the deformation might just be because of the same reason.

Scientists are on their way to find the explainations of this discovery.


Pro Bowler
Jun 19, 2014
I'm pro there being extraterrestrials. I don't buy into conspiracy theories but aliens visiting earth would be awesome.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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I'm pro there being extraterrestrials. I don't buy into conspiracy theories but aliens visiting earth would be awesome.
I believe too, but I don't know how awesome it would be.
Michio Kaku said (and I agree) that they likely wouldn't come here to make friends.
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Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Mummified fetus? Fetuses don't have defined bone structure.

Deformed child? It looks perfectly normal to me. Usually a deformity is reflected in bone structure.

I say its one of those souvenirs that are sold on roadside stalls. Unless of course, aliens.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

What’s The Real Deal About The Atacama "Alien"?
July 17, 2014 | by Lisa Winter


photo credit: YouTube screen shot, via Sirius Disclosure

Researchers made a mysterious discovery in Chile’s Atacama Desert in 2003. This tiny skeleton looked human, but had many features that left scientists scratching their heads. When the images hit the internet, many people assumed the only explanation could be aliens. Thankfully, more reasonable heads prevailed and the remains were subjected to a battery of forensic testing in order to identify how this anomalous skeleton, nicknamed Ata, came to be.

So what made this specimen so peculiar? For starters, the skeleton was only 15 centimeters (6 inches) long. Many initially speculated that the remains were from a premature birth or miscarried fetus, though others disregarded the whole thing as a hoax.

Ata’s size isn’t the only thing that perplexed researchers; a host of physical deformities did not make it entirely clear if the skeleton is human or a non-human primate. Humans have 12 ribs, but this individual only had 10. The skull indicated the organism could have had turricephaly, which gives the head a cone-shaped appearance (which really didn’t help dissuade people from thinking Ata was an alien). Additional deformity of the face and jaw made the head look squished, giving it an appearance that was even further away from a typical human.

The skeleton remained in a private collection until 2009, when it had been brought to a symposium in Barcelona. In the fall of 2012, scientists were given an opportunity to study Ata via x-rays, CAT scans, and genetic sampling. Imaging showed that the chest cavity still had the remains of lungs and a heart inside. The Atacama Desert is one of the most arid regions on the planet, and would allow biological material to preserve incredibly well.

The preliminary genetic results do indicate the skeleton is definitely of human origin, but about 9% of the DNA tested did not match the human genome reference. While 9% sounds like a huge discrepancy, it just refers to the sequence portions used for reference, not the entire genome. These results are well within the expected parameters for contamination and degradation of the DNA after spending so long exposed to the elements. The preliminary results of the mitochondrial DNA were consistent with a haplotype found in Chile, meaning Ata’s mother was local to the area where the remains were found.

One of the most amazing discoveries from the analysis was that Ata was not a fetus. There were mature teeth present in the mouth and the bones were well-developed, with the leg bones showing growth plates that one would expect to see in a 6-8 year old child. While the testing did provide answers, it also raised many more questions. How could a 6 year old child only be 6 inches long?

There are a few possibilities to explain this:

Dwarfism: It is possible that Ata was the afflicted with an extreme case of dwarfism, though the smallest person ever confirmed was 54.6 cm (21.5 in) tall. Also, no genetic indicators of dwarfism have been identified yet.

Progeria: Ata could be a fetus that suffered from an extreme form of progeria, which brings about symptoms of aging very early in life. However, there aren’t any genetic indicators of that disease yet, either.

Mummification: It is possible that the genotype and phenotype aren’t matching up because there weren’t any genetic anomalies. Ata may have been stillborn or miscarried and then subjected to badly-performed desiccation or mummification, causing the bones to take on such an odd appearance. But, this explanation can’t account for the two missing ribs or growth plates within the bones.

While we do know that Ata was human and most definitely not an extraterrestrial (no matter what the “documentary” Sirius has to say), that’s about the extent of what can be said for sure. More thorough genetic testing is still ongoing and researchers are trying to reconcile the base pairs that did not match up with the human reference. The only information that has been released so far has been preliminary, though the researchers have pledged that further results will go through the appropriate peer-review channels and be published in an accredited scientific journal.
Or it could be:



Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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What’s The Real Deal About The Atacama "Alien"?
July 17, 2014 | by Lisa Winter


photo credit: YouTube screen shot, via Sirius Disclosure

Researchers made a mysterious discovery in Chile’s Atacama Desert in 2003. This tiny skeleton looked human, but had many features that left scientists scratching their heads. When the images hit the internet, many people assumed the only explanation could be aliens. Thankfully, more reasonable heads prevailed and the remains were subjected to a battery of forensic testing in order to identify how this anomalous skeleton, nicknamed Ata, came to be.

So what made this specimen so peculiar? For starters, the skeleton was only 15 centimeters (6 inches) long. Many initially speculated that the remains were from a premature birth or miscarried fetus, though others disregarded the whole thing as a hoax.

Ata’s size isn’t the only thing that perplexed researchers; a host of physical deformities did not make it entirely clear if the skeleton is human or a non-human primate. Humans have 12 ribs, but this individual only had 10. The skull indicated the organism could have had turricephaly, which gives the head a cone-shaped appearance (which really didn’t help dissuade people from thinking Ata was an alien). Additional deformity of the face and jaw made the head look squished, giving it an appearance that was even further away from a typical human.

The skeleton remained in a private collection until 2009, when it had been brought to a symposium in Barcelona. In the fall of 2012, scientists were given an opportunity to study Ata via x-rays, CAT scans, and genetic sampling. Imaging showed that the chest cavity still had the remains of lungs and a heart inside. The Atacama Desert is one of the most arid regions on the planet, and would allow biological material to preserve incredibly well.

The preliminary genetic results do indicate the skeleton is definitely of human origin, but about 9% of the DNA tested did not match the human genome reference. While 9% sounds like a huge discrepancy, it just refers to the sequence portions used for reference, not the entire genome. These results are well within the expected parameters for contamination and degradation of the DNA after spending so long exposed to the elements. The preliminary results of the mitochondrial DNA were consistent with a haplotype found in Chile, meaning Ata’s mother was local to the area where the remains were found.

One of the most amazing discoveries from the analysis was that Ata was not a fetus. There were mature teeth present in the mouth and the bones were well-developed, with the leg bones showing growth plates that one would expect to see in a 6-8 year old child. While the testing did provide answers, it also raised many more questions. How could a 6 year old child only be 6 inches long?

There are a few possibilities to explain this:

Dwarfism: It is possible that Ata was the afflicted with an extreme case of dwarfism, though the smallest person ever confirmed was 54.6 cm (21.5 in) tall. Also, no genetic indicators of dwarfism have been identified yet.

Progeria: Ata could be a fetus that suffered from an extreme form of progeria, which brings about symptoms of aging very early in life. However, there aren’t any genetic indicators of that disease yet, either.

Mummification: It is possible that the genotype and phenotype aren’t matching up because there weren’t any genetic anomalies. Ata may have been stillborn or miscarried and then subjected to badly-performed desiccation or mummification, causing the bones to take on such an odd appearance. But, this explanation can’t account for the two missing ribs or growth plates within the bones.

While we do know that Ata was human and most definitely not an extraterrestrial (no matter what the “documentary” Sirius has to say), that’s about the extent of what can be said for sure. More thorough genetic testing is still ongoing and researchers are trying to reconcile the base pairs that did not match up with the human reference. The only information that has been released so far has been preliminary, though the researchers have pledged that further results will go through the appropriate peer-review channels and be published in an accredited scientific journal.
Or it could be:

So why isn't anyone raising the notion that maybe this is an alien/human offspring? Too many unanswered questions for me. Like the lack of ribs, the growth and development, the fact that no dwarf could ever be 6 inches tall, the shape of the cranium, etc. I know it sounds way too far-fetched, but I'll never be of the opinion that we're alone in this incredibly vast universe.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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I don't think they'd decide to take over our planet or do random probings
Well, think about it. We're kind of a primitive world and we only want to conquer everything. Why wouldn't an advanced race want to conquer worlds, or simply get us out of the way in their pursuit of resources?

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
The Annunaki,,, according to the Sumerians,,, loved them some human women. They were said to have created many hybrids because of this. Those hybrids were not tiny though... they were giants.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
The Annunaki,,, according to the Sumerians,,, loved them some human women. They were said to have created many hybrids because of this. Those hybrids were not tiny though... they were giants.

This is alluded to in Genesis 6:1-4.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
Sorry but it is impossible for mankind to ever be in touch, or have been in touch, or will be touched by extraterrestrial life forms
The math is just against it
We as humans are a speck on the map of time and for there to be not only intelligent life but super sophisticated intelligent life with the keys to the universe connecting with us on out tiny planet in some non-descript universe, and for them to somehow be in existence with that kind of intelligence at exactly the same time we has humans come into existence (which is just a blip) to a time where we could actually engage them with technology instead if cave drawings is statistically impossible
There is crazy shot out there but it's of the Earth and not from space
- I mean they find a small skeleton, it is weird but there is no evidence that it's from space - on the contrary it was found on Earth, so wtf


Hall of Fame
Sep 29, 2013
I believe too, but I don't know how awesome it would be.
Michio Kaku said (and I agree) that they likely would come here to make friends.

Steven Hawking said they'd probably destroy us. Who knows. Either way because its an unknown its a risk. After all, what could we as a species possibly give or teach such an advanced civilization? If they want anything off us (including our labor, our fertility or the atoms in our bodies for energy) they could just take it. The point he made was any time in history a more advanced civilization has met a less advanced one, its tended not to end up too well for the less advanced one - even if they went there with friendly intentions.

The skeleton - this has been around for a while. Inconclusive isn't it. I would say, if Aliens were coming here and burying their tiny dead fetus' why haven't we found more of them? Just one? Seems a bit odd. If we find another I'll be interested. The more likely scenario is surely its a deformed human fetus, possibly made using some weird local drugs that they've been using for abortions, or a hoax?


Jan 15, 2013
The Annunaki,,, according to the Sumerians,,, loved them some human women. They were said to have created many hybrids because of this. Those hybrids were not tiny though... they were giants.
What would Riley Martin have to say about all of this....?


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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Steven Hawking said they'd probably destroy us. Who knows. Either way because its an unknown its a risk. After all, what could we as a species possibly give or teach such an advanced civilization? If they want anything off us (including our labor, our fertility or the atoms in our bodies for energy) they could just take it. The point he made was any time in history a more advanced civilization has met a less advanced one, its tended not to end up too well for the less advanced one - even if they went there with friendly intentions.

The skeleton - this has been around for a while. Inconclusive isn't it. I would say, if Aliens were coming here and burying their tiny dead fetus' why haven't we found more of them? Just one? Seems a bit odd. If we find another I'll be interested. The more likely scenario is surely its a deformed human fetus, possibly made using some weird local drugs that they've been using for abortions, or a hoax?
I didn't even realize I made a typo. I meant to type "they likely WOULDN'T come here to make friends".