Damn I hate the Cheatriots. When this game was 7-7, there were a series of never-ending subtle KEY horrible calls that put the game where the league wanted it, 28-7 Pats. 4th down and you didn't convert? Let's call a ticky-tack hold. A key 3rd down reception by Chargers taken away by a mugging DB? No problem, we'll look the other on that one. Late hit on Rivers? Not wearing Pats jersey. Let's not call that one. A key long run broken by an obvious hold? Blue jersey, keep the flag in my pocket.
I despise Rivers but respect the Chargers, and I feel horrible for them at this point. To see this happening to a team other than the Rams lessens my outrage a bit, but if we have to deal with another SB loss due to this BS, I will never watch another NFL game.