Brush with death experiences

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Jan 15, 2013
Know the place well. Did the same in my youth. Back then you were allowed to build bonfires on that beach. What was the great burger place right across the street from the pier?
All I can think of is Fat Cats.
Don't know if that is the place you're thinking of.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Sadly, I have many but one that still gives me sweats to this day.
A long time ago I was in the corporate dining industry, and at one point had a pretty high level job but made poor decisions and had to leave that job. I took a job in sales for an supplier of industrial cleaning supplies while trying to get back on my feet. A good friend of mine arranged for me to get an interview for a director position for American Express, and I was scheduled to meet some high level executives in their private dining wing.
As fate would have it, I had to do an install for a big corporate client and had to "postpone" my interview.
It was September 11, and the interview was supposed to be in the North Tower


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Sadly, I have many but one that still gives me sweats to this day.
A long time ago I was in the corporate dining industry, and at one point had a pretty high level job but made poor decisions and had to leave that job. I took a job in sales for an supplier of industrial cleaning supplies while trying to get back on my feet. A good friend of mine arranged for me to get an interview for a director position for American Express, and I was scheduled to meet some high level executives in their private dining wing.
As fate would have it, I had to do an install for a big corporate client and had to "postpone" my interview.
It was September 11, and the interview was supposed to be in the North Tower
Wow dude.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
1999 t-boned by a dump truck that ran a red light going 60. Doctors had to split my melon to relieve the swelling in my brain. In a coma of sorts for two days. Good times. Ex-wife divorced me two weeks after the insurance payout (and got half). That was HER near-death experience, though she didn’t know it.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Wow dude.
A guy from my town was on Flight 93, he was the one credited with saying "Lets Roll" as they fought back. Our public library is named after him. Cant believe its been 17 years.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
All I can think of is Fat Cats.
Don't know if that is the place you're thinking of.
Found it. Custom House. Good ole greasy burgers, hand cut fries, and pretty good beer selection.

Unfortunately it looks like they made it into more of a fine dining place with the rebuilding of Avila.

It used to be one of those old creaky plank floor, divey places with a bar and a little kitchen, that cranked out some great burgers. They also had a little outdoor area.

Ate there every time I went to Avila.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
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Should I worry of the fact I’ve enjoyed reading these stories?

Obviously happy they all end well for the most part, but interesting read. Thanks for sharing.


Camp Reporter
Aug 7, 2013
I was a combat engineer in the Army. a munitions and demolition specialist. While stationed at the DMZ in Korea (Camp Stanley and Camp Pelham) we were tasked to disarm and remove anti-tank and anti-personel mines laid down by the Chinese during the Korean war. We also had to blow up unexploded ordanance, (500lb bombs, 155 Howitzer rounds) in place with p-tek and c-4. there were more than a few mishaps, luckily I still have all my body parts. Not everyone in my platoon could say the same.


Jan 15, 2013
Found it. Custom House. Good ole greasy burgers, hand cut fries, and pretty good beer selection.

Unfortunately it looks like they made it into more of a fine dining place with the rebuilding of Avila.

It used to be one of those old creaky plank floor, divey places with a bar and a little kitchen, that cranked out some great burgers. They also had a little outdoor area.

Ate there every time I went to Avila.
Couldn't remember the name of it.
Fat Cats is more by the other side of Avila.
Charter House was a good hang over breakfast place.
I worked out at the golf course at Avila when I was in high school for a bit.
Worked at the bar and grill cooking bar food even though I didn't have much of an idea of what I was doing.
There was a bar tender there who seemed anxious to be my Mrs Robinson and would sneak me drinks even though I just got my drivers lic. Haha. Good old days.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Should I worry of the fact I’ve enjoyed reading these stories?

Obviously happy they all end well for the most part, but interesting read. Thanks for sharing.
This thread screams of gratitude, and I am enjoying every drop of it in each story.
So thank you for it.
I know for me, it is very therapeutic to talk about it


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
A guy from my town was on Flight 93, he was the one credited with saying "Lets Roll" as they fought back. Our public library is named after him. Cant believe its been 17 years.
That was Todd Beamer, wasn't it?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
That was Todd Beamer, wasn't it?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
Saw this thread title again, and I first thought it said “Brush Your Teeth Experiences...”

I remember when I had my own teeth back in the day. Had me one of those pneumatic brushes!~RamFan503
Nov 28, 2018
Buried alive while digging out a basement....also involved in a serious car accident as a kid, no seat belts in the car, spun 4-5 times and rolled down an more, liver transplant!!!


Feb 6, 2013
Maybe not as dramatic as some of the ones here, but there is no doubt in my mind it could have ended badly. Used to work a commercial diver, and we were coming back from some job in the middle of nowhere. Towing a 20 foot boat behind our F150. I was sitting in the back, sort of dozing offf. It was late, we were all tired, we all just wanted to get to the motel. Our driver was booting down this country road, no lights of course, in the middle of the woods, not driving like crazy, but fast enough.

Anyways, I was almost asleep when I heard the guy in the passenger seat start screaming "moose! moose!" I opened my eyes just in time to this thing standing in the road, it's legs taller than the hood of the truck. I had just enough time to think "right through the windshield". Later on I would realize that if the moose didn't land in my lap, the boat coming up behind me probably would have.

Fortunately the driver swerved just enough to almost miss it, and still managed to keep the truck and boat on the road. The boat actually clipped the moose as we went by.

Didn't get as much sleep as I thought I would that night.


Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
I've had a couple weird experiences that makes me think I have a guardian angel. When I was a teenager I had a summer job in Idaho working for a company that was building a new fish hatchery. One of the cement trucks had bad brakes. As he was backing up another kid waved and yelled for him to stop while I was guiding the trough to pour the cement. I saw the brake lights but it kept backing up. Next thing I know the bumper has me squeezed up against a wooden brace on an upper tier. It was pressing so hard on my chest I tried to yell but nothing came out. I don't know what happened but I lost all time for a second or two and found myself on laying down on the ground below on the lower shelf with the truck still backing into the wooden brace and cracking it. I have no idea how I got out of that situation. Its like I blacked out for a couple seconds and someone pulled me through.

Another instance when I was in my early 20's I worked for a shoe repair company in Vegas. The owner's son and I were driving down I-15 in the company truck to LA to pick up supplies. It was around midnight. The gas gauge was broken so we weren't aware how fast the gas would run out. We were going around 65 mph when the truck stalled running out of gas. I knew there was a town about a mile ahead so I decided to let it coast as far as I could so the walk wouldn't be so far. When we hit about 5 mph the left front tire broke clean off the studs and rolled off in the darkness. If it was a couple minutes earlier when we were going full speed we surely would have flipped that old truck. Talk about timing.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I've had a couple weird experiences that makes me think I have a guardian angel. When I was a teenager I had a summer job in Idaho working for a company that was building a new fish hatchery. One of the cement trucks had bad brakes. As he was backing up another kid waved and yelled for him to stop while I was guiding the trough to pour the cement. I saw the brake lights but it kept backing up. Next thing I know the bumper has me squeezed up against a wooden brace on an upper tier. It was pressing so hard on my chest I tried to yell but nothing came out. I don't know what happened but I lost all time for a second or two and found myself on laying down on the ground below on the lower shelf with the truck still backing into the wooden brace and cracking it. I have no idea how I got out of that situation. Its like I blacked out for a couple seconds and someone pulled me through.

Another instance when I was in my early 20's I worked for a shoe repair company in Vegas. The owner's son and I were driving down I-15 in the company truck to LA to pick up supplies. It was around midnight. The gas gauge was broken so we weren't aware how fast the gas would run out. We were going around 65 mph when the truck stalled running out of gas. I knew there was a town about a mile ahead so I decided to let it coast as far as I could so the walk wouldn't be so far. When we hit about 5 mph the left front tire broke clean off the studs and rolled off in the darkness. If it was a couple minutes earlier when we were going full speed we surely would have flipped that old truck. Talk about timing.
Reminds me of Isaac Bruce's story.

On the night of Dec. 7 Bruce and his girlfriend, Clegzette Sharpe,
attended a Missouri basketball game in Columbia and headed
eastbound on I-70 for the 115-mile trip back to St. Louis.
Shortly after the drive began the left rear tire of Bruce's
Mercedes blew, and the car skidded out of control toward a gully.
Remembering advice his mother had given him long ago, Bruce, who
was not wearing his seat belt, took his hands off the steering
wheel, raised them into the air and screamed, "Jesus!" The car
flipped twice and landed upright in the gully, and though the air
bags never deployed and the convertible roof collapsed, Bruce
walked away without a scratch and Sharpe suffered only a small
cut on her forehead.

Last Friday night, as he dined with childhood friend Robert
McKenzie, Bruce recounted the accident. "I heard every window
break--first the driver's side, then the passenger's side, then
the windshield," he said. "It was freezing, and when I got out of
the car, a short, stocky guy with long hair appeared out of
nowhere and asked, 'Do you want me to call an ambulance?' I said,
'Uh, yeah,' and five minutes later some firefighters showed up. I
mentioned that someone had called for an ambulance, but they
didn't know what I was talking about, and the stocky guy was
nowhere to be found."

Bruce took a sip of his virgin pina colada and stared at his
questioner. "I'm thinking the guy was an angel," Bruce said.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I've never told this bus experience, ever.

I was caught as a young driver believing that I was "safe" from being called in to drive all night to Boise from Portland...I was several spots down the extraboard at Greyhound, and so I fooled around and went to sleep about 8pm. The phone rang at 9pm, "When can you be here?" said the dispatcher.
Like a good boy I was there toeing the line when I should have said no to the trip, but I feared they would think less of me if I refused. Sixty miles into a 420 mile trip, I'm trying every trick I could think of to stay awake. Pinching my legs. slapping my face, and it wasn't working. Soft snoring with just about 15 people on board. I stopped at Biggs Jct. 104 miles out of Portland...Jolt Cola, Vivarin, and a large cup of truck stop coffee. It was snowing in Eastern Oregon, and soon I was driving on snow packed roads on I-84. With me when I'm tired, my foot pushes the fuel peddle to the ground. Again, the snoring and the warmth, I fell asleep.

I don't know how long, but I awoke to the sound of my hitting a mile marker on the edge of the road at 70 mph on snow pack. I didn't panic, which saved us....."Deer" I said to the now wide awake passengers, as I stopped on the road side..."Stay onboard" I said, as I walked off the bus to check out the damage. I wasn't seeing anything in the snow and the cold, because I was scared excrement-less.

You see, I know me. If even one person would have been hurt because of my stupidity, I wouldn't have survived it...whether dying in the crash, or by my own hand later.....


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
who was not wearing his seat belt

A very foolish thing to do.

I used to not wear a seat belt either. In 1999 a friend died in a low speed car accident, the police investigators estimated between 20-25 MPH, but he hit his head the wrong way and he died from that.

I started wearing a seat belt because of that. I'm still great friends with his brother, we all worked together and it was such a terrible tragedy. A seat belt would have saved his life.