Brush with death experiences

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Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
Okay... not sure where this thread could go... but here’s mine;

Back in the early 90’s my wife and I were driving home from her parents. It was a dark and light foggy night. We were driving a rural highway and crossed another rural highway, but it was not a stop for our highway to cross... it WAS a stop for the other to cross.

Once we crossed the intersection another car zoomed right behind ours from the crossing highway... If we were 1/2 second later, we would have been T-boned at a high rate of speed.

They missed and never slowed down for the stop sign. Probably because of the fog, for the same reason I didn’t see them coming.

My wife would have been toast no doubt as the car would have hit her side. I probably wouldn’t have made it either to be honest. The crossing vehicle had to be going about 50mph.

I’ll never forget that. Freaked me out. It was THAT close.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I've had one, and sort of two.

And this will be an interesting thread.

Had you been t-boned you probably would have died along with her..........those are hard to survive. Modern cars improve your odds but back then cars were not made like they are today.

I can relate @CGI_Ram because I came milliseconds from a head on collision, on a curving road with a 50 MPH speed limit in High Point NC at the furniture market some years back. Mid 90's.

I hope the person driving the truck has had a miserable life because I swerved to avoid the accident but overdid it and ended up hitting a small telephone pole. Thankfully I wear my seat belt. I turned my head to see the truck and the POS driving the it had stopped maybe 50 or maybe more feet behind me, then I saw the brake lights go off as it sped away after seeing my cars nose deep into a pole. The fucking asshole drove off after seeing what happened because of how they drifted into my lane. I may not have died, but it would have been an ugly ass accident and that fuck left me.

The real one though..........was from a little small insect!

When I was a kid I used to go to the swimming pool that the community I lived in operated. It was outdoors, only open during the summer and had a tall fence, turnstiles and a concession stand that sold candy and drinks in the parking lot. You had to buy a season pass and sew it onto your swimsuit to be allowed in but nobody ever checked because it was the place to go for kids and parents even though me and my friends always went alone because we were "old enough".

I had gone almost every day, friends on the block and I would ride our bikes there all the time. It was the big adventure of the summer to "go to the pool" all the time.

One day we went across the grass to the stand in the parking lot to get something to drink and I stepped on a honeybee. It was between my toes and stung me. I brushed it off and went back to the pool and we were all swimming and playing. We were diving in the deep end, 10', to race after rubber bricks that the lifeguards would toss in to see who could get there fastest or who could pick up the most. I was usually great at it, and was a fantastic swimmer but I felt sick and went to lay down on my towel on the cement pool deck.

I don't remember anything after that until waking up in the local hospital with shit stuck into my nose and arm and a nurse telling me everything was OK. Of course I was freaking out inside! My parents were there, inside of the hospital curtain that was drawn around me, I don't recall much of that other than were very upset. I was scared as fuck and started crying and I remember my father running his hand through my hair and cradling my head then bending over and kissing my forehead.

After a few minutes the Doctor arrived and was standing outside of the curtain talking to my parents and I remember him saying that if it wasn't for the lifeguard noticing me having a reaction that I would have died from it and that I had a fatal reaction to the venom and would need to get checked out more or whatever.

What happened after I passed out, or went into shock as I found out later was a lifeguard (her name was Sue Carter and I won't forget that name) saw me laying on my towel looking like death and came over to check on me more closely. She knew enough to know that something was wrong and had the rec center call an ambulance because my foot was swollen up like an elephants. The hospital took care of the rest.

30 minutes more would have deprived you fuckers of my graceful presence. I know that's difficult to fathom.

It was that close and that's no lie, I almost died laying on a public pool deck from a bee sting. I don't know where she is, or how her life has turned out but Sue Carter saved me.

For years I carried a bee sting kit and wore a Medic Alert bracelet if you know what those are. I went to get desensitization shots all the time, seemingly weekly, through to High School, and they evidently worked. Although I think my body also changed from puberty which came years later. I've been stung two times since and I won't bore you with those stories but they are kinda funny.


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
I grew up in northern California (it's a freaking shame) and shortly after high school I worked for a Chevy/Cadillac dealership delivery car parts. Out there we have a safety corridor on Vasco road because it's so dangerous. One lane each direction, steep cliff on one side, no median (except for the thin, flimsy, tall road cones), no shoulder at all on either side. I know there's a lot of coastal highways just like that, but apparently there were tons of accidents on this one.

I'm really prone to falling asleep while driving. That was something I didn't find out until I got that job. I take some fairly serious measures to make sure it doesn't happen now, but back to the story.

I was delivering parts one day from Livermore to Brentwood. It was around lunch time. I got to the beginning of the safety corridor... Then I woke up in the middle of the two lanes, about a half mile of road cones waving behind me and several miles of road cones and a big curve ahead of me. I have no clue how long I was asleep. The last thing I remember there weren't any road cones in sight.

Shortly thereafter there was another car on the road. If I hadn't woken up when I did, I would have either gone over the cliff or forced someone into a head on collision. Thank God I'm still alive.

I actually feel asleep several times in the road during that job. That's the one that scared the crap out of me though.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
30 minutes more would have deprived you fuckers of my graceful presence. I know that's difficult to fathom.
"SONOFA! Missed it by THAT much!" *Looks up Sue Carter's address...:sneak:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 9, 2016
Once when I was 19. Went hiking on box springs mountain at night with friends. We lost the trail and I thought there was footing underneath the brush on an adjacent trail. Below the trail was a 10-12 foot drop. My foot slipped and I tumbled down the trail with a backward somersault about 15 feet.

The girl I hiked with started crying she thought I was knocked unconscious or dead. Nope just bruised and exhausted from the adrenaline ending its course.

Another event happened twice in one night. We were out for one of my boys' bachelor party. We were heading back to the hotel suite in a rented limousine. We stopped at a light and it just turned green. I yelled driver, why are we stopped? And whoosh a car speeds through a red at 50mph on a 30 mph downtown road. A chorus of oh shit erupted!

We would have been split in half. Dude wasn't going to stop. Needless to say it happened again two lights later. This time I didn't question it. We got out the hotel and each of us handed the driver a $20 and a thank you.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I was a Greyhound driver for years, and my favorite route was between Portland and Boise. I drove the night route, and it was a rare night in winter that I didn't have to chain up my bus for weeks at a time (I was young then lol). Anyway, the first big hill was a 6 % grade that the truckers called "Cabbage, or Cabbage Patch" and was a winding grade for 8 miles. Going up was fine when I was chained up and could easily pass the trucks. On a certain return trip down, it was snow packed driving. I passed the scales and started descending.

After about 3 miles into it. everything stopped in front of me. A lot of east coast truckers have trouble with that hill in winter, because some of them have never put chains on and try to get by without having to do it (mistake). Anyway, I stopped in time behind the truck in front of me, but I was mostly looking behind as trucks went for the shoulders on both sides or else they would have slammed into vehicles in front of them, on the two lane interstate.

It's probably 2am-3am, and everyone had their hazard lights flashing, reflecting from the ice covered vehicles and the snow packed ice in the dark. We turned our engines off, mostly, but it was then when I realized the sound of tires starting to slide behind me. Everyone's tires were warm from the friction of driving, and they were melting the ice beneath them. Those without chains were the same dangerous idiots, and now it was too late to chain up even if they wanted to. There was was nowhere to escape, and it was a deadly drop on the left and the side of a mountain on the right.

Truckers were jumping out of their trucks to throw extra snow chains under tires, or sand to hopefully to stop the slides. It was several hours until they cleared the wreck ahead (reason for the stop).

I was on edge the whole time and was glad that Portland sent a relief driver to bring the bus the rest of the way to Portland.
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There can be no excellence without effort.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Camp Reporter
Sep 10, 2014
I was 15. Parents divorced. Living with mom in Agoura Hills. Couldn't take it any more and decided to live with my Grandfather in NYC (Forrest Hills). Packed up, stole my mom's maroon '75 Camaro and hit the highway.

I was cruising 120 mph quite often. Just hit Holbrook, AZ and dozed off behind the wheel. I woke up as I drifted off the side of the highway to the right as the brush went under the car. I cut the wheel to the left, up the hill and jumped back over the highway, flipping over, and slid about fifty yards upside down. Had my seat belt on so was elevated. When stopped, I unbuckled, fell, crawled out. Tons of cars stopped.

Only injury was a small piece of glass cut into my knee as I crawled out of the upside down car. Left a blood stain about the size of a nickel was all. Pretty Lucky!
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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I was 15. Parents divorced. Living with mom in Agoura Hills. Couldn't take it any more and decided to live with my Grandfather in NYC (Forrest Hills). Packed up, stole my mom's maroon '75 Camaro and hit the highway.

I was cruising 120 mph quite often. Just hit Holbrook, AZ and dozed off behind the wheel. I woke up as I drifted off the side of the highway to the right as the brush went under the car. I cut the wheel to the left, up the hill and jumped back over the highway, flipping over, and slid about fifty yards upside down. Had my seat belt on so was elevated. When stopped, I unbuckled, fell, crawled out. Tons of cars stopped.

Only injury was a small piece of glass cut into my knee as I crawled out of the upside down car. Left a blood stain about the size of a nickel was all. Pretty Lucky!

Wow..........I had a co-worker that had a similar accident and he walked away in the same shape as you. I saw the pictures and just seeing them anyone would have assumed that anyone in the car was either dead or in ICU.

Seat belts DO save lives.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
I had a major brush with death: a suicide attempt that almost succeeded.

You see, I was feeling extremely depressed, bounced from home to home, never stayed in one place. One day, everything came to a head. I fell off a bridge on purpose. Thankfully not on the highway, but on a small road.

I coded twice on the operating table. I hallucinated quite a bit; I don't know if it was the medication the doctors were pumping in me or if it was just me.

I'm still in a wheelchair to this day...but I'm thankful to be alive.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
I was a teenager in the 70s and like most I am sure, I had a group of buds. We were tight and thought we were the baddest around. For the most part we were. At least in our little territory. More than anything looking back we were just stupid kids. This particular evening six of us were crammed in a Nova SS cruising the secondary roads getting wasted and rocking out. We were always looking for 11 on the dial. It was a dark evening and I had been uneasy from the start. Something did not feel right from the get go but I chalked it up to being blitzed out of my gourd. We came upon a railroad crossing and Rich the driver decides to park dead center on the tracks and fire one up. Normally I was one of the more adventurous ones but every fiber of my being screamed get off the tracks. You couldn't see your hand in front of your face and I am saying "get off the tracks, get off the tracks." Well my buds found this hilarious. They are just rolling. Calling me every name in the book. Now I am screaming trying to be heard over the music and laughter "Get off the tracks!" I am now in full blown panic mode and have no idea why. I am just about to bail out of the car when Rich says "Alright, alright!" And moves just off the tracks. A wave of relief flows over me but now the abuse really starts they are rolling and really giving it to me. Its then I notice the car is shaking. Yeah the guys are bouncing around but this is something else. I look back and box cars are flying by. Close enough I could reach and touch them. "Look,look". Everyone turns, dead silence. Its was an early and quiet ride home that night. I don't no why I felt the way I did that evening. But we were within seconds of being the lead story on the evening news.


Jan 15, 2013
I was a teenager in the 70s and like most I am sure, I had a group of buds. We were tight and thought we were the baddest around. For the most part we were. At least in our little territory. More than anything looking back we were just stupid kids. This particular evening six of us were crammed in a Nova SS cruising the secondary roads getting wasted and rocking out. We were always looking for 11 on the dial. It was a dark evening and I had been uneasy from the start. Something did not feel right from the get go but I chalked it up to being blitzed out of my gourd. We came upon a railroad crossing and Rich the driver decides to park dead center on the tracks and fire one up. Normally I was one of the more adventurous ones but every fiber of my being screamed get off the tracks. You couldn't see your hand in front of your face and I am saying "get off the tracks, get off the tracks." Well my buds found this hilarious. They are just rolling. Calling me every name in the book. Now I am screaming trying to be heard over the music and laughter "Get off the tracks!" I am now in full blown panic mode and have no idea why. I am just about to bail out of the car when Rich says "Alright, alright!" And moves just off the tracks. A wave of relief flows over me but now the abuse really starts they are rolling and really giving it to me. Its then I notice the car is shaking. Yeah the guys are bouncing around but this is something else. I look back and box cars are flying by. Close enough I could reach and touch them. "Look,look". Everyone turns, dead silence. Its was an early and quiet ride home that night. I don't no why I felt the way I did that evening. But we were within seconds of being the lead story on the evening news.
Youth, partying and cars.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I've had a couple of them.

One time - when I was driving my 64 bug, a deer jumped up in front of me and I hit him square on. He got up under my wheels and broke my steering column. I just ducked and put my hands under the steering wheel and held on for dear life. My bug veered off the road, hit a ditch, flipped over, and rolled five times shedding the fenders and flipping the doors open and closed several times. When I finally came back to a stop, I was upside down in the middle of the highway with the motor still running. The passenger side had caved in to where it had put a V in the low back bucket back seat. I'm just glad I had no passengers as they would have been dead. On the driver's side, the roof was holding me into it along with the little lap belt. I cut the tail off the deer, dried it, and attached it to my keys. I still have them somewhere in a box. I had them hanging on my wall for several years as a reminder.

Another time was when as a dumbass, I was drunk and decided to swim across a small lake in the mountains. When I got out in the middle, I started to get really cold and cramped up. Luckily, a buddy of mine saw it and paddled over with his canoe and pulled my sorry ass back to shore. If not drunk, it was a swim I could do. Drunk swimming is something I haven't done since.


Jan 15, 2013
I was living in San Diego and decided to go for a hike at Presido Park before work one day.
I don't know how it is now but at the time the park one one main short trail and various other smaller almost over grown trails that forked off and back onto the main trail.
I was about 3/4 of the way up the main trail and stopped to look back down at the parking lot. There was my car and just one other car parked close to mine. The second car was not in the lot when I pulled in.
I noticed a man sort of standing, mostly obscured in foiledge, to one side of the main trail. He was in all black and was wearing a black beanie and sun glasses. I instantly knew he was watching me and got an overwhelming feeling of menace (at this time I was in great shape but probably only weighted 150 lbs and had hair down to my rib cage, so i I assume he thought I was woman) He stepped out from behind the brush and started walking briskly up the hill. He had an object in his right hand but I couldn't tell what it was.
My fight or flight reaction went into pure flight mode. I started walking quickly up the trail looking for high ground somewhere in case I had to fight him. I rounded a little curve in the trail where I would be out of his view and took off running. I quickly came to one of the side trails that jutted off the main trail. These jutted off every so often and were like half figure 8's.
I quickly ran into the side trail and as quickly as I could sprint (which was pretty quickly at that time as I was young, ran 5 times a week, was scared and headed down hill) covered as much ground to shorten the distance between the two of us. When I headed into the side trail there was a pretty good distance between us. The side trail was very over grown and I quickly found a place that was heavy with foliage. I hid there. I could see both the trail behind me and the main trail, which was only 8 or so yards in front of me.
When the man in black walked passed me on the main trail he was muttering to himself "do it, bitch.....fu****** bitch" and the object in his right hand was a knife with about a six inch blade.
I gave myself a twenty-five count, scrambled onto the main trail and ran down to the parking lot at a dead sprint.
When I got to my car (complete with horror movie cliche' fumbling of keys) I looking back up the trail and he was standing in the middle Trail arms down at his side and his knife hand was shaking like he could barely control it.
Needless to say I sped out of there and never went back to that park.


Jan 15, 2013
I've had a couple of them.

One time - when I was driving my 64 bug, a deer jumped up in front of me and I hit him square on. He got up under my wheels and broke my steering column. I just ducked and put my hands under the steering wheel and held on for dear life. My bug veered off the road, hit a ditch, flipped over, and rolled five times shedding the fenders and flipping the doors open and closed several times. When I finally came back to a stop, I was upside down in the middle of the highway with the motor still running. The passenger side had caved in to where it had put a V in the low back bucket back seat. I'm just glad I had no passengers as they would have been dead. On the driver's side, the roof was holding me into it along with the little lap belt. I cut the tail off the deer, dried it, and attached it to my keys. I still have them somewhere in a box. I had them hanging on my wall for several years as a reminder.

Another time was when as a dumbass, I was drunk and decided to swim across a small lake in the mountains. When I got out in the middle, I started to get really cold and cramped up. Luckily, a buddy of mine saw it and paddled over with his canoe and pulled my sorry ass back to shore. If not drunk, it was a swim I could do. Drunk swimming is something I haven't done since.
We used to go drink (or other things) and go swim off the pier at Avila Beach....not the smartest thing.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
We used to go drink (or other things) and go swim off the pier at Avila Beach....not the smartest thing.
Know the place well. Did the same in my youth. Back then you were allowed to build bonfires on that beach. What was the great burger place right across the street from the pier?


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I was a teenager in the 70s and like most I am sure, I had a group of buds. We were tight and thought we were the baddest around. For the most part we were. At least in our little territory. More than anything looking back we were just stupid kids. This particular evening six of us were crammed in a Nova SS cruising the secondary roads getting wasted and rocking out. We were always looking for 11 on the dial. It was a dark evening and I had been uneasy from the start. Something did not feel right from the get go but I chalked it up to being blitzed out of my gourd. We came upon a railroad crossing and Rich the driver decides to park dead center on the tracks and fire one up. Normally I was one of the more adventurous ones but every fiber of my being screamed get off the tracks. You couldn't see your hand in front of your face and I am saying "get off the tracks, get off the tracks." Well my buds found this hilarious. They are just rolling. Calling me every name in the book. Now I am screaming trying to be heard over the music and laughter "Get off the tracks!" I am now in full blown panic mode and have no idea why. I am just about to bail out of the car when Rich says "Alright, alright!" And moves just off the tracks. A wave of relief flows over me but now the abuse really starts they are rolling and really giving it to me. Its then I notice the car is shaking. Yeah the guys are bouncing around but this is something else. I look back and box cars are flying by. Close enough I could reach and touch them. "Look,look". Everyone turns, dead silence. Its was an early and quiet ride home that night. I don't no why I felt the way I did that evening. But we were within seconds of being the lead story on the evening news.

Whoa that was close. Holy shit. Imagine if you had exited the car and the train plowed into them.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
Whoa that was close. Holy crap. Imagine if you had exited the car and the train plowed into them.

This incident has stayed with me for along time. For obvious reasons but also because its one of the few times in my life I have gone in to full panic mode. I am not the guy that panics never have been. I will always believe thats why Rich moved the car when he did because it was so out of character for me it kind of scared him. To answer your question if he hadn't moved I was coming out of that car one way or another. I felt that strongly about it. I don't want to even entertain the thought of what would have been left had they not moved.


Jan 23, 2013
I have a few. I had bacterial meningitis 12 times as a kid. Each time I was completely unconscious with my parents fearing and doctors fearing for my life.

One day while fishing in the Susquehanna river, my brother and I decided to cross the channel in a rocky stretch known as McKees Half Falls. Very dumb. We both got swept down stream. The current near the bottom was more powerful than on top so I couldn’t get my head out of the water. My hand was sticking up though. Fortunately my brother caught ahold of a boulder and washed into the eddy. He got onto the rock just in time to grab my hand. I was around 18.

The last one was the most interesting imo. I took a yoga class, when I was 27. I really got into the meditation part. Something strange began to happen. I started to go to unfamiliar places and recall what was going to happen before it did. I’d look at landscape jobs and already know what the people wanted me to do. I dreamt about my future wife and I together. I didn’t meat my wife until I was 40. It was very odd.
So one day I drove my dump truck to my buddies new house in a neighboring town. I was never in that town much before that day. He was going to put a new porch on the back of his house so we tore down the old one and loaded it into my truck. I left to haul it to the transfer station. I had to take a stretch of road that I have never been on before to get there from this other town. As I was driving I kept remembering the scenery. It was only a two lane road with a double yellow line. I approached an incline and suddenly I remembered seeing myself in a head on collision with a semi. It was like recalling a dream. I instantly pulled onto the berm. At the same time coming over the rise was a pickup and a semi/tractor trailer riding side by side exactly as I recalled it. The semi was passing where it shouldn’t have been. I’ll never forget those moments. I was seconds from likely dying in a head on collision.

Years later when revisiting meditation I read that people that meditate have been known to see future occurrences in their lives. I need to start meditating again so I can use it to bet on sports!
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Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2010
In 1985 I was with two buddies of mine. We had gone down to LA to a dance club. On our way home I laid down in the back seat planning to nap on the drive back to Ventura. We were maybe 5 minutes into the drive and just reaching the 405 on ramp. This is when my friend who was driving said "what the fuck is this guy doing!". I raised up my head just in time to see a car heading straight at us. I remember the lights were so bright and blinding and then all hell broke loose. He hit us head on. Turned out it was a drunk driver going the wrong way down the freeway and the highway patrol had been chasing him from the other side for several miles. His speed was 60+ mph and ours was probably close to that since we were getting on the same freeway. Anyway the car rolled many times. It seemed like slow motion. Put it this way I had time to ask god for forgiveness before our car had stopped moving. I was lucky because the drunk driver impacted the front left side and then raked along the car right where I was laying my head. Looking up to see what was going on probably prevented massive head injuries. But I was so lucky I got out of the car basically with only bruises. The front passenger suffered a broken arm. The driver however almost died. His ear was gone. His head was bleeding huge amounts. His tricep was outside his arm. It was the most horrible thing I'd ever seen in person and it was my best friend. The worst part came later though because since we were all minors the ER people couldn't do a lot for my friend until they reached his parents for permission. I remember being in my own ER room getting checked out and I could hear my friend in another room screaming in agony from the pain. Seemed like forever before his parents got their.

The next it felt like I had done a marathon workout on every muscle in my body. I don't think I've ever been so soar. Small price to pay compared to my friend. It took him almost a year to recover from that accident but in the end he was lucky too. He completely recovered with the exceptions of some pretty bad scars on his face and upper body from all the lacerations. I always would joke with him that he was already so ugly in the first place that nobody ever notices the scars. Things tunred out good for him though. He married a beautiful lady and has 3 great kids. We are still best friends going on 40 years now.

In case your wondering about the DUI driver. At the scene he was found asleep in his car totally uninjured. The cops told us he had been convicted of something like 3-4 DUI in the past and didn't even have a license. He was a no show at his hearing and was never found.

PS I've been driving like a little old lady ever since and almost can't be a passenger in a car without feeling uneasy the whole time.