Bradford requests a trade, wont participate, will he retire?

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Jan 15, 2016
70mm earned and never posted a winning record and Bradford goes on the offensive. The best move the Rams have made in the past 5 years was moving on from Bradford. Its the only way to move forward and that starts this Thursday night!


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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 18, 2014
I'm sure if he wanted to return his signing bonus and forfeit his salary they would agree.

Otherwise, they should see what they can get for him. There's value in having him start for a while before they hand the keys to Wentz/Goff. And then they can trade him for next season.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Sam Bradford tells Eagles he wants to be traded
Posted by Darin Gantt on April 25, 2016

Getty Images

Sam Bradford might not have been happy from the moment the Eagles traded for the second pick in the 2016 NFL Draft.

But his playing along lasted less than a week.

According to Adam Schefter of ESPN, the Eagles quarterback has told the team he wants to be traded, and that he won’t be showing up to any more offseason activities.

Of course, the $17.5 million a year contract the Eagles gave him this offseason stuck out like a sore thumb the minute they traded for the right to draft Carson Wentz, considering they also paid trusted Doug Pederson-stable-pony Chase Daniel in free agency as well.

The Eagles have tied up a lot of cash and draft pick currency in the position this offseason because they wanted to make sure they had a franchise quarterback. It’s hard to imagine a situation where they thought Bradford was that guy, and the trade for No. 2 underscores that fact.

So now we have to see if the Eagles will blink, and whether quarterback-needy teams such as the Broncos or 49ers value Bradford beyond the guys they already have on their rosters.
Boo hoo. Take your $18 million and come play for the Eagles this year. They don’t want Wentz playing this year anyway. You also got $50 million for being the #1 pick in the draft and then spent half those years not even playing. Shut up and go play some football. Geez.
Sam Bradford, the Humpty Dumpty of NFL QB’s.
Looks like the Eagles got a self inflicted mess on their hands … and what team is going to want a fragile QB with a $18 million a year contract …
Bustford should never complain, he was and he continues to be the most overpaid person in America. He has done nothing in his career to warrant the type of money he has made.
Bradford isn’t great but he’s better than anyone available in this year’s weak QB draft class. The Eagles are fools for trading up in the draft. Was Chip the problem in Philly or was it Howie? As the wise taco shell kid says in the tv commercial: Why not both?
A guy who has made over 100 million in his career with zero winning seasons and zero playoffs appearances is upset that he has to compete. Let’s get a pick for him and good riddance.
He’ll end up backing up Tony Romo in Dallas before being his replacement in a couple years.
Right now it’s only $12.5 to be paid by the new team as the Eagles paid $5.5 million on March 18. They would probably gladly pay the other half of the $11 million to ensure getting a 2nd rounder back. Then Bradford only costs you $7 million of actual money.


Jul 28, 2014
Here is an interesting analysis/opinion article from an Eagles Beat writer. Talks about potential for disaster in the locker room.

Seems like they can only save this mess if they can get multiple picks for Bradford and Wentz has an "RGIII " type rookie year.

Murphy: Tone-deaf Eagles courting self-made disaster with Bradford, Wentz
Updated: APRIL 25, 2016 — 11:53 AM EDT

It took Sam Bradford less than a year to establish himself as a true Philadelphia athlete, the mere mention of his name enough to derail any attempt at a rational conversation. This was true long before Wednesday, when the quarterback stunned his bosses by reacting adversely to their decision to trade away a trove of draft picks to select his replacement rather than spending those picks on players that might have helped him and his teammates succeed over the next couple of seasons.

With that in mind, let's start this argument by removing any consideration for Bradford's feelings. They are not inconsequential, but it is understandable if people write them off as such. If you think that he should shut up and accept his fate due to his career earnings-per-victory, I will not attempt to dispute that notion. At least not for a few paragraphs.

Really, it does not matter what you or I think about Bradford, at least not within the context of evaluating last week's trade. What does matter is what the players inside the locker room think, and that's where this thing has the potential to get sticky. So sticky, in fact, that the best thing for the Eagles to do at this point might be to admit their mistake, cut or trade Bradford, and eat the $11.5 million cap hit such a move would require.

Whether or not you think Bradford is a franchise quarterback capable of leading the Eagles to where they want to be, the reality is that his teammates think that. They said it throughout the second half of last season. They said it before the Eagles fired Chip Kelly. They said it after Bradford ended his season with a strong performance against the Giants under interim coach Pat Shurmur. And they said it after the Eagles re-signed Bradford to a contract whose terms indicated that they expect him to be a playoff-caliber starter for at least this season.

That last point is the important one. It is foolish to think that players know best when it comes to personnel decisions, even though the Eagles invoked that rationale when explaining their decision to fire Kelly. Thus, the organization would have little reason to worry had it decided to part ways with Bradford after the 2015 experiment. Problem is, the Eagles did not part ways with Bradford, and when they re-signed him to a two-year deal, they stated that they did so because they believe in his ability, both explicitly and implicitly. Whatever you thought about the short term of the deal, Bradford's teammates did not think that way. Players rarely do. They viewed Bradford as a legitimate starting quarterback, and they viewed themselves as a team with a young nucleus that would only improve with a new scheme and some shrewd drafting.

Forget about Bradford's reaction to the trade. Think instead of the reaction of guys like Jordan Matthews and Zach Ertz, Bradford's top two pass-catchers last season and two of his most vocal advocates in the locker room. Think of the reaction of Jason Peters, who has, at most, one or two more chances to win before he seriously contemplates retirement. In opting for North Dakota State's Carson Wentz, the Eagles will be passing on the chance to add a cornerback or an offensive lineman or a running back or a wide receiver who might help the team this season for a quarterback whom they do not expect to contribute for at least another year. In trading away picks in the third and fourth round, they are sacrificing two more chances to do so. And that's before we consider the impact that the 2017 first rounder they traded away might have had on their hopes for next season.

Strictly from the perspective of a competitor who wants to win right now, the trade for Wentz is more than enough to cause the current members of the roster to question the direction of the franchise, the same way Kelly's jettisoning of Desean Jackson, Lesean McCoy and Evan Mathis did.

If you think that workers, particularly Stupid Millenial workers, should not have feelings and opinions about whatever the bossmen choose to do with their capital, that's fine. But workers, even non-Stupid Millenials, are human beings, which means they possess psyches, and there is a vast array of cognitive psycholigcal and neuro-biological research that suggests a human being's psyche has a direct impact on his physical reality. Thus, a company whose success requires optimal physical performance from its employees would be wise to consider, account for, and, gasp, even cater to said employees' psyches, instead of simply pulling them to the side and giving them a firm lecture about something your grand-pappy once said about hard work and the American spirit.

These are the facts: Ertz and Matthews spent a week in Oklahoma with Bradford this offseason. All three have talked at length about the chemistry they have developed over the last year, both on and off the field. All three have talked at length about the talent each one of them feels he sees in the other. All three have talked at length about the excitement they feel about being a part of something that the Eagles can build on. These are all facts, and the psychological realities they betray are not something that can be altered simply by explaining to them that this is America and the only feelings anybody cares about are those of the free market. "One NovaCare: Like it or leave it" is not an optimal management strategy in this particular instance.

There's another, more concerning, angle to consider, and that pertains to the players' relationship with their new, unproven head coach. This isn't about natural human emotions like camrederie and friendship. This about something that isn't as easy to get over as a broken heart. It's about trust, and I'm pretty sure it was one of the reasons the last guy got run out of town.

Players are like any workers. They do not necessarily want a boss who attends their weddings and asks them about their weekends, even if that is how it sounds when they attempt to explain why they did not connect with the last guy. They want a boss whom they can trust. Chip Kelly lost the trust of a lot of his players. They stopped believing that they could trust the things that he said, or the plays that he called, or the personnel moves that he made. Anybody who has ever engaged in an interpersonal relationship with another human being will tell you that trust is something that is very difficult to restore once it has been breached. Sometimes, it is irreperable.

With regards to everybody besides Bradford, it is hard to imagine that Wednesday's trade represents an irreperable breach of trust on the part of the organization. But the seeds of distrust are planted well ahead of harvest season: keeping Riley Cooper on board, cutting Jackson, trading McCoy and Brandon Boykin, cutting Mathis -- none of them individually sabotaged Kelly's relationship with his players, but each one sowed a little more doubt with regard to his tactics and, by the end, perhaps even his motivations. Looking back, it seems like it should've been a no-brainer for Kelly to cut Cooper. You wonder how Pederson might look back on any decision to keep Bradford around.

I feel compelled to note that I am not in any way comparing Bradford to somebody who drank some beer and said a racial slur. I am comparing the impact his presence could have on the locker room's loyalties, both toward each other and toward their head coach. Clearly, some important members of that locker room think that Bradford already is the kind of quarterback that Pederson, Roseman and Lurie, L.L.C. think Carson Wentz can be. This is clear because they have said it, with conviction. The time for the front office to express its disagreement with that notion would have been before they signed Bradford to a new contract. Even if they did not explicitly say, "We think Sam can take us to where we want to be," you can't fault Ertz and Matthews if they inferred it. Doesn't that necessarily invite some doubt about anything Pederson says moving forward? Do you really think I'm doing a good job, or are you going to turn around and look for some way to upgrade over me?

I admit, that's a bit theoretical. So let's circle back to something more fundamental. Keeping Bradford around only increases the chances that he continues to inspire the loyalty of the troops, which would not only threaten to undermine Pederson, but Wentz as well. Even if everybody becomes fast friends and and the offensive meeting room becomes a bastion of high fives and good-natured hijinks, what happens if Bradford struggles out of the gate? What happens if the first team reps begin to even out in practice? What happens if Wentz replaces Bradford and then Wentz struggles the way rookie quarterbacks often struggle? What if he fails to make a throw that Matthews or Ertz think Bradford would have made? What if they go hang out with Bradford in Oklahoma over the bye week even though Wentz invites them to North Dakota?

There is a reason why philosophers ranging from Abraham Lincoln to the apostle Paul have warned of the dangers of divided loyalties. In attempting to serve two masters, you are by definition neglecting both of a portion of your available resources, and masters with competing interests do not often react positively to such neglect.

This is the kind of stuff that Lurie did not think about when he elected to hand Kelly personnel power while also keeping Roseman in the building. It's the kind of stuff that he clearly did not think about when he okayed the signing of Bradford to a contract extension while also harboring a desire for a young quarterback to call his own. Frankly, it's the kind of stuff that somebody with an open heart does not ignore.

Rational, functional organizations do not operate as the Eagles have over the past few months. Re-signing Bradford and then selling the farm for his replacement is akin to picking a winner in a power struggle and then keeping the loser in the building without any consideration for the detrimental effect the situation can have on the task at hand.

Actually, when you look at it that way, the whole thing makes perfect sense.



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2023 Sportsbook Champion
Nov 9, 2014
Without a doubt Broncos and Bradford here he comes. 1st rounder guys?


Hall of Fame
Sep 29, 2013
70mm earned and never posted a winning record and Bradford goes on the offensive. The best move the Rams have made in the past 5 years was moving on from Bradford. Its the only way to move forward and that starts this Thursday night!
Disagree strongly. A quarterbacks winningness is never a good gauge of how good he is - the eye and stats count. I think it was a mistake in hindsight we moved on - we've been in QB purgatory since and still aren't sure we're getting the real deal and we've given up a lot to get it. We still don't have a winning record. That said I was ok with the move at the time because we needed certainty and his injury didn't allow it. I won't hold that decision against the Rams but I don't think you could say it was the best decision they've made in five years.


Hall of Fame
May 25, 2013
This guy is as fragile mentally as he is physically. Yeah, go home and pout, Sam.

Imagine if Warner had done this when the Cards drafted Leinart.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 16, 2013
Please let him go to the Niners....I would LOVE to get to play Bradford twice a year.


Damn the torpedoes
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ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
If Sam would have been more accommodating with the Rams in his contract extension efforts things would have looked a lot different. I don't think he understood how tough it is for a QB that is non-elite to get into the type of position he was in with the Rams, where they still believed in him even after he had two consecutive injury shortened seasons. At the time I felt he was going to regret not signing a fair contract with the Rams and I still believe that.

Even if he goes to Denver, which is a great destination for a QB, he's going to have to deal with competition and maybe even a high end draft pick next year. Elway's expectations are extremely high. No matter how you slice it, competition is what happens when you transition from being the top drafted QB with all those expectations to a guy who is getting longer in the tooth but has still not lived up to your draft spot.

If I were his agent I'd push him to duke it out with the kid with the Eagles, win the job, and play well. Re-establish his brand as a top QB that route, instead of allowing him to take the easy way out.


Camp Reporter
Aug 7, 2013
Why? You're the starting QB Sam, are you hearing footsteps again? Not to confident in your ability? Afraid you're going to get beat out? Why should you give a damn who they bring in when you're making bank.


Pro Bowler
Oct 4, 2011
The only thing that sucks about this is that it could have an impact on if/where Foles gets traded. Stay out of the way Sam!


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 27, 2013
Bradford, I'm pretty sure Warner would never pull this crap.

When he went to the Giants he didn't complain when Eli took over, when he went to the Cards, played behind Leinhart until he took over.

I mean, the Rams had to move on from Bradford, all he did was collect a pay check when he was on the Rams. They stuck by him when he was injured but and paid him a crap load of money. What did he do when he was asked to help out the Rams? Nothing, so screw him.

Everyone says he's a nice guy and blah blah blah. Now he wants a trade??

As FrantikRam said, I hope he plays for the Niners and hope to see us put him on his ass a few times.

Oh yeah, I'm glad i don't have to look at his eyes anymore..