Story time...
I threw up the first time I hit a bong. It was in college and I was hanging out with this bro from college - he wore ski googles to parties, played lacrosse, and is from Boston, so yeah that kind of bro. He had this three foot bong that had some name like the Hammer or something. We were hanging out with a group of friends and the guys were having a blast with it and it looked like fun, so I wanted to try it out. At the time I've only hit a bowl like once or twice, so I was completely new to this. He told me to keep pulling and he would pull the weed out when it's time to inhale. That whole thing looked like a thick cloud before he took it out so I could clear it, and I just couldn't handle it. I went into a coughing fit and threw up right away. He loved it and going forward he always told ppl that his bong will make you puke lol.