I really, really, think you are reaching there...maybe not intentionally, but I think you are. Please don't take this spitefully, but this is the hypersensitive reaction I'm talking about. Pointing out an injury history is a "dig"? Really? Just stating what it is rather than beating around the bush isn't a dig, it's just the truth. Has Sam had injuries? Were they in they in the past? Is that an injury history?
To me calling "injury history" a dig is no different than when the haters claim that any fact presented is an "excuse".
Maybe I am reaching but I actually don't think so and the reason is I'm going by what he has written and said in the past. He has shown his bias and I can't pretend to not be aware of it. And maybe I am being hypersensitive. I'm ok with that as I'm also a homer. I don't take offense to it.
And no - Pointing out an injury history is not a dig. Hiding behind player comments to get in your "injury history noted" comment
is. I don't see where the Seahawk players actually note an injury history with Sam with that comment. Instead, it came off more as you can't keep getting your QB pounded to submission and expect to win.
I don't care about Bern really. I agree with your point about being thought provoking. Unfortunately, when I read Bernie's articles, the thought that is usually provoked is the want to sleep or my little voice saying WTF? But if by thought provoking you mean that he makes you want to go back and reread his last article to see if he really did just contradict himself again, I guess he is successful.