But we all know that he won't. As soon as he commits to staying in St. Louis, he loses all his bargaining power. Same goes for word of the Rams moving. Kroenke is too savvy a business man to show his cards now, even if his plan is to stay in St. Louis. Btw, his fence sitting is a positive. Too many fans in St. Louis see him as Bill Bidwell to notice.
But we all know that he won't. As soon as he commits to staying in St. Louis, he loses all his bargaining power. Same goes for word of the Rams moving. Kroenke is too savvy a business man to show his cards now, even if his plan is to stay in St. Louis. Btw, his fence sitting is a positive. Too many fans in St. Louis see him as Bill Bidwell to notice.
That's not entirely accurate though, I'll explain. And I hope everyone reads this because it's important.
SK bought 30% of the Rams under the condition they moved to STL. Also look at he said:
This is from an ESPN article just before the sale when he got the remaining shares from Chip and Lucia and when people were all over the webernets saying he was buying the team and taking it to LA.......
ST. LOUIS -- Billionaire Stan Kroenke says he wants to keep the Rams in St. Louis.
"I'm going to attempt to do everything that I can to keep the Rams in St. Louis," Kroenke told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. "Just as I did everything that I could to bring the team to St. Louis in 1995. I believe my actions speak for themselves."
The comments are his first since announcing he wants to buy the 60 percent of the team he doesn't yet own.
"There's a track record," Kroenke told the newspaper. "I've always stepped up for pro football in St. Louis. And I'm stepping up one more time."
Later in the article he adds this:
"I'm born and raised in Missouri," Kroenke told the newspaper. "I've been a Missourian for 60 years. People in our state know me. People know I can be trusted. People know I am an honorable guy."
That's saying enough and he knows it. A word to the wise is sufficient they say......
Anyway he wanted the CVC to win the arbitration. If he won then he doesn't get to own the stadium the Rams play in......and that's what he wants and anyone who has paid attention knows that.
The Rams are moving.......into a nice new stadium somewhere in the STL area.
That's bigotry bc,pure simple and CULTURED.To be fair, he's a businessman, so he'll say whatever he needs until he's ready to commit to one or another. He could be pushing so hard to look like he wants to stay knowing that it wont happen, so he can save face later on. Or he could just not care at all, and doesn't want to lose even more fans until he finally does move. There's a lot of things that could be going on.
Like any other businessman, I wouldn't believe a word he says until he does it. I do think he stays in St. Louis, but I wouldn't be thinking either way until it happens. Fans in St Louis aren't exactly making it an easy choice to stay either, so I can see either happening. Again though, I do believe the Rams will stay put.
Yeah, tired of losing.. that's for sure.
I just don't know if the dome will ever consistently be packed full of loud Rams fans.. It's almost as if the majority of the Rams fans live somewhere other than St. Louis, including myself. I wonder if the Rams move elsewhere at some point in the future. I like the Rams being in St. Louis but is it best for the organization? I'm not sure.
This is true...He said "eventual" bandwagoners. The ones who will show up when they're good (and they will be), but couldn't give a shyte about them when they're not. And there are plenty of those types of fans out there. No doubt about it.
That's bigotry bc,pure simple and CULTURED.
Stan has goals money is only one and FWIW I'd bet it's not even #1 on his list, I'm a business man BTW and there are a few others here who are as well
That's not what I said, I said FWIW that judging a man by the content of his wallet instead of the content of his character is bigotry and is a cultured attitude , sadly though bc there's somoebody "out there " who considers YOU a dishonest rich SOB JUST because you've succeeded to whatever degree you have and it surpasses them, WHICH is as unfair and bigoted as anything as well.So you think he's not going to keep all options on the table just because? That would be pretty stupid of him. I don't know many successful businessmen who do that.
To be fair, he's a businessman, so he'll say whatever he needs until he's ready to commit to one or another. He could be pushing so hard to look like he wants to stay knowing that it wont happen, so he can save face later on. Or he could just not care at all, and doesn't want to lose even more fans until he finally does move. There's a lot of things that could be going on.
Like any other businessman, I wouldn't believe a word he says until he does it. I do think he stays in St. Louis, but I wouldn't be thinking either way until it happens. Fans in St Louis aren't exactly making it an easy choice to stay either, so I can see either happening. Again though, I do believe the Rams will stay put.