Dude is like a modern day John Elway.
Several have called him that....I'd say it's pretty accurate.
If some reading this haven't seen Elway play...remember, he was like Jim Kelly...in that, he took Denver to 4 super bowls but didn't win any....then TD arrived and they went to 2 straight winning both....after he was pretty much finished. Elway at Stanford was something too....Strong armed....very mobile...total athlete.
i'd say it's pretty much impossible to get a running QB to quit running
Most learn....some too late..but most learn....Elway was a runner....Staubach was a runner....Bradshaw was a runner....Young was a runner...probably always was a runner...they all became comfortable in the pocket...and really wanted to pass more than run after several years. Scrambling to throw isn't a problem...IMO...putting your head down at the goalline IS a problem. Bet he learns from this....
Maybe... but the Rams really didn't get much pressure on him yesterday
I thought there was some good pressure...not enough hits & sacks...really made me look at Westbrooks, Samson, Longacre....and Fox...not enough pressure from these guys...and no where near the amount of QB hits and sacks. We don't get pressure without blitzing...that's a problem. Quinn had 1 sack...we needed more. That Vai guy for Philly played well. Johnson...the RT on Philly was manhandling guys....esp. Samson.
Walker, Brockers, and Smart....Brockers was good tho...but those guys are run stopping players...interior guys...not really expect pressure from them, if you get some, all the better.