I DISAGREE 1000000%. I know every person on the roster, watch every game. I don't think going to the stadium makes you "more" of a fan. I won't disagree what everyone should attend a few games a year to soak up the atmosphere. But going to the game doesn't make you more of a fan. Going to games is for younger people, and that's a fact. My father would rather shoot himself in the foot then go to a game. Tickets, beer, hotdog and parking is easily 150.00 + that's crazy.. Owners are all ready millionaires they need to scale back ticket pricing. To say the cost of something is an excuse is BS. A lot of families cannot afford tot ake 3-4 loved ones along to a game and spend 200.00 +
Where did I say it makes one more or less of a fan. I said, that sitting in front of your tv, to avoid the crowds etc does NOT give you anywhere close to the same experience as being there.
There is NO WAY POSSIBLE for a televised game to accurately show you everything you can see when you are there. When you watch a game on tv, you are at the mercy of the director and what views of the game he chooses to show. Yeah, replay can give you a wider range on a particular play, but it does not show the entire field.
You cannot see when this receiver pops open as the play develops, only to have the QB throw the ball somewhere else. You cannot see the emotion or interaction on the sideline, especially during commercial breaks. Such as Fisher being on the field after a questionable call pleading his case with the officiating crew, sometimes in a very animated way. Unless the director of the broadcast wants to show it to you when they come back from commercial.
To say going to the games "is for younger people", well, I guess that makes me YOUNG at 55 years of age. Everything you list are nothing more than EXCUSES as to why people choose to stay home. And for YOU to tell me that sending my $$$ how I choose is CRAZY, is just as bad as you thinking I said it makes YOU less of a fan for staying home.
I have had TWO season tickets for the past 15 years. I know how much I will spend on parking, concessions, and gas before I leave my house for EVERY GAME. I do understand that not everyone has the luxury to afford it. But don't condemn us who choose to enjoy the game experience from INSIDE the stadium as CRAZY.