Anyone watch Jim Rome This Week?

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Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Had the NBA ref. caught gambling on games on for a segment, he made some pretty serious allegations about refereeing in the NBA,if you believe the guy it makes you go back to a few suspicious calls in the NFL playoffs and Super Bowls.

FWIW the guy I've coached wrestling with the last 4 years is a referee ,I've seen him interact at length with other refs. at tournaments etc.
JMO but refs. and cops get the idea that the game and the law exist so they can have power , prestige etc. after they've been at it a while.

I always did say the "these replacement refs are incompetent" was way overblown and it was more a matter of whether they had backing that made the replacements tentative.

Kinda rambled there just stream of consciousness

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I refuse to listen to, or watch that little poser.

I am very familiar with that NBA ref. Tim D. I hate that I have to believe much of what he says,,, but I do.

I used to ref HS B-ball. That actually led me to refing in prep leagues and I even refed a bunch of NBA summer league games one year. Just to set the record straight on my reason for refing... I played in HS and turned down a D1 scholarship in college (decided to go to a school that didn't have sports). I love the game, and I got a kick out of refing in a manner that I wish I had been refed. Coaches would often request me for playoffs etc. Anyway, I had fun doing it... I didn't do it to feel a sense of authority.

Because of my experience calling games,,, I can't help but recognize NBA refs (who are supposed to be the very best) ignoring obvious calls. It's maddening for me to watch it too. That "rogue" ref may have little credibility because of his gambling,,, but I can't help but believe him about much of what he says concerning the league dictating what needs to be called.

My NBA fanaticism has suffered dramatically as a direct result of how I see the games being called. I hate that it's that way for me.

Rabid Ram

Mar 13, 2013
That joke of a human still exists. Never been able to stomach him.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
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Stipulated , Rome is a complete douche and I rarely watch him,but that segment was well worth enduring him.

He did an open letter to Aaron Hernandez that was for all the world just a taunt that made me sorta for an instant think , wouldn't it be FUNNY if Hernandez issued a reply that was a veiled threat and was acquitted ?
I re watched it last night and it's something a real journalist aught to pursue.
With "our" season upcoming and all the time and heartache we put into our fandom it worries me how much we could be fooling ourselves.

Rabid Ram

Mar 13, 2013

best thing to happen to rome lol