I must say, to see that vid with Kraft, it's mind boggling. He, in my mind, represented an almost blue blood royalty as an owner, all class. Now, I look at him like a clown. No wonder Hernandez was doing what he did on Kraft's watch. Also, this GF will give him more confidence and he will think he can have any woman he wants. He will become so distracted by this new world of young tail, it will be the Patriots downfall. Let's see where the organization is 2 years from now. Young tail of that caliber needs long nights of loving, partying, Viagra and other things that a 72 year old dude is not used to. I see a possible drunk driving conviction in his future (just ask Johnny Carson about that, who was a master of the young tail in Malibu).
That gal is beautiful and he is a lucky guy. I think she may have created a monster.