it's nice to hear about other fans in the area. I am a North Carolina Native and a lifelong Ram fan (since 1975). I grew up in Brown Summit, which is north of Greensboro and I was the only Ram fan in my elementary school (1972-1978); the rest were mostly Cowboy, Redskin, or Steeler fans. I was one of only two Ram fans in my high school (1978-1984) that I knew of. I went to college at UNCC (1984-1990) and never met any real ram fans in my time there either (just a few casual fans),
I now live in Clayton NC, which is SE of Raleigh and I watch the Rams games using Sunday Ticket, which I have had at every place I've lived since 1996. For the first 15 years of my early Ram fandom I was only able to see the Rams play 4-6 times a year plus the payoffs because they were rarely on in NC at that time but that was enough to keep me hooked. In the early half of the 90's the sports bar was how I watched most of the Rams games. There was a sports bar in Chapel Hill that showed every NFL game on Sunday so that was great for me and then Sunday Ticket arrived and I have been able to watch every game at home.
Note: Anyone who might want get a group togther in the Raleigh area to talk Rams or watch a game can PM me.