Juggs, you probably need to ask your boss how serious his lady friend is about photography.
My recommendation was based on getting your money worth.
You get a lot of camera for a grand these days.
If, as i expect, she may just be keen on some improved holiday/family photos from what a camera phone may offer then thought has to be given to the lens.
A so-called travel zoom might be an option.
Again, depending on the types of photography she will be doing, the lens is an important factor.
If she wants to photograph events then a longer lens may be required.
If she wants to take photos of family occasions then something like a 17-70 is an option.
Then there is the debate of prime(one fixed length, 50mm for example which doesnt zoom) or zoom lenses which cover a certain range, 17-70, 18-250, etc.
I use both zoom and prime, but favour prime lenses.
Just to buy a camera isnt quite as simple as it sounds. Especially as a gift.