Man, Pete and I go back a looooong ways... the old P-D days. Then, the founding of RRF. RRFests.
Sadly, RRF lost it's moderation and became chaos. Eventually, I got booted off and was rudderless until I stumbled onto ROD. I was kicking around in here for about a month when (don't remember how) I found out Pete was one of the Mods. It was so heartwarming to find an old friend! We've had some great conversations since then and I will dearly miss those. But more, I'll miss Pete.
Here was the thing about him I always admired and appreciated: He was truth.
If you wanted sugar-coating, go somewhere else. If you wanted to know a person's true feelings? Go to Pete.
And, he was fair. He listened, but understood the necessity of having moderation on a board.
If you do stop by, Pete... the very best of luck to you in whatever you do! I am a better person for having met you.
God bless.