A sad goodbye...

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Jun 25, 2010
Unfortunately I have not been participating for much of the last year and a half (not out of choice) and I miss everything about it. I'm lurking most of the time though and this has been and always will be my #1 Rams site. This is because of the posters and the way X and the admin run it.
Anyway Go Rams and Merry Christmas everyone.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 24, 2010
What do you want us to do? Beg him to stay? I've been on MBs since the 90s, you always have people that have something that sets him off. I personally have never had a conversation with the guy, who am I to talk him into staying? I don't want anyone to leave, but I refuse to beg someone to please don't go. I think he will realize how good of a site we have here and will return. If not, then I truly hope he finds what he needs.

I meant the quality was excellent. Guys genuinely wishing him well. A place like he describes would have completely destroyed that original post.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
Oh, I thought u meant we were making to light of it. Lol


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 24, 2010
I wasn't clear dude, sorry. This is the most civil site I've been on, and if that requires strong moderation then I'm all for that.


Oct 22, 2013
El Juggernauto looking at it differently than me:
What do you want us to do? Beg him to stay? I've been on MBs since the 90s, you always have people that have something that sets him off. I personally have never had a conversation with the guy, who am I to talk him into staying? I don't want anyone to leave, but I refuse to beg someone to please don't go. I think he will realize how good of a site we have here and will return. If not, then I truly hope he finds what he needs.
Just goes to show how easy it is to possibly misread a post. I took what ScotsRam said to mean the exact opposite of what you took it to mean. I think all the posts were fine examples of the good people we have here. Even the joking ones weren't mean spirited in the slightest. I think he was praising the responses.

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't read the last two posts before I did mine. :lol:


May 28, 2011
Honestly, I love this site personally and think the changes improved it. At first I was kinda mehhh about the whole site change but once I got used to it it's very user friendly and has some nice new features. With the points you make about the policeing of the site now I defiantly think those are valid points. Someone on this forum has a pic as their sig and it has a nerdy guy on it that says " Be a internet forum moderator etc..." feels like thats how this site is turning into with mods trying to parent the site instead of just running it.

I would love just to just run the site, unfortunately if I and the other mods did that it would run right into the ground. Being a moderator isn't just being the bad guy and putting a stop to certain posts, it's also getting rid of trolls, spammers, etc. The reason why we need to delete posts and warn people or ban them is so this place isn't a hell hole.

Websites that don't get moderated for quality end up like the PD. Websites that don't get moderated at all just end up being filled with porn. Spam and porn. Trust us, you don't want that. We want to do as little work as possible, that all depends on what is being posted by the users. Luckily most of the posters here don't require attention from us, but if something gets out of line then we react.


Montana is God's Country
Jun 24, 2010
The less I post the better they play. I will continue for the remainder of the season. Merry Christmas!


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
The moderation here hasn't changed. All the same dudes. The membership just grew and there are a lot more "personalities." Some came from ClanRam, some from the PD, some from The Huddle, and maybe one or two from The Herd. And the rules haven't changed either. I'm not sure why it's so difficult for people to follow them, but it is what it is. Just stay out of each other's grill, and make an effort to not *personally* run down the Organization, players or coaches.

Criticize all you want. Not everyone is going to be happy or optimistic about everything. There's no need to attach labels to players (garbage) or coaches (clueless, morons, etc) in order to make your point, however. Those are the only posts that get deleted from what I can tell. The ones that get personal. Do you WANT the VP and COO of the Org to continue to volunteer his time here? How about the players - past and present? They might change their minds if this site became just another free-for-all that showed no respect for the team, so it (the moderation) has nothing to do with power trips or anything remotely like it.

At any rate, there's been some rumblings about my limited participation. There are reasons for that, but I'm not inclined to elaborate on that too much. PhxRam owns and runs the site now. He's been behind the curtain for a few years now, so it hasn't been all me this whole time. I'll still be around, and might pick up my involvement in the future, but I can no longer give the same attention I once gave. I'm just one of the fellas now, and the mods are still the same as well.

Keep using the feedback forum for technical issues, and try PMing each other once in a while if you have personal beefs. You'd be surprised how easily things can get resolved if you use those two methods. And if you want the forum to be the best one out there, then take some steps to make it that way yourselves. It's exhausting for one or two guys to do it all on their own. So be the ball, Danny. Fa na na na na na na na na naaaa.

And now that I'm not the Lord of ROD, you can all watch your collective asses.

I was holding back this whole time.
<evil laugh>

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I'm all but positive that in the only abandoner of the herd lol

You welcome everyone!

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
One note about the notice at the beginning of each Game Day thread ... early in the season GD posts were getting out of hand, including personal attacks. The warnings were started to curb the few transgressors.

The rant thread serves an entirely different purpose. It provides an efficiency to the post-loss experience. Rather than numerous threads there is just the one.


Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010
I have only one question. Where's X?

2 posts above yours my man. Paulie, sorry to hear that you are not able to spend as much time on here at the moment. You are the creator of and in my opinion, best poster on my favorite message board. Thank you for starting this board and working so hard to keep it awesome. That goes to all the moderators as well. Times they are a changing.....

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Frankly, I'm at a complete loss as to what happened to the best Ram blog around, thanks to Paul and the early members who carried this blog for the first 3+ years.

It is a complete mystery to me as to why this wonderful site has morphed into some sort of "tweener". It's between some sort of progressive type site that includes (IMO) ridiculous things like commercial ad's and ROD money. Sadly, it no longer includes useful things such as "related Rams web links" as it once did. Tell me if you can, how is this site one damn ounce better as a result of these changes? Is participation up? Does it "feel" the same, is it as fun and insightful as before? Is information as readily available? Can you get almost anything pertaining to the Rams on here any longer? How about articles and video's? Are they anywhere near as numerous?

Sure the makeup of the site is sorta slick, but not as user friendly, not really. By that I mean it doesn't have the "fell' that it originally did. Has anyone even spent a moment considering why the attendance and participation rate is so low since this (ahem) new site came up? And where are the majority of the members who supported this site since 2010? Most are AWOL and in all honesty, is it any surprise they're no longer posting?

What's happened here recently is an example of when a highly functioning sports site loses its way and mistakenly believes that bigger is better.....well it's NOT better and participation and attendance has fallen as a result. Honestly when I come here, I feel like I'm someplace else. Sure there are a few of the old faithful, but the majority who contributed and made this an excellent place to celebrate our support of the Rams is a shadow of what it was only 2 or 3 months ago and it's a crying shame.

Then there is the "thought and speech" police and every Sunday, if I want to read or comment on the game day thread, I'm initially greeted by a warning about watching my P's & Q's.....are you kidding me? Is this grade school? Is it really necessary to repeat this crap week after week? This blog prospered because of the 99.9% of those who originally helped grow this thing. And even 2 or 3 years later the vast majority had no problems conducting themselves appropriately.....do the so called monitors really believe that these types of warnings and threats are appropriate or even necessary? Wouldn't it have been just as effective to either eliminate or segregate those who acted inappropriately instead of lording over the entire blog site?
Oh, I see remarkable attention and removal of posts that don't fit a particular forum, but again is it really necessary to look over everyone's shoulder all of the time?

All I know is that neither the participation rate or feel of this blog is the same as it was and that's a damn shame, because it was the best....but not any longer, at least not in my opinion. Even Paul no longer posts and there darn sure isn't anywhere near the number of video's and articles as there were only a few months ago.

I assume that there are reasons for some of this, but again, I'm terribly disappointed by these changes, attitudes and lack of information that was the hallmark of this formally outstanding site where Rams fans felt a strong kinsmanship, this too is but a vague memory.

So here we all are, with a slick site, just like all the others out there, except for one thing...this site has lost the magic and for that I'm terribly disappointed. I know Paul and others were well meaning, but ask yourselves, does is this blog in its current configuration without its previous fan "down home feel" and togetherness including the formally related web links so members could easily navigate between places feel the same to you all? Did we need ROD dollars instead of ease and convenience of use? Do the majority of those who spent numerous of hours on ROD enjoy it anywhere near as much as before these changes?

Those issues and more are what have driven me to say the things I have. For me, it's a sad day, because I personally believe this blog has become a shadow of itself and the magic and enjoyment that once was, just isn't anymore. And so I bid those of you who remain a fond adieu. Naturally, I'll lurk here now and then, but not like the good OLE times when this was virtually my only Rams destination of choice where I knew that just about everything pertaining to my Rams team could readily be found.

I guess that good times have a limit when it comes to anything tech related as the powers that be, always seem unable to leave a successful formula alone....that's just the way it is these days and it's a shame. So finally I end my rant, by saying that it's been a pleasure meeting and speaking to so many great Rams fans and highly knowledgeable contributors, I just wish so badly that this group could have maintained it's continuity and camaraderie at least until the Rams could break through their play off drought.

Anyway, I wish you all the best this holiday season and pray that someday, someone else comes forward with the talent, vision and dedication as "The Dude".


We're all still here 62. Give the advances a chance to grow on you,,, the site has improved all around. There's no better Ram board.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
The less I post the better they play. I will continue for the remainder of the season. Merry Christmas!
Hey, MTRamsFan, can you hook me up with a good fly fishing spot when I come to Montana - I wanna meet your "friend" whose pic you posted in your sig. :)


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
One note about the notice at the beginning of each Game Day thread ... early in the season GD posts were getting out of hand, including personal attacks. The warnings were started to curb the few transgressors.

The rant thread serves an entirely different purpose. It provides an efficiency to the post-loss experience. Rather than numerous threads there is just the one.

Yea, it's become a lot more tolerable since I stopped posting during games for the sake of everyone's sanity. :wink: :lol:


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I would love just to just run the site, unfortunately if I and the other mods did that it would run right into the ground. Being a moderator isn't just being the bad guy and putting a stop to certain posts, it's also getting rid of trolls, spammers, etc. The reason why we need to delete posts and warn people or ban them is so this place isn't a hell hole.

Websites that don't get moderated for quality end up like the PD. Websites that don't get moderated at all just end up being filled with porn. Spam and porn. Trust us, you don't want that. We want to do as little work as possible, that all depends on what is being posted by the users. Luckily most of the posters here don't require attention from us, but if something gets out of line then we react.


The Rammer

ESPN Draft Guru
Sep 15, 2011
Perhaps you can't run the site without doing the other. If you believe that a site can monitor itself spend some time at any other Ram forum - one day will give you everything you need to know.
There is also always the other option of opening your own site - investing the capital, running the place the way you see fit...
I really don't mean to chastise you personally, i just think a lot of guys here have no idea how good they have it.
Oh I'm actually from another site ClanRam and I know how great this site is compared to some out there. I'm pretty impressed with the leadership and the effort put into the site; the only thing I've had a issue with is the limiting ones view points. But I do unserstand now they do have to limit some of the 'personal attacks' type of thing to keep the site from morphing into a PD board or Dictatorship like ClanRam is.