It still baffles me they depend on part time employees of this age range and a chain on the sideline to determine a first down. We have gps tracking to tell us all the movement numbers of players but we can't do the same with the silly little pigskin? Get your shit together NFL!
that would make it easier for them.
I dunno about the part time employee part. I just have never viewed that as the problem. I think moreso they just keep adding things and changing things up to make it so NO human can be consistent and right sufficiently to please the fans.
Is it replay that heightens our awareness? Better cameras and angles? Or is it really that the fast, hard hitting, violent game we all grew up with and loved is something we all have to get over.
Personally, I think it's that the NFL is trying to avoid huge lawsuits and this fear is driving a huge divide between trying to keep the most popular sport in the world relevant and making enormous profit over making sense.
It's like doing potentially dangerous things in a foreign country versus in the US. Good luck. Instead of "you're on your own", it's "there's no way we're doing it". The potential lawsuits fuck up a lot of fun - good or bad