Agreed. Imo from personal experiences there is a HUGE difference between the word n***er and n***a. As you said n***a means "brother" among blacks. I have no problem with blacks not wanting people of other colors saying n***er or n***a.
I don't think its EVER ok to say n***er, whether you're black or of another color. It is a clear derogatory term with a lengthy history behind it. But I think if n***a is used between blacks there shouldn't be a problem. The term was altered to have a positive meaning. Many people don't get that. There are examples of words or symbols in the world that have been historically negative or positive, and have been changed to mean something completely different. Take the swastika for example, which didn't have a negative perception until the 20th century.
I disagree. I think it's become acceptable for people within that race to say it but people outside that race cannot without it being offensive. You say that yourself.
We cannot change the pronunciation and undo the history and meaning and intent of a word.
Kike would mean the same thing if it was suddenly pronounced kick. It's the same thing.
The problem is that young black people, mostly male, never have had a shit ton of white people throwing that word in their face and don't understand what that would be like. They don't understand the history, or possibly they feel contemptuous I don't know.
What I do know is this. The word was created to be destructive and insulting by white slave owners and used widely for decades in a vicious manner. The version with the A on the end is no more than a slightly different pronunciation that stemmed from American ghettos and was originally used by black people as an insult too.
Anyone, black or white, that calls a person a dumb black or a dumb nigga is not handing out a compliment. This isn't debatable. Saying "your my nigga"......which I have heard and I'm sure others have......what does that mean? What up nigga? Where does it end? At what point is the flagrant abuse of a slur just too much.
I can assure you that if you say nigga to a black person over 40 they will most likely be insulted. This generation has co-opted it and is using it as some sort of bullshit street cred bravado.
Not one of these guys using it or selling it on an album seems to understand.