YouTube Hates Me.

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I like to wander through You Tube videos and have eclectic tastes. When I satisfy these interests with a certain subject, magically, more video with similar theme appear in my "suggested" list.

Let me back up a bit. I have always have felt that one must beware of wild animals. Petting a lion or any other creature whose natural desire is to eat you, is an animal that you can never fully trust as an adult animal. Even if you think he's tame, all it takes is one serious bite or action, and that can ruin your life, forever. I've resisted anthropomorphic ideas about all animals, because animals have an internal nature that isn't ours.

Ok, now I'm wondering about that. It started with the Lion Whisperer on You Tube. The dude runs a preserve over thousands of acres in South Africa, providing sanctuary for wild animals that he has raised/interacted with and with whom he has been accepted as part of their tribe, pack, etc.. He has hyenas, black panthers, and lions. He is accepted and they are very affectionate to him. They roll on the ground with him, and he rubs them all over and scratches their chins. Even hyenas, which I found the most shocking because I hated those animals...that's over, after watching these videos. He takes his lions for a walk and they love it. He has to be careful because of their immense size, but they are mindful of his frailty. FEW others could get in there with them, and especially not visitors, although they ride around and follow the Lions in the safety of a truck, watching.

Heaven help you if you watch a video where humans are kind and aid distressed animals of all kinds. Geese, Kaolas, seals, pigs, deer, etc...all express relief and human like traits of thankfulness when you help them. Some come by after the fact to be near their rescuers and to interact with them, for years, and it's fukking me up. I love meat, and now I'm thinking like a friggin tree hugging vegetarian. Do animals have souls? I never used to think that was true except for dogs and cats. Pigs screw with me the most, because they can be so sensitive and thankful when their pain is relieved. STOP THAT SHYTE, YOU TUBE!

I guess I better start looking at ways to cook with tofu?


Pro Bowler
Apr 4, 2013
I like to wander through You Tube videos and have eclectic tastes. When I satisfy these interests with a certain subject, magically, more video with similar theme appear in my "suggested" list.

Let me back up a bit. I have always have felt that one must beware of wild animals. Petting a lion or any other creature whose natural desire is to eat you, is an animal that you can never fully trust as an adult animal. Even if you think he's tame, all it takes is one serious bite or action, and that can ruin your life, forever. I've resisted anthropomorphic ideas about all animals, because animals have an internal nature that isn't ours.

Ok, now I'm wondering about that. It started with the Lion Whisperer on You Tube. The dude runs a preserve over thousands of acres in South Africa, providing sanctuary for wild animals that he has raised/interacted with and with whom he has been accepted as part of their tribe, pack, etc.. He has hyenas, black panthers, and lions. He is accepted and they are very affectionate to him. They roll on the ground with him, and he rubs them all over and scratches their chins. Even hyenas, which I found the most shocking because I hated those animals...that's over, after watching these videos. He takes his lions for a walk and they love it. He has to be careful because of their immense size, but they are mindful of his frailty. FEW others could get in there with them, and especially not visitors, although they ride around and follow the Lions in the safety of a truck, watching.

Heaven help you if you watch a video where humans are kind and aid distressed animals of all kinds. Geese, Kaolas, seals, pigs, deer, etc...all express relief and human like traits of thankfulness when you help them. Some come by after the fact to be near their rescuers and to interact with them, for years, and it's fukking me up. I love meat, and now I'm thinking like a friggin tree hugging vegetarian. Do animals have souls? I never used to think that was true except for dogs and cats. Pigs screw with me the most, because they can be so sensitive and thankful when their pain is relieved. STOP THAT SHYTE, YOU TUBE!

I guess I better start looking at ways to cook with tofu?

Oh and you just ruined the food porn thread. Lol


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
You just have to come to terms with the fact that animals can be affectionate and tasty. Maybe the tasty ones are the mean soulless ones.


Mar 17, 2014
Keep searching Loyal.
I'm sure you will stumble across a video of a human being attacked by some kind of wild animal.
Press "like"
You'll then be gifted more animal attacks.
Then you'll be back on track and on top of the food chain once again.

Happy dining!


Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 Sportsbook Champion
Nov 9, 2014
It’s seems when you raise a pup or cub from being born your all it knows and has a life long connection with you. Where it goes wrong is when these people assume it’s not a wild animal after all these years and don’t respect it and get attacked or killed.

Then again it’s not domesticated and will always have it in them.


For my money wolves are what get me going in awe.

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Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Well, speaking as someone who has a current story about anthropomorphic animals, I love these videos. :D

But yeah, join the animal lovers side, Leroy! :p ;)


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
That's alright. We hate you too. :hide:

Petting a lion or any other creature whose natural desire is to eat you, is an animal that you can never fully trust as an adult animal. Even if you think he's tame, all it takes is one serious bite or action, and that can ruin your life, forever.
So when I was younger, my parents were good friends of Jim and Jane Brolin. Jane had an African lioness that she had rescued from a guy who had defanged and declawed the poor beast. Well she had had it for a couple years and the girl was pretty tame. Well we were out at their place for a BBQ and the lion tender was in with the cat giving it a bath and just kind of working with it. The lioness turned and bit right through his thigh right to the bone, let go, and ran to the far side of the cage. He almost lost his leg and had to have several operations just to walk. So yeah... They're fucking WILD.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #9
That's alright. We hate you too. :hide:

So when I was younger, my parents were good friends of Jim and Jane Brolin. Jane had an African lioness that she had rescued from a guy who had defanged and declawed the poor beast. Well she had had it for a couple years and the girl was pretty tame. Well we were out at their place for a BBQ and the lion tender was in with the cat giving it a bath and just kind of working with it. The lioness turned and bit right through his thigh right to the bone, let go, and ran to the far side of the cage. He almost lost his leg and had to have several operations just to walk. So yeah... They're fucking WILD.
You have to learn how perfect the fried tofu and pineapple pizza! No more of those delicious steaks or bbq pulled pork sammiches!


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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  • #10
It’s seems when you raise a pup or cub from being born your all it knows and has a life long connection with you. Where it goes wrong is when these people assume it’s not a wild animal after all these years and don’t respect it and get attacked or killed.

Then again it’s not domesticated and will always have it in them.


For my money wolves are what get me going in awe.


Well, I never said the Lion Whisperer domesticated wild animals, but he is accepted into their distinct family groups. Yes, I have another story about a lion killing a trainer who had worked with the animal all of its life. We are not talking about lion taming, circus stuff. In fact, the first time I watched the lions run at Ken Richardson, I thought he would die


Jan 15, 2013
That's alright. We hate you too. :hide:

So when I was younger, my parents were good friends of Jim and Jane Brolin. Jane had an African lioness that she had rescued from a guy who had defanged and declawed the poor beast. Well she had had it for a couple years and the girl was pretty tame. Well we were out at their place for a BBQ and the lion tender was in with the cat giving it a bath and just kind of working with it. The lioness turned and bit right through his thigh right to the bone, let go, and ran to the far side of the cage. He almost lost his leg and had to have several operations just to walk. So yeah... They're fucking WILD.
I didn’t know the Brolins lived up that way when I was growing up. I heard an interview with Josh Brolin when No Country For Old Men was coming out and he mentioned it. One of my favorite movies, fantastic movie.
Anyway, Brolin wears a Templeton Eagles wind breaker in a scene or two in that movie.


Jan 15, 2013
Speaking of being on the food chain........
Went a looked at a house earlier this week.
The closest neighbor on one side has a 12 food re enforced fence a “curved” to that prevents climbing. Also a current on the fence. Two levels of fencing all together.
So, I’m standing in the road looking at it and out of the far part of the enclosure lazily wanders out a lion and a white tiger.
The the hell??
They used to be way out of town and town grew out to them.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I didn’t know the Brolins lived up that way when I was growing up. I heard an interview with Josh Brolin when No Country For Old Men was coming out and he mentioned it. One of my favorite movies, fantastic movie.
Anyway, Brolin wears a Templeton Eagles wind breaker in a scene or two in that movie.

Yeah... I used to baby sit Josh and Jess when our parents would go out. Josh was a pretty cool kid back then. Jess? We'll leave that one alone. Now I'm going to have to watch that movie again. I never noticed that.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I must have meat. Or at least my appetite desires it, big time.

I am not a hunter. That does not appeal to me... But, I gladly eat game prepared for me.

Meat and potatoes kind of dude.


May 28, 2011
I could never be a wildlife photographer because I pick sides and I would ensure my favorites always won.

Fuck a gazelle, stupid leg day skipping grass eaters, feed them baby lions, bastards are cute as fuck. Shoot a walrus, feed a polar bear.

But I also love the fuck out of a good steak. Animal is already dead, not eating it isn't going to bring it back.


May 16, 2019
Several things in my life have shaped my view of things. Yes, I eat meat, but I don't hunt. I fish but 99% is catch and release. When I was a kid I went hunting with a friend and his dad an avid hunter. When I heard the animal cry when being shot I knew I couldn't do it. Years later as I tried desperately to save wounded men, I heard those similar cries from them as well. Have I killed? Yes, but it was war and they were trying to kill me. Regardless it still haunts me and will to my dying day. I take no pride in that taking of life and hate the glorification of war.

Hunting for survival is one thing. It's the way of life. All things survive by consuming other life. But hunting for sport, for the pure joy of killing is something I can't do and won't do. Do I own guns? Yes, I do, because I enjoy target shooting and pinking. I carried a pistol when I went backpacking as well as I often wandered far beyond the normal track. So what I'm saying is that life is full of contradictions. What is right and acceptable to one may be incomprehensible to another.

Sometimes I think we make life too complicated. I accept what is and don't worry about things I can't control. I have always loved wildlife. More than once I encountered dangerous animals in my travels in the backcountry. Most of the time it was simply a moment where both of us tried to gauge the danger threat. When the animal saw I posed no danger to them it moved on. Sometimes I simply backed away slowly, never turning my back on them of course. Only once did I have to draw and fire my weapon but I did so into the ground as a warning shot and the animal quickly fled.

Animals we call wild, have shown me they are far more than simple dumb beasts. I have watched wolves on several occasions and they are extremely interesting. They have a social structure, with rules and codes. The mated pair mate for life and they provide and protect their young. There is no doubt in my mind that animals we dismiss as wild beasts are in fact, sentient creatures. To what level remains to be determined but deserves a measure of respect.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
My wife got caught up in that same scenario and has been a pescitarian for the past 5 years because of it. She somehow thinks fish have no feeling, and I'm not crazy enough to tell her the fault in her logic. She can just do her thing, and I'll do mine. I love bacon almost as much as I love bacon, but it's nothing compared to bacon. I can't NOT have meat, unfortunately. I purposely ignore those kinds of videos and am willfully ignorant of the industrial food complex's treatment of animals. I know what goes on, but I tune it out. And I'm kind of hypocritical in that regard because I think hunting is cruel outside of a survival scenario. I dunno. I think meat has my cognitive functions all fucked up. But still. Meat is delicious and I need it.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
Meat is delicious.
Funny thing is I love cooking with vegetables ever since my wife and kids went vegan. I discovered all vegetable work well together. That is a fact. There is no vegetable combo that doesn’t come out amazing if you julienne, fine dice, or mandolin it. Roasting them, adding nuts etc it’s all great to prepare and looks stunning. The way you dress it can be infinite too and herbs are epic - then there is pickling, which is the best thing of all time. And you can use the same cutting board you start with unlike preparing meat which forces you to be ultra sanitary.
But Although it is fun to prepare and they love it - i can’t touch it
Give me sausages, fried potatoes, whole chickens over oak fire, pork boiled them fried, and cheese ALL DAY


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Animals we call wild, have shown me they are far more than simple dumb beasts. I have watched wolves on several occasions and they are extremely interesting. They have a social structure, with rules and codes. The mated pair mate for life and they provide and protect their young. There is no doubt in my mind that animals we dismiss as wild beasts are in fact, sentient creatures. To what level remains to be determined but deserves a measure of respect.

Wolves are a special case. Every member of the pack - even the omegas, who get picked on by the rest of the pack to cope with stress - are loved by the pack. I remember reading about a case where an omega wolf was killed by an electric fence, and the wolves mourned for literal hours before they moved away from the site.

There's a reason why they're my favorite animal.