Wierd Place to Meet a Famous Person for You?

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Mar 17, 2014
I met a certain celebrity who I wont name on a public forum when I was first back from deployment and went straight from the airport to a meeting that my father was in when said celebrity was in attendance. They had lunch at the meeting and since my father gave them the heads up I was allowed to sit in the meeting and they had steak for everyone since it was my first meal back. Really a bang up job by everyone around, the chef came out, thanked me for my service and gave me my steak before the waiter served everyone else.

This was unacceptable to said celebrity who said something along the lines of "I don't care what he does, he's a nobody and I should have been served first."... Her PR person freaked out and after our meal basically begged me not to go public with what happened, which I told her I didn't really care. Her client lost the opportunity from her statement so I figured that was probably punishment enough.

Plus the steak was freaking amazing.

Doing Security I met a bunch of KPOP bands, super weird dudes all of them, and their stalkers are even worse. They would pay thousands of dollars to get their exact itineraries and would follow them around and just giggle. They had no fear in terms of police or anything though, one tried to climb up and over me, it was nuts.

Padme's a giant bitch if anyone is wondering. Doing a PSD for her and she was super crappy to everyone. Was told that's the norm.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a bit of an icehole too, his agent is even worse. He requested a security detail for his hotel, and I volunteered since I figured I could talk some physics with him as I have before. Did that, which was really nice and he was a pleasure to talk to in that regard. He was confused on why I was doing security work on the side as if it was beneath me, but whatever. However, he and his agent were really snarky to the other security guards, and when he left his room early (for no reason) and went to the wrong location, he had to walk along the outside of the hotel to the back where his car was. I followed along on the camera as the other security guards came out to escort him, but he got to his far first. Then his agent called and flipped out about how he could have been mobbed.

Nah lady, I was watching, nobody even knew who the hell he is. Science isn't that main stream.

Justin Bieber was surprisingly nice even if his permanent security detail were huge dicks. He asked to do something and was told he couldn't, he was cool with it but his security tried to just force their way in anyway. Not sure if that was something he told them to do or not, but he seemed a little embarrassed. Especially when myself and my partner drew on them because while we were assigned to his detail that didn't mean it overrode our primary duty at the time, which included protecting the assets his security detail were threatening.

Met various LA Kings at different functions and events, both current and retired players, all were really fun, talked lots of Vegas with them.

My buddy also turned down Jennifer Lawrence when she was hitting on him right when she was rebounding hard from a relationship because he didn't know she was flirting. He regrets that one pretty hard.
Truly fun stories.
I'd like to know who the 1st celeb was that didnt get his/her meal before you.

Interesting to hear the Bieber wasnt a jerk.


May 28, 2011
Giventhe later details on Tyson, etc. why did this "celebrity" deserve special protection from being outed for their entitlement? Just curious. I respect your answer, either way.

Just because I told her PR person I wouldn't put her on blast and technically anyone can pop in and see this thread. Anyone can PM me for more details though.


May 28, 2011

Yeah, it was pretty funny. We were outside, they were all inside, and she popped out to get some air and joined our conversation. She was tipsy and started to sort of hit on both of us, but my friend being the better looking guy with the million dollar smile was getting most of the attention. Lots of touching from her, a few dirty jokes, she clearly gave him a few looks up and down and made a comment about wanting to find a place to just relax and forget about Hollywood. We talked about getting a few Jay's and heading to the beach and she said she would be down if she could catch a ride with my buddy who said he had to get up early for another job the next day.

He ended up calling out anyway too, so basically he fumbled inside the red zone. Not quite the 1, but he was in scoring position for sure.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
Yeah, it was pretty funny. We were outside, they were all inside, and she popped out to get some air and joined our conversation. She was tipsy and started to sort of hit on both of us, but my friend being the better looking guy with the million dollar smile was getting most of the attention. Lots of touching from her, a few dirty jokes, she clearly gave him a few looks up and down and made a comment about wanting to find a place to just relax and forget about Hollywood. We talked about getting a few Jay's and heading to the beach and she said she would be down if she could catch a ride with my buddy who said he had to get up early for another job the next day.

He ended up calling out anyway too, so basically he fumbled inside the red zone. Not quite the 1, but he was in scoring position for sure.

It's actually pretty relatable, I think a lot of us have missed or misunderstood 'signals' that others in our presence read more naturally. Because it's Jennifer Lawrence though, someone I find attractive in both appearance and personality, that would likely lead to some regret. Just tell him not to make the same mistake twice when the next pretty young thing takes some air.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Laker Fans might like this...

I was out to eat with my whole family (parents, brother & sis, in-laws, and kids) at Roco's Tacos... so we had a huge table. I was just about to sit back down at our table after a tequila shot at the bar when I notice Frank Vogel plowing his way through the crowded restaurant headed right for me. I know the sports media wants to pretend that he never coached here in Orlando... but that shit happened lol. Anyway... it was extremely obvious that not one soul that was running into him in this crowded place even knew who he was. I felt bad for him.

He was right next to me as I was pulling out my chair to sit down at our table of table of 15... so I said "Hey Coach". He looked at me and got the biggest smile on his face. He then put his had on my shoulder and reached out to grab my hand. After a solid hand shake I was taking a seat and he then proceeded to tell my table what a nice looking family we were and then he was on his way. It was obvious to me what a down to earth and very nice guy he is after that.

After he walked away from the table several of my family members asked me who in the hell that was... LOL.
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Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Not sure about weird places but here's a couple.

My mom is a pretty famous Western artist. I've met many actors, singers, rodeo people, etc over the years. Most I have met just wanted to be treated like everyone else, so I never really thought much about it.

For a while, my parents were close friends with Jim and Jane Brolin and I used to baby sit Josh and Jess Brolin when they would go out on the town. Josh was a great kid and we actually got along quite well. Jess? Not so much.

Anywho…. we were out at the Brolin's ranch for a BBQ. Don Prudhome, Glen Campbell, Susan Day (totally wasted), and some others I don't remember were there. At some point in the drunkenness, the idea came up for a greased pig chase. Hilariously, my dad jumped at the chance to get the hell out of there for a bit so he offered to go get a couple weaners from a friend's ranch and asked me to go with him. Sounded much more entertaining to me. On the way, he just shook his head and sighed... "Have you ever met so many people so impressed with themselves?" Cracked me up.

So we get the pigs, bring them back, and Jane threw a fit when she heard the squealing pigs running from a bunch of drunk guys. I think the chase lasted about 5 minutes. I'm not sure what the thought pattern was there. Everyone knew Jane was an animal activist. She was freaking pissed!

Josh and I got the hint and snuck out to watch "The Car" on their new laser disc player. It hadn't hit theaters yet so it was kinda cool getting to see a sneak preview.

On another occasion, we went to a small airport with an artist friend of my mom's to pick up Mel Tillis and Glen Campbell. They were to be the music for the festival that was part of the show.

So Mel's plane "Stutter 2" (apparently, it was his second plane) taxis over to where we're waiting. A bit later, he gets out of the plane and walks over to us with a stunned look on his face. Shortly behind him, Glen Campbell exits the plane with Tanya Tucker on his heels just flat out screaming at Glen. As Mel walks up to us he shakes his head and says, "Th th th th they've been doing that the whole flight!"

Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
So Mel's plane "Stutter 2" (apparently, it was his second plane) taxis over to where we're waiting. A bit later, he gets out of the plane and walks over to us with a stunned look on his face. Shortly behind him, Glen Campbell exits the plane with Tanya Tucker on his heels just flat out screaming at Glen. As Mel walks up to us he shakes his head and says, "Th th th th they've been doing that the whole flight!"

Great stories Stu. I get the Tillis reference, but I’d be a bit apprehensive about boarding a plane c-c-called the “Studder 2”.

At worst, I’d insist on doing my own pre-flight walk-around.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Great stories Stu. I get the Tillis reference, but I’d be a bit apprehensive about boarding a plane c-c-called the “Studder 2”.

At worst, I’d insist on doing my own pre-flight walk-around.
Apparently Mel was a pretty good pilot.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Yeah, it was pretty funny. We were outside, they were all inside, and she popped out to get some air and joined our conversation. She was tipsy and started to sort of hit on both of us, but my friend being the better looking guy with the million dollar smile was getting most of the attention. Lots of touching from her, a few dirty jokes, she clearly gave him a few looks up and down and made a comment about wanting to find a place to just relax and forget about Hollywood. We talked about getting a few Jay's and heading to the beach and she said she would be down if she could catch a ride with my buddy who said he had to get up early for another job the next day.

He ended up calling out anyway too, so basically he fumbled inside the red zone. Not quite the 1, but he was in scoring position for sure.

Many years ago I had a friend/coworker that had a similar experience. He and I ad quite a bit of good luck going out "hunting" together back then.

He moved to the east coast because he got a job with a lighting company that did concerts in the region. Bon Jovi, Run DMC and a lot of the big bands in the 80's were customers so he got to meet a lot of rock stars.

He came back home to visit and tracked me down. He had one of his coworkers with him and the three of us hit up a place to get some food and booze. Naturally I was asking him about all of the famous people he got to meet. After awhile his buddy chimes in with a story about how they ran into a famous actress backstage and ended up sitting around drinking with the band and a few actors and actresses. I don't remember the band or the celebs except for one because he missed the clues and probably could have had some fun with Molly Ringwald.

His buddy obviously enjoyed making sure he never lived it down.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Bumped into Ace Frehley on a Southwest flight to San Diego in '88

I talked to someone several years ago that met him and said he was a really nice guy, very accommodating and easy going. He said he appreciated the fans so much.

Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
I got a million of 'em. Sorry. Growing up in the bay area, a lot of them involve the Niners and the SF Giants players.

In the early '80s my brother and I used to go up to the local high school- Carlmont- and play baseball, or kick field goals on the football field.

One day we were up there, and from one end of the football field we saw this stocky dude with a mustache, and what turned out to be his wife walking onto the field. Uh-oh. It was the middle of the day, just before football season, but as a teenager, I thought, "woah....they aren't going to join the 50-yard-line club, are they??! Cool!..."

Then I noticed. The dude was carrying two Santa-Claus sized mesh bags, filled with footballs. Then I noticed something else... Ray Wersching?? Sure enough, Ray brought his wife to help shag the balls, (I guess that was the only shagging they planned that afternoon) and hold for him.

I looked at my band-wagon-Niner-loving little brother. "let's see if he wants us to help out!" I know he was a Niner, but they were fresh off their first Super Bowl, and it was a cool opportunity.

Sure enough, one of us held, and they other sat back behind the posts and tried to catch his kicks. We did this for about an hour. We'd switch off.

It was pretty cool. He was a good guy, and his wife was relieved she didn't have to hold. He had a tee with him, but I guess wanted more of the authenticity of someone holding live. (This was, of course before the invention of that holding contraption)

I remember I was a little embarrassed. I started out putting the ball on my toe, to get it off the grass, like I did for niner-lover-bandwagon-brother, and Ray said, "Uh, just put it on the grass..." to which I recoved a little bit, as my face turned red, "Oh yeah, duh!... laces out, right?" What a dork. :palm:

Anyway. It was a cool experience. His niner-stench wasn't so bad.


Inked Gym Rat Stoner
Jul 7, 2010
Maynard James Keenan of Tool, A Perfect Circle, Pusicifer,... I was up in Cottonwood visiting my Mom and decided to head up to the local Maverick for some late night munchies. I always park at a pump number whether I get fuel or not. He just happened to be filling up right in front of me. I knew it was him and simply shared about 43 seconds of genuine time shaking his right hand and just summarizing how much all of his music has influenced Me. That's about it.


May 16, 2019
This happened back in the early 90's in San Marcos, CA. I was in a restaurant and it was just after the lunch rush mid-week. I knew the owner and he and I were sitting at a table finishing our lunch and having a brew. He only had one waitress at that time between lunch and dinner, and she was relatively new. I'd seen her several times before since I was a regular. She was a very pretty, petite polish girl with a bright smile and slightly accented English. Dave the owner said she was here on a student visa. She was taking classes at Palomar JC to fill out her requirements for the brand new CSU San Marcos.

There were 3 tables with patrons when in walks Clint Eastwood and 2 other men. They sat at the booth right across from me and Dave. One of the friends knew Dave and introductions were made. I had already met Clint some 20 years earlier when I was working on the set for his original Dirty Harry. Then a couple of times at the Hogs Breath Inn he owned in Carmel and could be found at times playing the piano.

Anyway, Beata the polish waitress, came to the table and as she always did turn on her charm. The fact is she had no idea who they were, it was just her way of insuring good tips. She was casually flirtatious and smiling. One of the men was Russian and she could tell by his accent. She casually spoke to him in very fluent Russian to take his order. The men were completely taken with her. She attended to their meal needs very well as she did the other tables as well. The third man was Jewish and jokingly he spoke Hebrew to her and she responded fluently in Hebrew. The men were shocked. They found out she spoke 9 languages fluently.

When Clint introduced himself they could tell by her lack of reaction she had no idea who he was. He tried to pick up on her but she sweetly declined. She had lived her whole life (she was 21) in a hole in the wall village in Poland. They asked her if she would be interested in film testing for a movie part. She thought they were joking, even when they said they weren't. She kept declining saying she only wanted to focus upon building a life here and bringing her family over.

When they left, Clint gave her a $100 bill tip on which he wrote "Dear Beata, Thank you for a lovely meal. Meeting you was like a breath of fresh air" signed Your friend always, Clint Eastwood. When he gave it to her he said "You don't know who I am but don't spend this. Keep it because when I die it will be worth a fortune" and he laughed.

After they left I explained to Beata just who he was. Every Christmas I get a card from Beata and in everyone she says she still has the bill. It's framed and on her bedroom wall. It took 15 years but she got her family to the US and she has a six figure income as a corporate translator in Dallas.


Hall of Fame
Feb 24, 2019
I met Paul Hornung at a little hole in the wall carry out food place before a University of Louisville football game near the stadium. He spoke first once he noticed we recognized him. He said what's up fellas and reached out to shake our hands.My sister and brother in law sold their house to Travis Meeks lead singer for Days of the New which had a couple of real goods songs Touch,Peel and Stand and Shelf in the Room back in the late 90's . His career went in a downward spiral shortly after he made it to the top. Any way there were some shelves that weren't built in and he said he didn't want them but then decided he wanted to purchase them so my brother in law and I brought them over and I got to meet him.


May 16, 2019
It was the spring of 1973 and I was rehabbing at the Naval Hospital San Diego. As a corpsman, I was assigned as part of the hospital staff pending my possible release from Naval Service due to my wounds. I was assigned to the administration in the patient records department.

My assignment was to update officer records of incoming former POW's. That is how I met John McCain as he was processed through Balboa Hospital. The man I met wasn't the man he ultimately became. To say we didn't hit it off would be an understatement. He was angry, belligerent and felt this country owed him something. After several minutes of listening to his venting, I got angry and since I thought I was going to get out soon I had nothing to lose. So I gave it right back at him. I pointed out that as a pilot he enlisted, that I was drafted into the Navy. Yes, their losses were so great they were drafting into both the Navy and Marines. I told him he was in line for a fat payday and medals and accolades that he could convert into a civilian career. They were simply going to boot me out without so much as a thank you and nothing to show for my service. I was wounded just like he was, in a similar manner. So I told him to shut the F**kup! I totally unloaded on him, reminding him that most of the guys fighting that war were like me. How I came home still in bandages wearing my uniform because my civies were packed. I went into Bob's Big Boy to get something to eat and they wouldn't serve me. They called me a baby killer and the waitress spat on me. I told him you walk in there and they will fall over themselves and give him his meal for free. I had already learned my employer was not going to give me my job back. So I was more angry with more reason than him.

He told me to get the F out of his room. He had me thrown in the 32nd street brig for 30 days. I was hoping they would courts-martial me and kick me out. But of course, they didn't.

I followed McCain's career and watched how he mellowed and his eyes opened to reality. when he passed I was sad because he was one of the few Republicans I respected.


I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
Joey Kramer of Aerosmith fame used to live not far from where I do and worked out at the same gym I go to. The first few times I crossed paths with him, not recognizing who it was, I made a mental note that "that guy looks like an aging rock star" ... only to subsequently find out he was indeed and aging rock star.

BTW, once when I was there I conducted an interview with him, the transcript of which is presented below in full:

Me: Hey
JK: Hey

Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
BTW, once when I was there I conducted an interview with him, the transcript of which is presented below in full:

Me: Hey
JK: Hey
Wow! thirteen28 You missed your calling! That interview was riveting. You set your lair, drew him in, and boom! He spilled his fricken’ guts to you.

Well played.
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Tokyo Ram
Sep 25, 2017
I met James May (Top Gear, The Grand Tour) at the Fertility Festival aka the Penis Festival in Japan.