The Scariest Trade Deal Nobody's Talking About

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How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
I'm not really following tihs very closely, but thought I'd add for awareness/discussion...

The Scariest Trade Deal Nobody's Talking About Just Suffered a Big Leak
By David Dayen @ddayen Photo: John Stilwell/AFP/Getty Images

The Obama administration’s desire for “fast track” trade authority is not limited to passing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). In fact, that may be the least important of three deals currently under negotiation by the U.S. Trade Representative. The Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) would bind the two biggest economies in the world, the United States and the European Union. And the largest agreement is also the least heralded: the 51-nation Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA).

On Wednesday, WikiLeaks brought this agreement into the spotlight by releasing 17 key TiSA-related documents, including 11 full chapters under negotiation. Though the outline for this agreement has been in place for nearly a year, these documents were supposed to remain classified for five years after being signed, an example of the secrecy surrounding the agreement, which outstrips even the TPP.

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TiSA has been negotiated since 2013, between the United States, the European Union, and 22 other nations, including Canada, Mexico, Australia, Israel, South Korea, Japan, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, and others scattered across South America and Asia. Overall, 12 of the G20 nations are represented, and negotiations have carefully incorporated practically every advanced economy except for the “BRICS” coalition of emerging markets (which stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa).

The deal would liberalize global trade of services, an expansive definition that encompasses air and maritime transport, package delivery, e-commerce, telecommunications, accountancy, engineering, consulting, health care, private education, financial services and more, covering close to 80 percent of the U.S. economy. Though member parties insist that the agreement would simply stop discrimination against foreign service providers, the text shows that TiSA would restrict how governments can manage their public laws through an effective regulatory cap. It could also dismantle and privatize state-owned enterprises, and turn those services over to the private sector. You begin to sound like the guy hanging out in front of the local food co-op passing around leaflets about One World Government when you talk about TiSA, but it really would clear the way for further corporate domination over sovereign countries and their citizens.

Reading the texts (here’s an example, the annex on air transport services) makes you realize the challenge for members of Congress or interested parties to comprehend a trade agreement while in negotiation. The “bracketed” text includes each country’s offer, merged into one document, with notations on whether the country proposed, is considering, or opposes each specific provision. You need to either be a trade lawyer or a very alert reader to know what’s going on. But between the text and a series of analyses released by WikiLeaks, you get a sense for what the countries negotiating TiSA want.

First, they want to limit regulation on service sectors, whether at the national, provincial or local level. The agreement has “standstill” clauses to freeze regulations in place and prevent future rulemaking for professional licensing and qualifications or technical standards. And a companion “ratchet” clause would make any broken trade barrier irreversible.

It may make sense to some to open service sectors up to competition. But under the agreement, governments may not be able to regulate staff to patient ratios in hospitals, or ban fracking, or tighten safety controls on airlines, or refuse accreditation to schools and universities. Foreign corporations must receive the same "national treatment" as domestic ones, and could argue that such regulations violate their ability to provide the service. Allowable regulations could not be “more burdensome than necessary to ensure the quality of the service,” according to TiSA’s domestic regulation annex. No restrictions could be placed on foreign investment—corporations could control entire sectors.

This would force open dozens of services, including ones where state-owned enterprises, like the national telephone company in Uruguay or the national postal service of Italy, now operate. Previously, public services would be either broken up or forced into competition with foreign service providers. While the United States and European Union assured in a joint statement that such privatization need not be permanent, they also “noted the important complementary role of the private sector in these areas” to “improve the availability and diversity of services,” which doesn’t exactly connote a hands-off policy on the public commons.

Corporations would get to comment on any new regulatory attempts, and enforce this regulatory straitjacket through a dispute mechanism similar to the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) process in other trade agreements, where they could win money equal to “expected future profits” lost through violations of the regulatory cap.

For an example of how this would work, let’s look at financial services. It too has a “standstill” clause, which given the unpredictability of future crises could leave governments helpless to stop a new and dangerous financial innovation. In fact, Switzerland has proposed that all TiSA countries must allow “any new financial service” to enter their market. So-called “prudential regulations” to protect investors or depositors are theoretically allowed, but they must not act contrary to TiSA rules, rendering them somewhat irrelevant.

Most controversially, all financial services suppliers could transfer individual client data out of a TiSA country for processing, regardless of national privacy laws. This free flow of data across borders is true for the e-commerce annex as well; it breaks with thousands of years of precedent on locally kept business records, and has privacy advocates alarmed.

There’s no question that these provisions reinforce Senator Elizabeth Warren’s contention that a trade deal could undermine financial regulations like the Dodd-Frank Act. The Swiss proposal on allowances for financial services could invalidate derivatives rules, for example. And harmonizing regulations between the U.S. and EU would involve some alteration, as the EU rules are less stringent.

Member countries claim they want to simply open up trade in services between the 51 nations in the agreement. But there’s already an international deal governing these sectors through the World Trade Organization (WTO), called the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). The only reason to re-write the rules is to replace GATS, which the European Union readily admits (“if enough WTO members join in, TiSA could be turned into a broader WTO agreement”).

That’s perhaps TiSA’s real goal—to pry open markets, deregulate and privatize services worldwide, even among emerging nations with no input into the agreement. U.S. corporations may benefit from such a structure, as the Chamber of Commerce suggests, but the impact on workers and citizens in America and across the globe is far less clear. Social, cultural, and even public health goals would be sidelined in favor of a regime that puts corporate profits first. It effectively nullifies the role of democratic governments to operate in the best interest of their constituents.

Unsurprisingly, this has raised far more concern globally than in the United States. But a completed TiSA would go through the same fast-track process as TPP, getting a guaranteed up-or-down vote in Congress without the possibility of amendment. Fast-track lasts six years, and negotiators for the next president may be even more willing to make the world safe for corporate hegemony. “This is as big a blow to our rights and freedom as the Trans-Pacific Partnership,” said Larry Cohen, president of the Communication Workers of America in a statement, “and in both cases our government’s secrecy is the key enabler.”


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Yeah, TPP and TiSA are both just such MASSIVE rights grabs it ain't even funny.

Any Libertarian worth their salt should be foaming at the damn mouth about this.

It's not free market economics. That's what's so disingenuous about it. It's really no different than Oligarchic Socialism except that it's a few large Corporations trying to supplant government...

It won't be long before our financial rules...hell, our entire judicial system resembles the rules of the WWE with all the enforcement clout of of a wrestling referee who's routinely tossed out of the ring without concern or consequence.

This is the Corporatocracy at its finest...


Hall of Fame
Sep 29, 2013
Its scary stuff. TTIP's have the potential to have incredibly huge and dire consequences for everyone - and its not being talked about. A huge handover of power, authority and sovereignty from the (elected remember!) government to unelected, unaccountable corporations who are like blood sucking vampires in their absolutely relentless search for profit.

Look at it - you have a situation where a corporation can sue the government because that government is introducing policies that suit the electorate (i.e. the people it supposedly works for - that's a democracy folks) rather than suit the corporation. Its a corporate hijack of democracy and it must be stopped.

@Mayckeyser - you're so right. Its a corporate plutocracy we live in not a true, free market capitalist state. The rich, and the corporations have power, wealth and influence far exceeding that of the individual citizens power that he has by virtue of his citizenship, and his vote at the ballot box.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
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They're voting on it THIS week.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Its scary stuff. TTIP's have the potential to have incredibly huge and dire consequences for everyone - and its not being talked about. A huge handover of power, authority and sovereignty from the (elected remember!) government to unelected, unaccountable corporations who are like blood sucking vampires in their absolutely relentless search for profit.

Look at it - you have a situation where a corporation can sue the government because that government is introducing policies that suit the electorate (i.e. the people it supposedly works for - that's a democracy folks) rather than suit the corporation. Its a corporate hijack of democracy and it must be stopped.

@Mayckeyser - you're so right. Its a corporate plutocracy we live in not a true, free market capitalist state. The rich, and the corporations have power, wealth and influence far exceeding that of the individual citizens power that he has by virtue of his citizenship, and his vote at the ballot box.

Well, and that's just it.

And the chicken's are going to come home to roost.

Corporations are going to be able to sue the US now to do the same disgusting exploitative things they've been able to do in third world countries since forever AND they'll have rule of law on their side.

I mean, it may sound like exaggeration, but in some countries, slavery is LEGAL. After TPP and TiSA are passed, Corporations should be able to sue for the RIGHT to use slaves in ANY country, including the US... And WIN.

Lastly, this isn't about party. Dems and Reps seem to like this and it seems there are outlier Dems and Reps who don't. Not that I like either party, mind you...


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
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The encumbents are scared. Really scared. They know what's happening, and are using antiquated tools to address it. We'll be okay. They can't oppose nature.

I'm being very serious here.

We're going to be okay. At least in the long run.


Hall of Fame
Sep 29, 2013
The encumbents are scared. Really scared. They know what's happening, and are using antiquated tools to address it. We'll be okay. They can't oppose nature.

I'm being very serious here.

We're going to be okay. At least in the long run.

I agree. Was thinking about this earlier. Human beings will only endure injustice for so long. At some point folk get angry. We are too many, too well equipped and too smart for them to keep us in the dark for ever.


Jan 15, 2013
I for one think it is over.
We are on our way to becoming like Spain or England. A former super power that is just another country. Maybe that is for the best.


May 28, 2011
I for one think it is over.
We are on our way to becoming like Spain or England. A former super power that is just another country. Maybe that is for the best.

Depending on how it goes, it could be a good or bad thing. One thing for sure, when you don't have to worry about spending a lot of attention and money overseas we can do a lot of good here. But who replaces us? That's the potential scary part.

Personally in the "tell everyone to piss off, build/pack up the ships and find our own planet" group though. Leave this mess for everyone else, take the UK, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia and make an Anglosphere planet. :D


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
One can only hope if this thing is as bad as it seems that the Supreme Court can somehow step in.


Jan 15, 2013
Depending on how it goes, it could be a good or bad thing. One thing for sure, when you don't have to worry about spending a lot of attention and money overseas we can do a lot of good here. But who replaces us? That's the potential scary part.

Personally in the "tell everyone to pee pee off, build/pack up the ships and find our own planet" group though. Leave this mess for everyone else, take the UK, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia and make an Anglosphere planet. :D
The vacuum is the scary part.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
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One can only hope if this thing is as bad as it seems that the Supreme Court can somehow step in.
they have the power, but why would they. they were selected by the same interests now pushing TPP


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
they have the power, but why would they. they were selected by the same interests now pushing TPP

Because they have their job for life and don't have to worry about partisan politics.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
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Because they have their job for life and don't have to worry about partisan politics.
well, then the assumption is that they do not share the same value system as those behind TPP. But given their social networks and pedigrees, why wouldnt they? SCOTUS could have intervened in NAFTA or GATT, but chose not to. why is it any difff this time?