The best man I've ever known

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Jun 4, 2013
Sadly, unless you happen to read this on ROD, you will never know of this man or what he did. He tells very few and only when asked, and then only in pieces. Usually it takes a few glasses of wine to loosen him up because he only drinks wine and very rarely.

Disclaimer: If I use the wrong terms or sequence, it's been a long time and I'm recounting a series of stories.

I have a brother in law. He actually did this and I am consolidating what he did:

The Vietnam war was raging when he graduated high school. He wanted to go to college but his group of friends were all joining the Marines and going to Vietnam. They convinced him to go. They all joined as 0311 infantry.

At that time, you could join the Marines with other people and be placed in the same platoon simply by arriving at the same time. My brother is always responsible and reliable and committed to what he says he will do so he left early to bootcamp to ensure he would arrive in time no matter what happened. He arrived a day too early and was pushed into an earlier platoon. He could have fought it but didn't.

He went through bootcamp knowing they were all still in the same company and were going to serve together. When bootcamp is completed, they all get together and talk about their same orders and have a good time. He joins his platoon to deploy and they join theirs.

His platoon is sent to Vietnam. At the last minute, the platoon of his friends are deployed to Okinawa Japan. NONE of his group that convinced him to join ever serves in war except him.

He arrives in Vietnam and they prepare to deploy to the jungle. They take off and are in a line of helicopters. As they fly along, the helicopter ahead of him, with members of his platoon, is shot out of the sky with no survivors.

The rest lands and begin their time as infantry in Vietnam.

He was a grunt. Just like the movies. Not the perfect hair Charlie Sheen movies where it's just torture to be there with aggressive men and an enemy that can swarm you, but real jungle. He spent months lying in the wet, hot, and incredibly humid jungle in ambush parties. He tells me that the day he left Vietnam, you couldn't place a quarter on his skin without covering an insect bite and it was that way the whole time. To this day, he won't camp, or go to a camp, or go anywhere he feels he will be insect bitten.

There was a day when they had to do a patrol and they went through an open area. The person directly in front of him stepped on a land mine and it exploded. He was injured (purple heart) and the man directly behind him was killed.

Then the day came when a nearby French communications unit was surrounded on a hilltop. They were as good as dead and the US forces in the area couldn't get orders to go in. The platoon Sergeant asked for volunteers to go with him to rescue the French unit from being overrun. My brother volunteered. They battled their way up the hill, gathered the unit, and battled their way out. It was a battle that was horrific.

For that he earned the Bronze Star and the highest ranking medal the French give to those outside of French military. These adorne his bedroom wall in a case out of sight of visitors and the case is filled with medals.

Just for those who don't know, the Bronze star is below the Medal of Honor and the Silver Star. With all of these top medals, most are posthumously. It's extremely rare to meet someone with any of these.

Before I finish, I just want to say that Daniel Rodriguez of the Rams has a Bronze star. Just a perspective of who he is.

When my brother returned from war he was literally spit on at the airport. When he went on to college to achieve a bachelor's, he was once called out by a professor as a baby killer, in front of the entire class, and he had to gather his things and leave.

He is still to this day the best dad, husband, and American I have ever known. There's zero chance I could be what he is after all he has given. Best man I've ever known.
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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
And he's a better man than I. If that professor would have come down on me like that, I'd have given them something to talk about and the rest of the class would have gotten a little bonus education. Thank your brother-in-law from us at ROD.


Jun 4, 2013
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  • #3
And he's a better man than I. If that professor would have come down on me like that, I'd have given them something to talk about and the rest of the class would have gotten a little bonus education. Thank your brother-in-law from us at ROD.

That's the thing that has always baffled me. He's a person of such great courage and self sacrifice, back in the civilian world, and this bitch with no concept of what he did makes a false claim against him, and he just up and leaves. He's paying for this education and HE has to up and leave. It's what makes him great in my mind because I would have crushed her. I'm not him and I never will be.


May 28, 2011
That's the thing that has always baffled me. He's a person of such great courage and self sacrifice, back in the civilian world, and this bitch with no concept of what he did makes a false claim against him, and he just up and leaves. He's paying for this education and HE has to up and leave. It's what makes him great in my mind because I would have crushed her. I'm not him and I never will be.

Personally I found it's easier to just not give them the time of day. I've been called a baby killer, among other things, spit on (after leaving my sisters funeral no less), had stuff/food thrown on me, etc... I just pity those people, he probably did as well.


Jun 4, 2013
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  • #5
Personally I found it's easier to just not give them the time of day. I've been called a baby killer, among other things, spit on (after leaving my sisters funeral no less), had stuff/food thrown on me, etc... I just pity those people, he probably did as well.

First, thanks for your service, it means a lot to all of us. I'm sorry the few clowns reached you.


Mar 17, 2014
That's the thing that has always baffled me. He's a person of such great courage and self sacrifice, back in the civilian world, and this bitch with no concept of what he did makes a false claim against him, and he just up and leaves. He's paying for this education and HE has to up and leave. It's what makes him great in my mind because I would have crushed her. I'm not him and I never will be.
Neither will I.

That strength isn't given to very many men.


Mar 17, 2014
Personally I found it's easier to just not give them the time of day. I've been called a baby killer, among other things, spit on (after leaving my sisters funeral no less), had stuff/food thrown on me, etc... I just pity those people, he probably did as well.
I don't get it.
Just knowing that that happened to anyone whom has served, Pisses me off.
It just frustrates me that people taking advantage of what has been given to them, can't appreciate those whom gave it to them.


Jan 15, 2013
I have had the great privilege of knowing a couple of people that I would say are great people. Not service related, in terms of military service. But, people that have had terrible things happen to them and have managed to turn that experience and those scars into motivation to help other people. One person in particular at the age of 15 or 16 was the victim of a horrific crime and immediately went about using it to help other people. He received a good deal of attention around this and he always deflected that away from himself. That old saying that character is shown when no one is looking has been on full display with this guy for years now. I have seen him leave an interview on tv or radio where the person conducting the interview had their own agenda and he wasn't able to really get the message out he wanted. Instead of being pissed or ranting about it, he would find someone to reach out to and help. Watching him skip a free fancy lunch with a mayor, state senator or whatever to sit on a curb and share a sandwich with someone who is completely down....all while he was still too young to vote was cool to see. I have gone through my own trials, as everyone has, but, I have not carried myself up to that same standard generally.
One thing I have seen over and over with people that have that level of personal character it is almost always accompanied by a lot of humility. These are people that are comfortable in their own skin. They know who they are and that does not change given a specific situation. They are tough in a real way....not a physical way necessarily, but, they are secure in who they are in all ways.
RamzFanz brother in law having the personal character and humility to know the truth of his situation and be able to walk away from someone like that professor, that is something I would not be up to.


May 28, 2011
I don't get it.
Just knowing that that happened to anyone whom has served, Pisses me off.
It just frustrates me that people taking advantage of what has been given to them, can't appreciate those whom gave it to them.

People just do stupid things, the person who spit on me was some high school kid and his fat girlfriend, protesters threw random shit around post, and random people would just yell random things as us. It was just part of the deal, not as bad as guys who went to Vietnam got it, and usually we just brushed it off. I'm sure later in life they'll look back and regret what they did. If not then fuck em anyway.

I used to say little things back, but I quickly realized that they wanted a reaction, they wanted a reason to hate me, and it was better to not give them one.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
I worked for 3 of the branches of the military over a 10yr period. One of the best experiences of my life. Great people, who all cared, and for the most part exemplified extremely high ethics and standards of professionalism. I've been trying for 20yrs to recreate that environment in business, but haven't been successful yet.