Technology could be game-changer

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Oct 22, 2013
Technology could be game-changer
If GPS data can reduce injuries enough, would players accept 18-game season?
Originally Published: March 26, 2014
By Kevin Seifert |

Technology And The Future Of The NFL
Will GPS chips soon be a staple of the NFL uniform? Jim Basquil and Kevin Seifert talk about what technologies are on the horizon in the NFL.Tags: NFL, technology, Jim Basquil, Kevin Seifert

International scouting recently drew an NFL general manager to Melbourne, Australia, for a few days of rugby. During a lull in the action one evening, his eyes drifted to the sideline. The head coach was walking to the end of the bench, where a team employee sat holding a laptop computer. The two conferred for a moment before the coach returned to his post and ordered a series of player substitutions.

The next morning, the telephone rang in the Arizona offices of Catapult Sports, one of several Australian-based companies that compile live data on athletic exertion. The general manager was brimming with questions for Gary McCoy, the company's senior sports scientist.

"He wanted to know," McCoy said, "what the hell had just happened."

The general manager will remain anonymous because he did not give Catapult permission to reveal his identity. What he had witnessed, however, was the use of a widely accepted supplement to Australian sports training -- an approach that is beginning to gain traction in the United States.

The coach had viewed a live digital display of each player's exertion and conditioning levels as recorded by a GPS machine embedded in jerseys. The technology added precise data to a decision coaches otherwise make by feel. Who is truly gassed? Who should have the most remaining energy? Who is nearing a danger zone for wear-and-tear injuries?

Rugby coaches in Australia and nearly 400 other sports leagues around the world have incorporated such data into their programs, informing decisions like game rotations, playing time and practice schedules. The goals: maximizing performance and minimizing injuries.

The latter objective is of particular interest in the NFL, which absorbs thousands of missed starts per season and is at odds with its players' union over the impact of an expanded regular season. New NFL Players Association president Eric Winston, in fact, told USA Today last week that an 18-game season is "dead in the water" because of the presumed additional injuries it would cause.

But what if that assumption could be challenged? Could an emerging technology help reduce injuries in the NFL over time? If so, would an 18-game season be more palatable?

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Stacy Revere/Getty ImagesFlorida State coach Jimbo Fisher credits GPS-based technology with helping the Seminoles reduce soft-tissue injuries by 88 percent in the past two years.

The NFL declined comment on a protocol that nearly half its teams have experimented with in recent years. Winston expressed doubt this week that any current or near-future technology could assuage the union's full array of concerns, and a second NFLPA source said it would be a "major leap" to make a positive connection between technology and a longer season.

But a number of NFL coaches acknowledged their growing understanding and use of the data available, and there might be no better example of its potential than the 2013 BCS national champion Florida State Seminoles. Last week, Seminoles coach Jimbo Fisher said his team's soft-tissue injuries, such as muscle pulls and tears, have dropped by 88 percent since it bought the technology two years ago.

"[It] has allowed us to take a lot of the guesswork out of how tired the team is, where your pulls, your tears [are coming from]," Fisher said. "We've been able to apply that and use it full time and gain that information. It's on my desk the first thing when I walk in every day. How we practice, the adjustments I make individually, all that, I live by that thing, and [it's] how we do things. ... I think it's been very critical to our development and our consistency at keeping guys on the field."

The landscape

Catapult counts 14 teams among its NFL clients, including the New York Giants, Dallas Cowboys, Philadelphia Eagles, Miami Dolphins, Atlanta Falcons, Jacksonville Jaguars, St. Louis Rams and Buffalo Bills. The Seattle Seahawks, meanwhile, consulted with GPSports Systems for similar purposes last season.

Via telephone interviews, McCoy and GPSports athletic performance specialist Rod Lindsell helped construct a framework for how the technology works and the ways it can apply to NFL teams.

Tracking devices measure player movement during training, practice and games, compiling data on running speed, the force of collisions, friction created by the playing surface and more. A total "load score" is calculated and compared to individually designed profiles based on the player's history, giving coaches raw data and context for how much wear the body has absorbed during a day, a week or longer.

"It's basically an athlete's dashboard," McCoy said. "These are elite, high-performance competitors. You wouldn't drive a Formula One car without a dashboard of its performance information. We look at players the same way."

GPSports SystemsGPS tracking devices produce detailed reports that can be used to reduce the risk of injury.

The idea, as Florida State's Fisher said, is to take the guesswork out of practice scheduling and player maintenance. NFL coaches often change workout routines based on their perception of the team's condition, but this technology offers objective information. (Consider it the difference between feeling the hood of a race car and measuring its engine temperature.)

A player's profile might suggest that a load score of more than, say, 500 for a given week would put him in danger of pulling a muscle or straining a calf. If he has already reached 490 by the end of Thursday's practice, the coach would be well advised to rest him Friday and find a slower pace the following week.

Jaguars coach Gus Bradley embraced the technology after taking over one of the NFL's most injury-plagued teams, in terms of players placed on injured reserve, in 2013.

"So we did the GPS, and we really tried to stay true to it," Bradley said. "If I got the information back from [strength and conditioning coordinator Tom Myslinski] that said, 'Hey, this guy has gotten so many yards in the last two days and it's above what he normally does,' then we taper it back for him. Instead of four out of four reps, he'll get two out of four reps, and we try to stay pretty strict with that."

According to Lindsell, training camp is one NFL tradition that seems ripe for analytic intervention. Even with the dissolution of two-a-days, the still-common schedule of five or six consecutive practices followed by a day off "seems horrible from a structure point of view," Lindsell said.

"We know from the data that high-intensity training for six straight days in any athletic endeavor creates muscle damage," Lindsell said. "As with anything, the body gets stronger by healing itself. It's no wonder you see so many guys with strains and pulls in these situations.

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GPSports SystemsThe NFL doesn't allow the use of GPS devices such as this one in games, but many teams have started using them to monitor players' practice workloads.

"Think if you were training in a gym, would you do your upper and lower body for six consecutive days? No. You would do upper body one day, lower body another and then maybe cardio. The data suggests taking these principles onto the training field. You would have to customize it to getting ready for a football season, but rearranging the physical emphasis on a daily basis definitely lowers the risk for these kinds of soft-tissue injuries."

During one summer with the Falcons, Lindsell recorded six consecutive days of high-intensity sprinting by a wide receiver. Data showed the receiver was nearing a load score associated with a high chance of a muscle tear. The recommendation was to pull back quickly and allow for recovery.

"It can be pretty obvious when you look at the data display," Lindsell said. "You look at it and say, this is a four-week injury waiting to happen, and really it is completely preventable."

Meanwhile, the Giants contacted Catapult for guidance in making the transition from their outdoor grass practice field to their indoor facility, which has artificial turf. According to McCoy, the technology measured a 15 percent increase in load for Giants players after the shift indoors.

Most coaches know intuitively that turf is harder on the body than grass and try to adjust. But, McCoy said, "when they become aware of the data, they know exactly how much to peel back while not giving up anything relative to performance. So instead of running a drill for 25 minutes, you schedule it for 18 minutes. Or there might be some drills that should be eliminated altogether and replaced by others that make more sense on a harder surface. It's a more precise awareness."

Will it catch on?

The NFL's equipment code doesn't allow for GPS use during games, but that could change. The bigger obstacle is winning over a set of particularly traditional coaches who prefer to trust their instincts on player management.

Fisher's public praise sent waves through the industry last week, and it's well known in America that football innovations tend to bubble up from the high school and college ranks.

"If you present a change in the way somebody does something, there has got to be a reason to change," McCoy said. "We've tried to show the history of what happened over, say, eight years of Australian rules football, where we've seen injury reduction by 35 or 45 percent. A lot of coaches are going to be very, very skeptical about technology, but when you can show them results, that's something that you would think would be of high value to a coaching staff."

AP Photo/Bill WippertBills coach Doug Marrone has used GPS data as a guideline for when a player needs to be rested.

Bills coach Doug Marrone, for one, said he uses the data mostly to measure "explosive running." He added, "I'm trying to get a sense from a coaching standpoint how much running is being done during the week and where I have to rest somebody."

Bradley said it can be challenging to limit a player in practice when traditional coaching philosophy preaches the value of repetition.

"The coaches will say, 'Let's get all four of the reps,'" he said. "But I think that comes from me. take the information and say, 'This is the direction we want to go.' Because it doesn't matter. They can practice all they want, but if they're not ready to go on Sunday, it doesn't help us."

A degree of culture change is necessary as well, according to Lindsell. In most professional sports leagues, the equivalent of the strength and conditioning coach has more authority than the NFL's version.

"The model in so many other leagues is to have an athletic performance director who has a real say in, for example, how much volume of work is taking place on a Tuesday or a Wednesday," Lindsell said. "They are the athletic specialists who can best understand, translate and implement the data that's available. Our experience in American football is that it's still controlled by the coaches and that the strength and conditioning guys are limited to what happens in the weight room. That's against our experience in terms of performance and injuries."

Impact on an 18-game season

The decision to incorporate data is traumatic enough for NFL traditionalists. Could it really affect the debate over an 18-game season?

McCoy cautions that, at this point, technology can't slow what sports scientists call ballistic injuries. There isn't much that can be done to soften the blow of a 300-pound defensive lineman landing on a quarterback. Broken bones and torn ligaments remain part of the game and would presumably elevate in prorated fashion if the NFL added two more games.

"No one can really influence that," McCoy said. "But the things that are preventable -- the hamstring pulls, the calf strains, a quarterback's sore shoulder, what we call soft-tissue injuries -- those can all be impacted by smart and accurate conditioning."

While figuring out a hamstring issue is great or figuring out some sort of science behind preventing that, whether it's stretching methods or nutrition methods, it doesn't really get us any closer on 18 games because it hasn't solved a lot of the outstanding medical issues on it.

”-- NFLPA president Eric Winston

The limited scope of impact concerns Winston, who in an interview with said that "health and safety is a pretty broad term."

"I don't think we're necessarily talking about hamstring pulls in the same line as we're talking about concussions and other things like that," he added. "While that all plays into it and soft tissues is a part of it, our 18-game stance has to do with all kinds of ramifications and not just soft-tissue injuries and not just collision injuries. It really has to do with everything.

"While figuring out a hamstring issue is great or figuring out some sort of science behind preventing that, whether it's stretching methods or nutrition methods, it doesn't really get us any closer on 18 games because it hasn't solved a lot of the outstanding medical issues on it."

Thom Mayer, the NFLPA's medical director, said the union "believes that technology can and should be used to improve player health and safety" but cautioned that "any technology used by the NFL or its clubs must be scientifically validated, and any use for health or medical purposes requires the consent of the NFLPA. Our involvement helps ensure that players' privacy is protected and players themselves are involved in the advancement of their health and safety."

Could GPS and similar technology one day mitigate the NFLPA's concerns? Lindsell, for one, takes a global view.

"You have to be smart about it," he said, "but you look around the world at some of the other sports. Take professional rugby, which is a different game, but surely their players are exposed to a lot of collisions. They play 25 or 30 games a year. I understand the NFL is a demanding game, but I don't know that going to 18 games would be overly concerning. You need to run a smart program that takes advantage of the tools that are out there."

It will probably take years of data compilation and results analysis to determine the true impact. Will NFL teams hit the same success rate as, say, Florida State? That's hard to project. But regardless of whether it leads to an 18-game season, the infusion of analytic training is pushing the NFL closer to the rest of the world's elite training methods. That can't be a bad thing.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011

I wonder if he was watching rugby Union or rugby league. If it was Union the whole game would have been a lull in action. Rubbish game. With all the non stop kicking into touch, line outs, never ending rucks, 5 minute scrums, players standing around while the kicker takes a penalty shot, a penalty every minute, how do the players get tired?

It must have been a league game.



Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
I was at a lecture last night that featured a major tech CEO and he showed us technology that had just been presented to the NFL relating to this sort of thing that he felt confident they were going to implement. It's very interesting. This technology was a little different though.


As long as the game keeps its core, I am okay with technological safety features. Best the heck out of flag football!


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
"It's basically an athlete's dashboard," McCoy said. "These are elite, high-performance competitors. You wouldn't drive a Formula One car without a dashboard of its performance information. We look at players the same way."
A human isn't a machine. But that won't stop NFL owners from treating them as such in order to extract every dollar they can by extending the season. It's BS that this is about injury, it's about maximizing profits.

On the flip side, I guess agents will be able to put in performance clauses for players like WR's... stipulating bonus' for every route run as designed.


Jun 4, 2013
A human isn't a machine. But that won't stop NFL owners from treating them as such in order to extract every dollar they can by extending the season. It's BS that this is about injury, it's about maximizing profits.

On the flip side, I guess agents will be able to put in performance clauses for players like WR's... stipulating bonus' for every route run as designed.

Yeah, can't argue, but if profit motivation extends the careers of athletes and the games played in a season, I'm liking it.

You act like profit is a bad thing. NFL players profit, is that bad? The owners, who risk fortunes buying teams and building facilities profit, is that bad? If you bought a team wouldn't you expect to make a profit?

The owners will fight for every dollar and so will the players. What WE need is a fan union fighting for OUR costs!

I'm only half kidding. I almost refuse to go to professional sports games. Even with free tickets. With a family of 4, it's just rarely worth the cost anymore. And I would NEVER vote for a tax to build a stadium, they make the money and they need to pay the costs.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Yeah, can't argue, but if profit motivation extends the careers of athletes and the games played in a season, I'm liking it.

You act like profit is a bad thing. NFL players profit, is that bad? The owners, who risk fortunes buying teams and building facilities profit, is that bad? If you bought a team wouldn't you expect to make a profit?

The owners will fight for every dollar and so will the players. What WE need is a fan union fighting for OUR costs!

I'm only half kidding. I almost refuse to go to professional sports games. Even with free tickets. With a family of 4, it's just rarely worth the cost anymore. And I would NEVER vote for a tax to build a stadium, they make the money and they need to pay the costs.
i have no issue with profit. i just hate being deceived. The owners dont give a damn about player safety, except for where it cuts into profits. So, this tech aint to keep billy-bob from having brain injury when he's 40yrs-old, it's to keep him on the field for 2 more games per season so that the owners can increase their TV rights contract by another billion or two.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
A human isn't a machine. But that won't stop NFL owners from treating them as such in order to extract every dollar they can by extending the season. It's BS that this is about injury, it's about maximizing profits.

On the flip side, I guess agents will be able to put in performance clauses for players like WR's... stipulating bonus' for every route run as designed.

Well, they're one and the same. Players are assets for the business. When they're injured, they're not producing. It's in both of their best interest for them to stay healthy.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011

I see rams and gators is not a union man. I knew I liked him for a reason.



Hating 49ers and Seahawks from afar
Sep 26, 2011
Awful sport, Wigan Warriors fan myself.

Dont confuse yourselves with what they call Union in the Northern hemisphere with the real thing. Take a look at the Rugby Championship in Aus, NZ,and Sth Africa. a much better advertisement for the game. Northern rugby can be boring but so can an average game of league. I happen to enjoy both codes and the use of GPS technology has been in vogue for a number of years now. My guess is that the game they saw was a league game involving the Melbourne storm, one of the top league teams downunder.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Well, they're one and the same. Players are assets for the business. When they're injured, they're not producing. It's in both of their best interest for them to stay healthy.
ok, I can go with that logic, but then give the players contract incentives for wearing the device and performance incentives for using it to stay healthy, then u are really aligning interests. But right now the owners are just trying to find a way to get to 18 games, and that's an entirely different matter


Jun 4, 2013
ok, I can go with that logic, but then give the players contract incentives for wearing the device and performance incentives for using it to stay healthy, then u are really aligning interests. But right now the owners are just trying to find a way to get to 18 games, and that's an entirely different matter

The amount of money available to current and former players from earnings is staggering. Many billions. If they want a safer game, why don't THEY invest in the safety research? Isn't the players union able to invest in the safety of their exceedingly wealthy beyond belief members?

I don't really care why the owners are doing it. They have investments to protect and risk to control and there is nothing evil about that. But to accuse every single owner of not caring about players is conspiratorial and unfair to them as human beings. Being wealthy doesn't make you heartless or evil or conspiratorial.

"But right now the owners are just trying to find a way to get to 18 games" Prove it.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
The amount of money available to current and former players from earnings is staggering. Many billions. If they want a safer game, why don't THEY invest in the safety research? Isn't the players union able to invest in the safety of their exceedingly wealthy beyond belief members?
Good point, I think the players association should be investing in its own safety. In fact, I think it was me, during the CBA negotiations, who proposed that the players should think about forming their own player-owned league with player-centric rules. I'm no fan of the player association's leadership, and felt they played too much into the hands of the owners. In general, the players could be far more innovative than they have been, and as a result, address many of the issues that they want resolved.

I don't really care why the owners are doing it. They have investments to protect and risk to control and there is nothing evil about that. But to accuse every single owner of not caring about players is conspiratorial and unfair to them as human beings. Being wealthy doesn't make you heartless or evil or conspiratorial.
I care about being deceived, and it's my assessment that that is what is happening here. Understanding motive allows one to understand actions. So, I do care why the owners are doing it, 'cause it help me make sense of the story, not just the story put forward for public consumption.

"But right now the owners are just trying to find a way to get to 18 games" Prove it.
The burden of proof should be on the claims made in the article, namely, that the owners are merely interested in this as a safety measure for the players. Why is the burden of proof only on the position that I put forward?

But to answer your question, my proof is in motive... financial motive. There is no other single step that the owners can take, at least not that I can devise, that will return greater profits than increasing the season by 2 games. Further, the owners themselves have already tried to take this step and made it a major part of the CBA negotiations, so it's already public that they want this. It's not a very far stretch to see that this technology could give them the leverage to get what they've already publicly stated they want, and will reward them handsomely.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Awful sport, Wigan Warriors fan myself.

and a league man to boot. i'm a saints man, st george that is.

it's great, i can watch the league from march to september and the nfl from september to january. football almost every month of the year, have a break in february.



Jun 4, 2013
Good point, I think the players association should be investing in its own safety. In fact, I think it was me, during the CBA negotiations, who proposed that the players should think about forming their own player-owned league with player-centric rules. I'm no fan of the player association's leadership, and felt they played too much into the hands of the owners. In general, the players could be far more innovative than they have been, and as a result, address many of the issues that they want resolved.

I care about being deceived, and it's my assessment that that is what is happening here. Understanding motive allows one to understand actions. So, I do care why the owners are doing it, 'cause it help me make sense of the story, not just the story put forward for public consumption.

The burden of proof should be on the claims made in the article, namely, that the owners are merely interested in this as a safety measure for the players. Why is the burden of proof only on the position that I put forward?

But to answer your question, my proof is in motive... financial motive. There is no other single step that the owners can take, at least not that I can devise, that will return greater profits than increasing the season by 2 games. Further, the owners themselves have already tried to take this step and made it a major part of the CBA negotiations, so it's already public that they want this. It's not a very far stretch to see that this technology could give them the leverage to get what they've already publicly stated they want, and will reward them handsomely.

The reason you need proof is because you are making an accusation. In America, the burden is on the accuser, not the accused. You made an accusation against human beings of duplicity and a willingness to propagate a lie for financial benefit. Not just individually, but as a conspiracy. When you attack a person's character and motive, you should back it up. They didn't commission the research, they haven't endorsed the product, they are just considering the value of the product. Do they consider their own interests in the product? Sure. Wouldn't you? Does that mean they don't care about player's lives and health for the sake of caring about them? Does that mean they wouldn't endorse the product if the value was only to the players?

What we DO know is that the safety committee, on which Fisher sits, has passed many new rules to protect players. Is Fisher just a pawn of the owners or does he actually care about players?

i don't mean to get on a high horse here but, in the world of faceless comments on the internet, people have lost their consideration towards slandering and accusing others. We need to find it again.

However, that won't stop me from slandering Schotty if he calls plays again like last season. Just sayin'. It's not a conspiracy or bad intent, he just sucks.