Super Caffeinated Coffee

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
"My name is LoyalRam, and it's been 10 minutes since my last coffee."

Ok, I'm an addict and I'm not quitting. I drink coffee, drink tea, use 5 hour energy's. I am an old MA student and it's my unalterable path in life to complete the degree and to be a a historical fiction writer. But I have found it to be more difficult to read this semester because I am tired all of the time. 5 Hour energy shots have been a lifesaver this semester, but the problem is the expense. I use at least 1-2 a day and a 10 pack is $17.98 each. WAY too expensive, so I am going to try super caffeinated coffee. Have you used any such coffees? I am trying Black Rifle CAF Medium Roast Coffee. The advertisements claim it has twice the amount of caffeine as a normal cup of coffee. The package is 12 oz ground coffee and is a 100% Arabica coffee. As I'm typing this FedEx delivered the coffee, so I am going to test taste it momentarily.

What is your favorite super charged coffee? (favorite by taste and caffeine only) I am open to even more highly charged coffee. The safe level for caffeine for my weight is around 625 mgs a day. 5 Hour Energy has about 200 mgs per bottle. Dunkin' Donuts Brewed coffee is about 120 mgs per 8 oz cup. I expect Black Rifle CAF to be 240 mgs for an 8oz cup of coffee. There are some freakishly caffeinated coffees that have 500-600 mgs for an 8 oz cup:shocked:. I also want a good flavor, so I am afraid to try these (@ $20 per bag), lol.
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Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
In South Florida they serve this Cuban coffee that comes in like a tiny shot glass because it is SOOOOO strong. That shit is way more powerful than an energy shot. Maybe try some of that. One of my close friends is a coffee addict and he just raves about that stuff. I've only seen it in South Florida though.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 9, 2016
Or try Vietnamese coffee. That stuff packs a jittery punch.



Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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In South Florida they serve this Cuban coffee that comes in like a tiny shot glass because it is SOOOOO strong. That crap is way more powerful than an energy shot. Maybe try some of that. One of my close friends is a coffee addict and he just raves about that stuff. I've only seen it in South Florida though.
Well, taste is important to me as well, and I'm not a big fan of black, bitter coffee. I would try it if it was available.

*holy shyte, I just tried 16 oz of Black Rifle CAF medium roast and I can feel it, and it tastes better than my normal go-to Dunkin' Donuts whole bean. I think I may have just found what I needed!


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
One of the things I use is Zip fizz


It's basically an effervescent powder that you add to water. It says 16-20 ounces, but I add 32 because I need the hydration and the taste is too strong for me at 16 ounces.

It's got TONS of multiple B vitamins, not just B12 as well as some C and trace minerals that are really important to metabolism.

Each tube costs a dollar if you buy it from Sams or BJs in the 20 pack. So, for $3/day you're essentially getting the equivalent of 3x5 Hour Energy.

The extra hydration helps and your blood work will look amazing for the Docs.

I have Crohn's (it's in remission) and hydration was always a problem for me. Two kidney stones in the last 5 years really made it clear that I can't take hydration for granted. This is why I had to be really careful of the caffeine as well as keep my vitamin intake up.

I have used coffee (I used to drink 2 carafes a day during my last job as an airport van driver...something like a half gallon...) and energy shots.

Both can really burn the candle at both ends and as you're finding, your system gets acclimated to the caffeine and doesn't respond as well which means more and more. The problem is that caffeine in excess is like nitro for a car engine. You may become accustomed to the acceleration and not notice it as much, but it's still burning up the engine all the same.

I also found that when I was using too much caffeine that I fatigued quicker and retained less.

Anyway, I endorse almost nothing because I subscribe to the Bill Hicks school.

That said, this stuff is really, really good. I suggested it to my mom who was smoking at the time (she's since quit, thank Heavens!) and every cold used to knock her on her ass. She bought some to humor me and she's not had a serious cold since and none since she stopped smoking.

Sorry for going on and on. No, I don't own stock or get anything from it. I just figure if I've found one of the few things that seem to work better than advertised and it's relatively cheap, I'll tell people about it.

Oh, and if you decide to get some, don't do it online. I have NO IDEA why, but it's significantly more expensive online than in the Sams or BJs. I'm pretty sure Costco carries it, too, but you'd have to check.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
I only drink water. Coffee is good as an ice cream flavor, but that's it, for me.


Camp Reporter
Sep 3, 2011
Advocare spark is my caffeinated beverage of choice. It can get expensive if I dont limit myself to 2 or 3 servings a day. IIRC its got 120 mg caffeine/ serving plus amino acids and other vitamins.

If anyone is interested send me a PM and I will see what I can do to help you try it out and maybe save a few $.


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
One of the things I use is Zip fizz


It's basically an effervescent powder that you add to water. It says 16-20 ounces, but I add 32 because I need the hydration and the taste is too strong for me at 16 ounces.

It's got TONS of multiple B vitamins, not just B12 as well as some C and trace minerals that are really important to metabolism.

Each tube costs a dollar if you buy it from Sams or BJs in the 20 pack. So, for $3/day you're essentially getting the equivalent of 3x5 Hour Energy.

The extra hydration helps and your blood work will look amazing for the Docs.

I have Crohn's (it's in remission) and hydration was always a problem for me. Two kidney stones in the last 5 years really made it clear that I can't take hydration for granted. This is why I had to be really careful of the caffeine as well as keep my vitamin intake up.

I have used coffee (I used to drink 2 carafes a day during my last job as an airport van driver...something like a half gallon...) and energy shots.

Both can really burn the candle at both ends and as you're finding, your system gets acclimated to the caffeine and doesn't respond as well which means more and more. The problem is that caffeine in excess is like nitro for a car engine. You may become accustomed to the acceleration and not notice it as much, but it's still burning up the engine all the same.

I also found that when I was using too much caffeine that I fatigued quicker and retained less.

Anyway, I endorse almost nothing because I subscribe to the Bill Hicks school.

That said, this stuff is really, really good. I suggested it to my mom who was smoking at the time (she's since quit, thank Heavens!) and every cold used to knock her on her ass. She bought some to humor me and she's not had a serious cold since and none since she stopped smoking.

Sorry for going on and on. No, I don't own stock or get anything from it. I just figure if I've found one of the few things that seem to work better than advertised and it's relatively cheap, I'll tell people about it.

Oh, and if you decide to get some, don't do it online. I have NO IDEA why, but it's significantly more expensive online than in the Sams or BJs. I'm pretty sure Costco carries it, too, but you'd have to check.
I really like this stuff, but I don't use it often because I feel the opposite about the flavor. 16oz is too watered down for me (also it tastes a little like pre-workout). But good call on this stuff. I didn't know it was more expensive online. That sucks.


Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
I'm probably addicted to the coffee. I just drink plain ole coffee with a little milk and no sugar. I only drink it in the mornings for a wake up. But I probably drink 5 or 6 cups every morning. I feel like I can't start my day without it. I always put the timer on so its ready when I wake up. Its the very first thing I do. Even before hitting the bathroom. Like I said, I'm probably addicted.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Watch for aspartame and its synonyms in energy drinks - especially low calorie drinks. That shit is pure poison to the system and is linked to all kinds of spikes in various illnesses like MS and Lymphomas. It turns to formaldehyde in your body. It is in almost all chewing gums too. I won't touch the stuff.

About coffee - the more it is roasted, the more caffeine is removed. Unless caffeine is added back in, your lighter roasts will actually contain the most caffeine. Unfortunately, it is that roasting that gives coffee that flavor and oiliness most people expect in a rich cup of java. I'm not much into energy drinks as I find most of them taste like a bathroom deodorizer smells. I just don't want to drink something that tastes like it belongs in a urinal.


Jan 14, 2013
I grew up on plain ole folgers. Columbian brew folgers K-Cups are my go to and my favorite I've found and have more of a kick it seems like than regular. I really don't like Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks coffee.

I've never really liked energy drinks either. Back in my high school days in the 90s the thing to do when you had an all nighter was to go get some Jolt or Nitro soda which was super caffeinated... don't think they make those anymore though lol.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
. 5 Hour energy shots have been a lifesaver this semester, but the problem is the expense
I have tried the 5 hour energy shots, and just don't seem to get anything out of them. Maybe I have too high of a tolerance for caffeine. Lol


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I have tried the 5 hour energy shots, and just don't seem to get anything out of them. Maybe I have too high of a tolerance for caffeine. Lol
Yeah - same here. I didn't really notice anything except an awful taste.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Watch for aspartame and its synonyms in energy drinks - especially low calorie drinks. That crap is pure poison to the system

I've had arrhythmia problems since I was young. That year of using meth to get me through working full-time and taking a full load in college might have had something to do with it.

I have to avoid drinking coffee or anything with caffeine it. Years ago I found out that aspartame was a trigger for me and had to get off of drinking sodas as well.

Herbal tea, water, and grape juice is it for me. I'm envious of anyone who can power boost their system every day without any health complications.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I've had arrhythmia problems since I was young. That year of using meth to get me through working full-time and taking a full load in college might have had something to do with it.

I have to avoid drinking coffee or anything with caffeine it. Years ago I found out that aspartame was a trigger for me and had to get off of drinking sodas as well.

Herbal tea, water, and grape juice is it for me. I'm envious of anyone who can power boost their system every day without any health complications.
It's not just a trigger - so to speak. It actually is poison to the system. My wife illustrated and edited this book written by one of the foremost researchers on the subject. Look into it. More and more scientists are uncovering the links to spikes in some very serious illnesses to the increased consumption of aspartame.


Jan 23, 2013
Put-erh tea is a great shot of caffeine, and it is also an appetite suppressor.

It is the best tasting tea. Easily my favorite and I have been drinking loose leaf tea for 30+ years. I have tried so many types but nothing comes close. It is available in tea bag from.


Jun 19, 2014

I have quite the caffeine tolerance...two of these in the morning get the factory jumping though