Sony not releasing "The Interview" in any form

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Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
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Be prepared for really random nonsense, Rhody! LOL


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Imagine being born and raised and now in your 30's under the regimes in NK. And then that coming to an end and seeing the whole world out there......

It would be like the real life Truman Show I think.

PA Ram

Pro Bowler
Aug 12, 2012
I will be SHOCKED if this film is never released in any way.

I have various thoughts on this and with North Korea's permission I will share them now. If they complain--just delete the post and we'll forget about making the musical version of it for next Christmas.

Okay--first of all, Sony is a Japanese company--and yes--Sony Pictures is a subsidiary in America but Sony owns it. So---I don't look at this as America caving in to anything. It's just a business that either through fear of something(attacks, more leaked emails, whatever) decided, apparently after theater chains said they would not show it(probably out of fear of people staying away from other films like "Unbroken" or "The Hobbit")that it would not be released.

In other words--I think they looked at this as some sort of business decision.

Business is going to do that.

But clearly Sony screwed up--had poor protection for their system and is rightly embarrassed by that.

Do I think we should start WWIII over it?

Of course not.

If it had been "Anchorman 2" Than, maybe.

I had zero interest in the film but I would have probably sat in the theater Christmas day just to be defiant because if it HAD been shown, it now becomes a personal challenge to me and though North Korea can't know the torture I would have felt having to sit through that film, I would have been there.

So basically---should Americans be scared and huddle in their homes and avoid going anywhere due to threats? No--live your life--you could get hit by a bus tomorrow.

But...should this suddenly become a thing that blows up into who knows what?

Probably not.

There are bigger issues in the geopolitical reality of life.

If they had attacked the grid in some way, or the pentagon or the banking system, I'd be a little more concerned and ready to call for some sort of action. And while some will say--that's next(and it could be)starting some sort of cyber war over a film that could have been made exactly the same without specific references and everyone would have gotten it anyway and which was released by a Japanese company that did not take its security very seriously and got bit just seems a bit of overreach at this point.

There is a certain Monty Pythonesque feel to the whole thing.

Small steps often lead to serious ones that aren't so funny anymore.

I guess I see this more of a Sony problem, than an America problem.

We've said we will respond at a time and place of our choosing. I don't know what that means--what the response will be. I hope it is carefully considered(I've heard it is supposed to be proportional--I don't know exactly what that means--do we release Kim's secret emails or do we target movie theaters in North Korea showing Kim's home movies?) and you can bet ANYTHING that happens in North Korea now will be blamed on the U.S. as it pretty much is anyway.

Okay--last thing.....SPOILER ALERT!

Saw a film scene on You Tube.

If you plan to see the film--do not read any further!!!!!!!!!

I did see the final scene on You Tube(I believe it has been pulled) that shows Kim Jong Un's helicopter getting hit with a missile and burning embers soon catch his face and he burns alive while Katy Perry's "Fireworks" plays.

North Korea is a nutty paranoid country. They don't get satire.

But yes--they had every right to make the film and we have every right to see it.

As I said at the top---I'd be shocked if we didn't.


May 19, 2014
Opening myself up to anger and lulz but....


There I said it.

Seriously though, I hate their fucking controllers. And their online. And their exclusive games.


Anyway, such a puss out by Sony. Where were these fatty hackers when Team America got released? Ill was turned into a cockroach alien if I recall.

Setting such a poor precedent. I had no interest in seeing this movie in theaters, but now I dearly wanna watch it.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I will be SHOCKED if this film is never released in any way.

I have various thoughts on this and with North Korea's permission I will share them now. If they complain--just delete the post and we'll forget about making the musical version of it for next Christmas.

Okay--first of all, Sony is a Japanese company--and yes--Sony Pictures is a subsidiary in America but Sony owns it. So---I don't look at this as America caving in to anything. It's just a business that either through fear of something(attacks, more leaked emails, whatever) decided, apparently after theater chains said they would not show it(probably out of fear of people staying away from other films like "Unbroken" or "The Hobbit")that it would not be released.

In other words--I think they looked at this as some sort of business decision.

Business is going to do that.

But clearly Sony screwed up--had poor protection for their system and is rightly embarrassed by that.

Do I think we should start WWIII over it?

Of course not.

If it had been "Anchorman 2" Than, maybe.

I had zero interest in the film but I would have probably sat in the theater Christmas day just to be defiant because if it HAD been shown, it now becomes a personal challenge to me and though North Korea can't know the torture I would have felt having to sit through that film, I would have been there.

So basically---should Americans be scared and huddle in their homes and avoid going anywhere due to threats? No--live your life--you could get hit by a bus tomorrow.

But...should this suddenly become a thing that blows up into who knows what?

Probably not.

There are bigger issues in the geopolitical reality of life.

If they had attacked the grid in some way, or the pentagon or the banking system, I'd be a little more concerned and ready to call for some sort of action. And while some will say--that's next(and it could be)starting some sort of cyber war over a film that could have been made exactly the same without specific references and everyone would have gotten it anyway and which was released by a Japanese company that did not take its security very seriously and got bit just seems a bit of overreach at this point.

There is a certain Monty Pythonesque feel to the whole thing.

Small steps often lead to serious ones that aren't so funny anymore.

I guess I see this more of a Sony problem, than an America problem.

We've said we will respond at a time and place of our choosing. I don't know what that means--what the response will be. I hope it is carefully considered(I've heard it is supposed to be proportional--I don't know exactly what that means--do we release Kim's secret emails or do we target movie theaters in North Korea showing Kim's home movies?) and you can bet ANYTHING that happens in North Korea now will be blamed on the U.S. as it pretty much is anyway.

Okay--last thing.....SPOILER ALERT!

Saw a film scene on You Tube.

If you plan to see the film--do not read any further!!!!!!!!!

I did see the final scene on You Tube(I believe it has been pulled) that shows Kim Jong Un's helicopter getting hit with a missile and burning embers soon catch his face and he burns alive while Katy Perry's "Fireworks" plays.

North Korea is a nutty paranoid country. They don't get satire.

But yes--they had every right to make the film and we have every right to see it.

As I said at the top---I'd be shocked if we didn't.

Nice to see ya'd you get all those ROD bucks? You must be cleaning up in the sportsbook.

I'm on the fence about this, but I think that eventually this film will be released. Probably through a leak and as we know once it's out in the atmosphere there is no taking it back so NK will have to live with it. Sony should do a better job protecting themselves, they are a ginormous global company.

PA Ram

Pro Bowler
Aug 12, 2012
Nice to see ya'd you get all those ROD bucks? You must be cleaning up in the sportsbook.

I'm on the fence about this, but I think that eventually this film will be released. Probably through a leak and as we know once it's out in the atmosphere there is no taking it back so NK will have to live with it. Sony should do a better job protecting themselves, they are a ginormous global company.

I don't know about the ROD bucks--I think I bet one time. See--don't gamble.

Anyway, there will be at least ONE version of "The Interview" to be released.

Larry Flynt is making a porn version.

I KNOW you won't miss that.

“If Kim Jong-un and his henchmen were upset before, wait till they see the movie we’re going to make,” Hustler founder and chairman Larry Flynt said, according to AVN. “I’ve spent a lifetime fighting for the First Amendment, and no foreign dictator is going to take away my right to free speech.”


Hall of Fame
Mar 11, 2013
I think we should take these threats seriously.


Hahaha that Meme is so good.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
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Epic. Hope it's the most popular porn movie of the year


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
Opening myself up to anger and lulz but....


There I said it.

Seriously though, I hate their freaking controllers. And their online. And their exclusive games.
There, there. I know you're just angry and can't mean such an irrational thought... ;)



May 19, 2014
hah. Word up on that.

Sony's Spidey sucks, though Garfield was great for Spidey's actual personality instead of mopey dull Tobey.

Greg Stone

Jun 20, 2014
While I agree in general it's a bit early to judge Sony. All the theater chains declined to show it giving Sony no say in the matter. If they put it online there will be nothing to criticize them for. Not a movie I would ever see absent this bruhaha. I also agree the "Team America" is probably about a million times better.


May 28, 2011
While I agree in general it's a bit early to judge Sony. All the theater chains declined to show it giving Sony no say in the matter. If they put it online there will be nothing to criticize them for. Not a movie I would ever see absent this bruhaha. I also agree the "Team America" is probably about a million times better.

It'll probably get out eventually. They pulled it to mitigate losses, too many theaters were pulling out. This is the unfortunate result of a country that essentially demands (in the sense that they watch) media that scares the shit out of them instead of informs them. When we go nuts over nearly insignificant "threats" that have almost no chance of happening to us, rather than approaching things in rational ways and assessing them appropriately, then how can they trust us to still go out and spend money (which is the end result of these films) on their product? It's not just about The Interview, they don't want us staying home all together, which is why theaters were pulling it. They didn't want people too afraid to go see a different movie because they don't want to be at the theater that may potentially get attacked, Sony has other films in theaters too, so they stand to potentially lose even more money if they allow it to go to theaters and tank admission sales. It was a business decision based on their assessment of the American people, not of the credibility of North Korea. They probably know that North Korea isn't a huge threat, especially given that the government and police would probably be on a higher alert, but they can't trust the American people to make that rational decision.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
So, it's not just...not releasing.

Oh, no... the terrorist hackers have insisted that Sony not EVER release it in ANY form AND that Sony fight to keep any pirated versions out of public hands. Apparently, the hackers got some sensitive Sony information.

I had to tweet this...


It's just BS. They only reason they're not a crap stain already is because China is protecting them. They're a buffer and the crazier the buffer, the better. China doesn't give two rat farts about North Korea. As long as they have one less vector into China pressuring them to change, they're fine. And NO ONE from North Korea is pressuring them on Human Rights violations or opening up their markets...

But seriously... put it on physical media and get it in theaters. If they pose a physical threat...that's what the BAJILLION dollar National Security apparatus is FREAKING FOR!!!

Either that or be open about what the hackers took, devaluing their hold over you.. and release it on Blu-ray and DVD, like...immediately... dang thing would be a MUST HAVE item!

Oh c'mon, you're far too smart to believe any of what we're being told on this matter.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
F U C K North Korea and the only fat f u c k in the entire country, their snotty nosed punk leader.

As for the movie, who gives a damn. I don't care if Sony pisses money away by making movies they are too scared to release. Dumb asses.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 24, 2010
I have a different slant on this, and it might be because despite our many, many cultural similarities there are still some differences.

Why the fuck did they make this movie in the first place? Didn't they know that something like this would happen? Why couldn't it have been a fictional country or a fictional leader? I just don't get it.

That obviously doesn't mean I get why NK is being a dick about it, it's an enormous overreaction to what is essentially someone taking the piss out of them. But why ever give them the opportunity to overreact in the first place?


Jun 4, 2013
I have a different slant on this, and it might be because despite our many, many cultural similarities there are still some differences.

Why the freak did they make this movie in the first place? Didn't they know that something like this would happen? Why couldn't it have been a fictional country or a fictional leader? I just don't get it.

That obviously doesn't mean I get why NK is being a dick about it, it's an enormous overreaction to what is essentially someone taking the pee pee out of them. But why ever give them the opportunity to overreact in the first place?

Because we can.

The United States' commitment to free speech is intended for the sole purpose of protecting unpopular speech. To NOT make it only because of anticipated reactions would be to surrender our rights to a foreign power.

Thier reaction is on them.


May 28, 2011
Sony is going to be releasing the film by the way, just at a later date. Also North Korea just lost their internet throughout the entire country. Granted they have only 4 connections, but they're still all offline.

A not so subtle message from the United States most likely.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 24, 2010
Because we can.

The United States' commitment to free speech is intended for the sole purpose of protecting unpopular speech. To NOT make it only because of anticipated reactions would be to surrender our rights to a foreign power.

Thier reaction is on them.

I get that, but discretion is the better part of valour sometimes.

I can make my colleague look like an idiot five times a day, but she struggles, so I choose to help her instead.