So Joe Paterno knew about Sandusky?

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Jan 15, 2013
No need for the question mark in the title of this thread.
He knew.
A dirt bag and enabler of the highest order.
Any person that would, for years, knowingly turn a blind eye to the abuse of children....well....maybe there is justice in the next life.
Mar 20, 2016
most miserable story for a football fan keeps giving.

ohio state and ucla current coaches implicated in mcqueary's testimony adds to a reminder how much this story isn't a thing of the past.

gross how deep the old boy network goes in a sport i love.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
most miserable story for a football fan keeps giving.

ohio state and ucla current coaches implicated in mcqueary's testimony adds to a reminder how much this story isn't a thing of the past.

gross how deep the old boy network goes in a sport i love.

A lot more punishment should be meted out, other people knew and did little or nothing. They deserve to get hell IMO.


Jan 23, 2013
Okay. I will point out a few things:

1. It is douchey for the papers to bring this back out especially since they leave out key details just like the in 2011, so they can sell papers.
2. I thought you guys would have learned something from the NCAA's illegal involvement in this matter the first time around. And I am surprised you get wrapped right back up in the mob mentality so easily.
3. That guy in 76' didn't get paid in the settlement for a reason. That was a non story and the papers are so desperate to find something to generate clicks that they ran with excerpts of something that the judges never seriously regarded
4. Not every PSU fan or even prof was a Joe paterno fan. His relying on authorities to do their job was actually the right thing to do. He is not the police. But, many alumni agree that he was kind of a dick in person and he held the university hostage by refusing the resign and pushing his lame duck of a coach, son on the team.
5. The university listened to their lawyers on these matters years ago. Once the C&Y dropped the ball it had a legal trickle down effect that kept PSU from doing anything, even from extricating Sandusky from his severance agreement
6. Paterno was not the law in State college. If you believe those myths about his power in town then I have a swamp I want to sell you.

Finally: the University has tried to move on from this. They spent 100 million to victims and served the bogus NCAA sentence. I am a PSU alumni. I did not rape any kids nor did I see it happening. Non of my professors that I know of have raped children. There are thousands of proud PSU alums that love their school for other reasons that don't involve the football team. So, you may say then, " Just axe the team". That would only serve to hurt the current players and coaches and many employees involved in football activities. Sanctions already punished the team full of innocent players once, and now because of some story you want to punish players, coaches, fans all over again. I am disappointed that some of you, who I consider good forum buddies, even you Frantik, despite your rooting for the enemy, to be so overzealous and anxious to hurt me and or any other fans of PSU who had no involvement in any of it. Paterno died in a shameful manor. He was fired and in the eyes of the public his entire legacy was erased and he knew it before it was all over. I really don't think he deserved what he got, especially after reading the court reports in the following months and years. I get that you want to hate PSU for what one man did and another supposedly didn't do and that is your prerogative but remember your blind rage impacts more than just a dead man and another that may as well be dead as he rots in jail. It impacts many innocent people that are indirectly involved by association and have been wrongly been persecuted for it.


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Oct 16, 2013
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Okay. I will point out a few things:

1. It is douchey for the papers to bring this back out especially since they leave out key details just like the in 2011, so they can sell papers.
2. I thought you guys would have learned something from the NCAA's illegal involvement in this matter the first time around. And I am surprised you get wrapped right back up in the mob mentality so easily.
3. That guy in 76' didn't get paid in the settlement for a reason. That was a non story and the papers are so desperate to find something to generate clicks that they ran with excerpts of something that the judges never seriously regarded
4. Not every PSU fan or even prof was a Joe paterno fan. His relying on authorities to do their job was actually the right thing to do. He is not the police. But, many alumni agree that he was kind of a dick in person and he held the university hostage by refusing the resign and pushing his lame duck of a coach, son on the team.
5. The university listened to their lawyers on these matters years ago. Once the C&Y dropped the ball it had a legal trickle down effect that kept PSU from doing anything, even from extricating Sandusky from his severance agreement
6. Paterno was not the law in State college. If you believe those myths about his power in town then I have a swamp I want to sell you.

Finally: the University has tried to move on from this. They spent 100 million to victims and served the bogus NCAA sentence. I am a PSU alumni. I did not rape any kids nor did I see it happening. Non of my professors that I know of have raped children. There are thousands of proud PSU alums that love their school for other reasons that don't involve the football team. So, you may say then, " Just axe the team". That would only serve to hurt the current players and coaches and many employees involved in football activities. Sanctions already punished the team full of innocent players once, and now because of some story you want to punish players, coaches, fans all over again. I am disappointed that some of you, who I consider good forum buddies, even you Frantik, despite your rooting for the enemy, to be so overzealous and anxious to hurt me and or any other fans of PSU who had no involvement in any of it. Paterno died in a shameful manor. He was fired and in the eyes of the public his entire legacy was erased and he knew it before it was all over. I really don't think he deserved what he got, especially after reading the court reports in the following months and years. I get that you want to hate PSU for what one man did and another supposedly didn't do and that is your prerogative but remember your blind rage impacts more than just a dead man and another that may as well be dead as he rots in jail. It impacts many innocent people that are indirectly involved by association and have been wrongly been persecuted for it.

Okay, I probably didn't handle myself too well when we discussed this years ago, so I'll try to be more understanding of your perspective.

When you say mob mentality, for me it's weighing what happened to all the children - the ones we know about and the ones we probably don't know about - versus what the NCAA did, legally or illegally. It's obviously heavily weighted toward what happened to those kids. It's hard to see the world as black and white with so much grey...but in this case it's a little bit easier IMO.

It's also hard to know what's true and what's not - to me it would be simple:

did it happen?
did someone else know about it?

If the answers to both of these are yes, I would come down unbelievably hard on the school, and here's why:

Go back in time and pretend that whomever saw or knew what Sandusky was doing reported it and put a stop to it. Penn State has some bad press and in some way, shape or form - loses money. It takes some assumptions to get this far, but it's not crazy to think that with a member of the coaching staff convicted for raping children, some prospects choose not to go to Penn State. Some students in general may have chosen not to go to Penn State. Therefore it was financially beneficial for people to not say anything - to essentially cover it up.

If you are the NCAA - you cannot allow schools to be encouraged by this type of behavior. I would say just fine the school even more money, but that hurts the students too. You can't get away from it. Thus far, this is similar to what many programs have done - Ohio State included - but where it gets to be different is the fact that it's so wrong. Unspeakable what was happening - it's one of the worst things to ever happen. And for that reason I would have done something - I'm not sure what - more severe.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I am not a big fan of locking threads but this one feels to have run its course.

There is always your inbox to continue the discussion.
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