Sense of entitlement

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Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I feel like I need to vent here (Angry Ram bein Angry Ram).

So today Dish Network had a problem w/ their satellite and most HD channels have been down for about 7 hours now. No biggie right? Shit happens in this tech world. Well I didn't know WTF was goin on early and checked online and sure enough it was an outage. Dish said they know about it and HD should be back in the mornin. Again, no biggie right?

Well I see these posts on fb and all these ppl are just bitchin and moanin about their t.v. not bein in HD..and how they should receive a credit or some other freebie b/c of this mishap. Really? Why do you *deserve* a freebie?? B/c you couldn't watch Jersey Shore trash for a day? Does anyone else think it's insanse for these ppl to demand something? That PS3 network shutdown a few months ago, Sony didn't HAVE to give anything. I felt kinda bad d/l a game. I never d/l the 2nd game..I just didn't care enough. But all the ppl were demanding free games!! Free money for PSN!!!

It sucks and I don't like it either...but c'mon man. There's a lot of ppl in the world that don't even a damn t.v. and you complain cuz you can't watch some bullshit reality show about a Kardshian.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
You ARE an angry Ram.


But yeah, I feel ya. I'm a little tired of people who demand compensation for some frivolous mishap. It's what's wrong with the world today. Walk into a wall? Sue the contractor that build it there. Got rear-ended in traffic and you didn't even spill your coffee? Sue for $20,000.00 because it's certainly cheaper for the insurance company to pay your whiny ass off instead of battling you in court. And the list goes on and on and on.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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  • #3
Yeah lawsuit after lawsuit. Can't do anything to satisfy anyone. I remember receiving a bunch of emails about HP's printers supposedly lyin about when ink levels are low even tho they aren't and how they should be sued. I just didn't care...I don't print much anyway. Besides, w/ court and lawyer costs it's not even worth it.


May 28, 2011
When PSN went down I don't think I noticed at all. I never play games online, I just use them to download rosters and updates. I never 'cashed in' on the free stuff they gave out though, figured there wasn't really a point. I'm one of those guys if my service goes down routinely I'll get pissed and figure out what's going on. If something happens and it's down for a while, then shit happens sometimes. No reason to get up in arms about it.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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Yeah that was like the only thing wrong w/ it. If you're were so upset that you couldn't "frag" somebody then you seriously need to get out more.

Oh lookie...HD channels came on this morning, just like they said it would. World still goes around.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Angry Ram said:
I feel like I need to vent here (Angry Ram bein Angry Ram).

So today Dish Network had a problem w/ their satellite and most HD channels have been down for about 7 hours now. No biggie right? Shit happens in this tech world. Well I didn't know WTF was goin on early and checked online and sure enough it was an outage. Dish said they know about it and HD should be back in the mornin. Again, no biggie right?

Well I see these posts on fb and all these ppl are just bitchin and moanin about their t.v. not bein in HD..and how they should receive a credit or some other freebie b/c of this mishap. Really? Why do you *deserve* a freebie?? B/c you couldn't watch Jersey Shore trash for a day? Does anyone else think it's insanse for these ppl to demand something? That PS3 network shutdown a few months ago, Sony didn't HAVE to give anything. I felt kinda bad d/l a game. I never d/l the 2nd game..I just didn't care enough. But all the ppl were demanding free games!! Free money for PSN!!!

It sucks and I don't like it either...but c'mon man. There's a lot of ppl in the world that don't even a damn t.v. and you complain cuz you can't watch some bullshit reality show about a Kardshian.

I totally agree. I don't own a television (I watch the games at my dad's house nowadays, since it gives us something to do together). I don't own a video game console because my original Xbox broke. I don't have the money to pay for either of those luxuries; every cent I have goes to bills, groceries, and Internet access that's almost always used to catch up to sports news and write. You know, important shit (bills and groceries more than the Internet, but I love my sports teams to death, and writing is pretty much my only hobby).

Am I going to bitch about not having luxuries and sue people left and right? Hell no! Why do those fucking douches - who only have their HD TVs, their PS3s, and their Xbox 360s - think that they have the right to whine? Here's a fucking thought: why don't they get off their arses and go for a fucking walk or something?


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Memento said:
Angry Ram said:
I feel like I need to vent here (Angry Ram bein Angry Ram).

So today Dish Network had a problem w/ their satellite and most HD channels have been down for about 7 hours now. No biggie right? Shit happens in this tech world. Well I didn't know WTF was goin on early and checked online and sure enough it was an outage. Dish said they know about it and HD should be back in the mornin. Again, no biggie right?

Well I see these posts on fb and all these ppl are just bitchin and moanin about their t.v. not bein in HD..and how they should receive a credit or some other freebie b/c of this mishap. Really? Why do you *deserve* a freebie?? B/c you couldn't watch Jersey Shore trash for a day? Does anyone else think it's insanse for these ppl to demand something? That PS3 network shutdown a few months ago, Sony didn't HAVE to give anything. I felt kinda bad d/l a game. I never d/l the 2nd game..I just didn't care enough. But all the ppl were demanding free games!! Free money for PSN!!!

It sucks and I don't like it either...but c'mon man. There's a lot of ppl in the world that don't even a damn t.v. and you complain cuz you can't watch some bullshit reality show about a Kardshian.

I totally agree. I don't own a television (I watch the games at my dad's house nowadays, since it gives us something to do together). I don't own a video game console because my original Xbox broke. I don't have the money to pay for either of those luxuries; every cent I have goes to bills, groceries, and Internet access that's almost always used to catch up to sports news and write. You know, important shit (bills and groceries more than the Internet, but I love my sports teams to death, and writing is pretty much my only hobby).

Am I going to bitch about not having luxuries and sue people left and right? Hell no! Why do those fucking douches - who only have their HD TVs, their PS3s, and their Xbox 360s - think that they have the right to whine? Here's a fucking thought: why don't they get off their arses and go for a fucking walk or something?
Sounds like Mem is making a run at your title, Rammer. :sly:

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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  • #8
X said:
Memento said:
Angry Ram said:
I feel like I need to vent here (Angry Ram bein Angry Ram).

So today Dish Network had a problem w/ their satellite and most HD channels have been down for about 7 hours now. No biggie right? Shit happens in this tech world. Well I didn't know WTF was goin on early and checked online and sure enough it was an outage. Dish said they know about it and HD should be back in the mornin. Again, no biggie right?

Well I see these posts on fb and all these ppl are just bitchin and moanin about their t.v. not bein in HD..and how they should receive a credit or some other freebie b/c of this mishap. Really? Why do you *deserve* a freebie?? B/c you couldn't watch Jersey Shore trash for a day? Does anyone else think it's insanse for these ppl to demand something? That PS3 network shutdown a few months ago, Sony didn't HAVE to give anything. I felt kinda bad d/l a game. I never d/l the 2nd game..I just didn't care enough. But all the ppl were demanding free games!! Free money for PSN!!!

It sucks and I don't like it either...but c'mon man. There's a lot of ppl in the world that don't even a damn t.v. and you complain cuz you can't watch some bullshit reality show about a Kardshian.

I totally agree. I don't own a television (I watch the games at my dad's house nowadays, since it gives us something to do together). I don't own a video game console because my original Xbox broke. I don't have the money to pay for either of those luxuries; every cent I have goes to bills, groceries, and Internet access that's almost always used to catch up to sports news and write. You know, important shit (bills and groceries more than the Internet, but I love my sports teams to death, and writing is pretty much my only hobby).

Am I going to bitch about not having luxuries and sue people left and right? Hell no! Why do those fucking douches - who only have their HD TVs, their PS3s, and their Xbox 360s - think that they have the right to whine? Here's a fucking thought: why don't they get off their arses and go for a fucking walk or something?
Sounds like Mem is making a run at your title, Rammer. :sly:

Ehh...I'll save my true anger 4 game days.