Rams Need Less Talk, More Action

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Rams need less talk, more action

By Mike Claiborne | Posted: Thursday, January 2, 2014 12:05 am


Let’s take a look at the good, the bad and the “you have to be kidding me” with these St. Louis Rams.

Let's start with the good. The Rams won seven games, making for 14 wins in the last two seasons. That’s far cry from the two previous regimes that made the Rams the laughingstock of the NFL.

To win seven games this season with a backup quarterback under center for nine of those games means that this team never quit. Quitting is what they do in Washington, Cleveland, Detroit and Houston. (When you are really short on talent, like Jacksonville, Cleveland and the New York Jets, you get a pass.)

Zac Stacey did a nice job running the ball, after the Rams realized they were short in the position. Remember, some ran out of Rams Park during training camp saying that the running game was going to be good with the new super-secret offense. The receivers were better than in years past, giving some hope that they may turn the corner soon. Both the punter and kicker were way above average with Johnny Hekker going to the Pro Bowl as a punter.

As for the defense, they showed up most days. There was this obsession to lead the league in sacks, and the Rams were good in that department. It also shows you that sacks can be overrated, as the Rams posted over 50 sacks this year, yet only have seven wins to show for it. In the linebacker corps, Alec Ogletree was the most pleasant surprise. He was largely good on and off the field.

Now for the bad.

While the Rams did not quit, they were one of the most undisciplined teams in the league, with one bad penalty after another.

Everyone was pulling for Stacey to rush for 1,000 yards. If my math serves correctly, that is about 62.5 yards a game. Unless you have a quarterback who is throwing for at least 4,000 yards to go along with that paltry 1,000 yards in running, you have an average offense.

Can anyone explain what the Rams were trying to do on offense? The Tavon Austin razzle-dazzle was nice, but you can’t trick teams every Sunday in the NFL and expect to win. This offense showed little imagination on most Sundays. Even when the Rams did show some imagination in the passing game by attempting to go long, the receivers dropped too many passes. I know they used a backup quarterback most of the season, but at some point he should know the playbook. Or maybe the playbook has little imagination.

Before you start in on Sam Bradford, he is still the best option this team has. Unless you want to start over again, and with who?

How about stopping the run? On some Sundays, it didn’t happen. The linebackers made plays six and seven yards downfield ... too late. Add the antics of Jo-Lonn Dunbar, who got suspended for testing positive at the start of the season.

The secondary led the league in big-time talking. They also led the league in not backing any of it up. Throw in a mess of pass interference penalties and there is work to do – plenty of it.

As for the “are you kidding me?” aspect, this coaching staff is better than what they have shown so far. I give them credit in coaching up guys who are just barely in the league, but on some Sundays the team did not look prepared. That can’t happen in the NFL.

This team was undisciplined on too many Sundays. Too many penalties, too many blown assignments and too much showboating when you have not done a thing. At some point coaching has to step in and right these wrongs. Tough love is almost a lost art, yet it is needed now.

The Rams are still short on talent in several areas. This is a team that has few stars, and nearly everyone could be replaced if someone better could be found. It is time for the front office to look harder to create more competition for jobs.

The off-season should be productive. The Rams have the second pick in the draft, and they should promptly trade it down to acquire more picks unless there is a Rookie of the Year candidate in the second slot. I shall remind you of Jason Smith, the last guy taken in the second spot. He is now on a milk carton, as his whereabouts are known by very few.

A record of 7-9 does not have a good ring to it, especially when you got waxed in the final game of the year. For those Rams who want to talk about how they will not forget what happened in Seattle, I will remind you that these are the same guys who have been getting it handed to them in the final game of the season for years. Less talk and more action next season would be a good way to start.


Oct 22, 2013
Others might not agree but I can't argue with any of that.


Super Bowl XXXVI was rigged!
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 23, 2012
Except maybe his math. Did he not realize that Z. Stacy did not start in the first 4 games? To get to 1000 in the 12 games in which he played Stacy would have had to average 83.3 per game; a much more respectable number.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I have no stomach to start over on offense, but this tone is generally repeated at every turn;

"Can anyone explain what the Rams were trying to do on offense? The Tavon Austin razzle-dazzle was nice, but you can’t trick teams every Sunday in the NFL and expect to win. This offense showed little imagination on most Sundays. Even when the Rams did show some imagination in the passing game by attempting to go long, the receivers dropped too many passes. I know they used a backup quarterback most of the season, but at some point he should know the playbook. Or maybe the playbook has little imagination."

So that begs the question; are we all seeing the same thing - a predictable offense? Or we piling on Schotty out of frustration?

Total offense: 30th

Points per game: 21st

Those are below average results!

Didn't we just add new toys to make this offense go? Cook, Austin, etc. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Bradford went down... but in the next breath we say "Clemens filled in admirably". So what's the deal?


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Who's the leader @ wr? Is there one guy who takes the pressure off the rest or just a group of guys all trying to find their way?

Go get your Julio, you AJ, your Fitz and it all works.

Go get Watkins.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Dec 29, 2010
Who is this clown?? He doesn't give any kind of evidence to back his OPINION and worse he conveniently over looks some of the obvious problems that caused some of the break downs he points out.

As BigRamFan points out Stacy did not start for a quarter of the season.

The O line was missing 3 of 5 starters in the last game and Saffold was out of position. Gee could that have something to do with no offense and "getting waxed" in the last game. Or how about the fact that the last game of the year has been in Seattle FOREVER where they have lost 1 game in 2 years.

Depth on a team that won 15 games in 5 years???? They are getting there did you notice the Safety position did pretty well considering they had no one but UDFA and castoffs for part of the year.

Undisciplined yes there were 2 games, Carolina and Seattle that got out of hand. But those games were as much the fault of the refs as the Rams. Fisher should have stepped in and fixed that BS during the game. They need to be able to play through some of that. Jenkins needs to shut his mouth and play and quit worring about waving his arms around after every damn play.

This team has made huge strides and will continue to get better but as bad as they were when Fisher, Snead and company got here it will take time. Their draft strategy has helped get additional picks to turn the roster over but there is still work to do and holes to be filled.


Oct 22, 2013
blackbart pointing out that RODites know more than outside pundits:
Who is this clown?? He doesn't give any kind of evidence to back his OPINION and worse he conveniently over looks some of the obvious problems that caused some of the break downs he points out.

As BigRamFan points out Stacy did not start for a quarter of the season.

The O line was missing 3 of 5 starters in the last game and Saffold was out of position. Gee could that have something to do with no offense and "getting waxed" in the last game. Or how about the fact that the last game of the year has been in Seattle FOREVER where they have lost 1 game in 2 years.

Depth on a team that won 15 games in 5 years???? They are getting there did you notice the Safety position did pretty well considering they had no one but UDFA and castoffs for part of the year.

Undisciplined yes there were 2 games, Carolina and Seattle that got out of hand. But those games were as much the fault of the refs as the Rams. Fisher should have stepped in and fixed that BS during the game. They need to be able to play through some of that. Jenkins needs to shut his mouth and play and quit worring about waving his arms around after every damn play.

This team has made huge strides and will continue to get better but as bad as they were when Fisher, Snead and company got here it will take time. Their draft strategy has helped get additional picks to turn the roster over but there is still work to do and holes to be filled.

All good and true points blackbart but none of that means that the the OC wasn't a large part of the problem too. IMO his performance has to be listed in the "why we sucked" column. How big a part did he play in having a crappy O? I don't know the answer to that but I'm not happy with him that's for sure. I'd be pushing for him to be replaced big time if it wasn't for the fact that everyone would have to learn a new offense.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Dec 29, 2010
Alan I would have to say that Schottenheimer and to some degree Clemens familiarity with the offense were the reasons they were not worse.

After the first SF game the offense was completely revamped and then within 3 games we were without our starting QB. The O line was a merry go round of guys in and out of the line up rotating at positions and moving from spot to spot. The WR core had 1 guy with 2 years of experience 2 guys with one year and a couple of rookies. Add to that Stacy, another rookie, who thank God was a great find, and Clemens who apparently cannot throw the ball with any accuracy past 15 yards.

Pretty tough hand to play with and still pull out 7 wins.


Jan 12, 2013
Except maybe his math. Did he not realize that Z. Stacy did not start in the first 4 games? To get to 1000 in the 12 games in which he played Stacy would have had to average 83.3 per game; a much more respectable number.

Granted, Zac had a single carry for 4 yards within the first four games. However, don't expect mathematical accuracy from these guys unless they are quoting stats from reputable sources. :wink:


Jan 26, 2013
So what if the author did some convenient math to come up with 62.5 yards per game rushing. If you add the 4 games Zac didn't start, you still end up with a sorry offense.

If you're a person who can take off your Ram goggles and look at things objectively, then you probably see a lot of truth in this article.

The O-Line didn't work any miracles. They did their job in the face of adversity. But again, they did it for an under achieving offense.

I'm afraid we've become so bad over the years, that we automatically start making rosy excuses at the site of any negative press. Ram fans are great at pulling compliments out of cold hard negative truths.

Not only is it time for Less talk and more action, but its also time for honest realizations and higher expectations.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Dec 29, 2010
Stacy was the 13 leading rusher in 2013 yards per game even with that stinker in Seattle. 14th over all total rushing yards after not starting the first 4 games of the year and being on a team that everyone knew was going to grind it out with the running game. That would have been pretty damn good on a team that had the threat of throwing the ball. Higher expectations are fine but understanding reality is even better.


Jul 22, 2013
we started the season with no running game and a bunch of inexperienced WRs, we finally find a running game and our starting QB is lost for the season. in comes KC who is a back up QB for a reason, yet with a running game the offense starts picking it up, so in reality you have a back up QB a rookie RB a WR corp that has no one with more than 2 years experience, an Oline that was being shuffled around all year and they still managed to beat the Colts, the Bears and the Saints among others, not to mention the murderers row of defenses we played game after game. I don't see how anyone could expect any better all these things considered.