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Jun 19, 2014
I don't even know what "4Chan" means, Debacled. I barely even heard of Qanon. Like @fearsomefour I am following this, and have many sources that are more reliable and honest than the MSM.

Les, my point was more that you are so quick to dismiss, and seem to be leaning on some biased sources. I hear the biased sources (shoved down our throats at every turn) and seek reliable alternative news. left and right.
  • So far, many of the widespread pedophilia rings in Hollywood and DC have been busted. They are in the news. And more to come. Why isn't this celebrated more? There are some pretty creepy and evil people out there. So many Admins. (both parties) have turned their heads and not dealt with this in the past. My church and many others devote lots of people and resources to rescue girls from human trafficking, also. It is heart wrenching.
  • I don't want to broach the rules out of respect for this great Site, so I'll just say certain Foundations are being found to be VERY corrupt and have breached national security and undermined our election process. The mainstream media is not covering scandals with proof (Uranium One, Internal Election meddling, colluding with crooked FBI sources to overthrow a sitting president- a coup attempt) Pretty serious stuff, Les.
  • In the mean time, conspiring with media, and FBI sources in an abuse of power to conduct an investigation, initiated with a fake dossier paid for by the losing candidate, (false premise right off the bat) and continuing the investigation even after it is found to be baseless. Political espionage. Imagine if it were the other way around??

fixed it.
You don't know my party Les. I lean more libertarian, you know, like the founders. I don't look to force more laws on people, or believe that the government should force citizens to live one way or the other. I DO believe that we are "Endowed by our Creator, with certain inalienable rights. (Rights not granted by government) That among them is the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." That's how whacked my beliefs are, Les.

Thats the problem, you don't even know what the platform is where half this crap came from.

You are playing directly into the trolls hands and that is exactly all that they are after. Know the saying some men just want to watch the world brun? Well all trolls do, ten times over. I don't know or really care who your "sources" are,but if you are gonna buy into this load of horse manure you should at least be aware of ground zero in this case. I assume you are referencing the Harvey Weinstein debacle with the pedo rings? None of it has been moved upon...or talked about with the exception of a handful of websites all citing one source who has no citations or sources themselves.

Trump and far right supporters have become an extremely easy target for /pol and the rest of the internet trolls to target simply due to the fact how easy it has become to plant a false seed in their heads. They do the same to the far left because they are just as easy to trigger. It isn't a political issue anymore than it is a government cover up. The internet brings the absolute worst out of people


Mar 17, 2014
I'd really like to see this thread stay open.
Not that I believe any of it, but I want to see where this theory goes, and I'm too lazy to do my own research on something I think may be a joke.

Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
Thats the problem, you don't even know what the platform is where half this crap came from.

You are playing directly into the trolls hands and that is exactly all that they are after. Know the saying some men just want to watch the world brun? Well all trolls do, ten times over. I don't know or really care who your "sources" are,but if you are gonna buy into this load of horse manure you should at least be aware of ground zero in this case. I assume you are referencing the Harvey Weinstein debacle with the pedo rings? None of it has been moved upon...or talked about with the exception of a handful of websites all citing one source who has no citations or sources themselves.

Trump and far right supporters have become an extremely easy target for /pol and the rest of the internet trolls to target simply due to the fact how easy it has become to plant a false seed in their heads. They do the same to the far left because they are just as easy to trigger. It isn't a political issue anymore than it is a government cover up. The internet brings the absolute worst out of people
YOU didn’t catch what I am saying. I am not giving anyone a platform. There is a lot out there. I don’t believe anything single sourced. Nobody is playing me.

I was just speaking to a few of the issues out there. I am in a wait and see approach with most of this.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I don't even know what "4Chan" means, Debacled. I barely even heard of Qanon. Like @fearsomefour I am following this, and have many sources that are more reliable and honest than the MSM.

Les, my point was more that you are so quick to dismiss, and seem to be leaning on some biased sources. I hear the biased sources (shoved down our throats at every turn) and seek reliable alternative news. left and right.
  • So far, many of the widespread pedophilia rings in Hollywood and DC have been busted. They are in the news. And more to come. Why isn't this celebrated more? There are some pretty creepy and evil people out there. So many Admins. (both parties) have turned their heads and not dealt with this in the past. My church and many others devote lots of people and resources to rescue girls from human trafficking, also. It is heart wrenching.
  • I don't want to broach the rules out of respect for this great Site, so I'll just say certain Foundations are being found to be VERY corrupt and have breached national security and undermined our election process. The mainstream media is not covering scandals with proof (Uranium One, Internal Election meddling, colluding with crooked FBI sources to overthrow a sitting president- a coup attempt) Pretty serious stuff, Les.
  • In the mean time, conspiring with media, and FBI sources in an abuse of power to conduct an investigation, initiated with a fake dossier paid for by the losing candidate, (false premise right off the bat) and continuing the investigation even after it is found to be baseless. Political espionage. Imagine if it were the other way around??

fixed it.
You don't know my party Les. I lean more libertarian, you know, like the founders. I don't look to force more laws on people, or believe that the government should force citizens to live one way or the other. I DO believe that we are "Endowed by our Creator, with certain inalienable rights. (Rights not granted by government) That among them is the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." That's how whacked my beliefs are, Les.

This is exactly why we can't communicate. Much of what you just saif is made up out of whole cloth. Simply NOT true. You are parroting lies that you are being fed.

"Widespread pedophelia rings"

Please LOL.

You sound like you are only capable of repeating tweets from Trump and not at all capable of fleshing through facts and information.

And by the way, none of the media in the entire world is talking about this, YET you have "sources" that can confirm this is truth.



Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I don’t believe anything single sourced. Nobody is playing me.

Qanon is playing you LOL. There COULDN'T possibly be anything MORE single source than ONE anonymous internet voice.

You whiffed there.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Qanon is code for fear of the black president
Pure and simple
Worst thing that ever happened to this country is old white people with 500 free hours of AOL

The fact that Obama is constantly referred to as "Hussien admin" says a lot.

Much of this is really garden variety conspiracy drivel, the typical stuff you hear/read but for some reason this has gone further than most any I can remember. Though nobody is shooting up pizza joints. Yet.

I have had enough of Les telling everyone he is the biggest dude in the room, so I'm out of the thread.

I'm doing nothing of the kind.

You're upset because you think I haven't read this stuff and and dismissive. I have read it, LOTS of it, and am dismissive.

Like I said to you in PM's. This is either someone having a good time trolling or it's the work of a neo nazi type of group spreading their thoughts around to anyone that will bite.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I was thinking about this memo, and did a little snooping around.

It's classified, and it allegedly (major rumor and speculation on the internet mostly) contains "explosive" information that Trump was spied on during the campaign as well as after the election. That's a felony and a lot of people would go to jail and have their career destroyed.

And Clinton and Obama were supposedly in on this. This comes from our buddy Qanon and others that are speculating on the memo. It's been like a game of "phone". It's laughable.

The two people Trump hates the most in the world are Clinton and Obama. He loathes them, I won't get into my opinion about why, but I think we can all agree that it's true that he does. Trump, as President - and as far as I know - can quickly and easily declassify this, or any, document he wanted to declassify, and it would become available to everyone in DC, which would mean everyone in the world.

Why won't Nunes share it with the FBI? Which he should immediately do of course.

Why won't Trump declassify it?

Simple answer IMO.........there is nothing there but his opinions and his speculation about what could have happened.

If he has evidence of the FBI abusing it's power, and the person that was the President at the time abusing his power and he isn't disclosing it he himself is committing a felony. At least he should be removed from the position of House Intelligence Committee.

This is gaslighting at the highest levels, this is drama, theater of the mind in politics. Nunes is one of Trumps biggest supporters anywhere and if he had a chance to put the brakes on the current investigation while at the same time smashing forever the reputations of Clinton and Obama we would have seen this memo 5 minutes after he wrote it.

I'll go on record right now that this memo is nothing AT ALL like people think based on the internet chatter and our insider Qanon says.

If there was anything there, it would already be out. Trump (and Nunes) would NEVER pass up an opportunity to destroy Clinton and Obama.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Since the author of this thread has bailed out and since the names Trump, Obama, and Clinton are being thrown around, and since we have a rule about no politics, this thread is locked.

8. Comments dealing with or about religion, politics and racism are not allowed. This includes remarks on issues and people related to these topics as well. This rule also extends to avatars and signatures.
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