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Nov 11, 2014
How German Sounds Compared To Other Languages



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013

Flight Forced To Make Emergency Landing After Someone Took A Shit In The Bathroom So Disgusting It Was Declared Hazardous To Health

TelegraphA British Airways flight to Dubai was forced to return to Heathrow Airport when a “smelly poo in the toilet” became unbearable for passengers.

The pilot announced that the long haul flight had to be aborted, after cabin crew were unable to prevent the pungent odour emanating from an overflowing toilet.

Around 30 minutes in the seven-hour flight, the plane returned to London amid health and safety concerns.

Hertsmere councillor Abhishek Sachdev, who represents Potters Bar Parkfield was on the plane and said it was “insane” that passengers had to wait 15 hours for another flight due to a “smelly poo in the toilet”.

He told Mail Online: “The pilot made an announcement requesting senior cabin crew, and we knew something was a bit odd. “About 10 minutes later he said you may have noticed there’s a quite pungent smell coming from one of the toilets.”

Mr Sachdev, who was not seated near the toilet in question, said: “He said it was liquid faecal excrement, those are the words he used. “He said it’s not a technical fault with the plane, and he was very adamant about that.”

The captain said the plane’s crew had investigated the problem, but were unable to fix it, so the plane would need to return to London for health and safety reasons.

So can we get an interview with the guy or what? Seriously are we just going to let him off the hook and not even name him? Dude wrecked a bathroom so hard he made a plane make an emergency landing. That is epic level bowel movement. His shit was so bad it was literally declared hazardous to the public health and took an airplane out of the sky and put it on the ground. Unheard of. And it’s one of those situations where you can’t really pick a side either. On the one hand if you’re a passenger and you just had your entire trip ruined and can’t catch another flight for 15 hours because some dude blew up a bathroom with smelly poo you have every right in the world to be furious. But on the other hand, the dude had to shit. What was he supposed to do, hold it for 7 hours? Are we as men really going to sit here and judge a man for taking a dump? Not his fault that lavatory is so poorly ventilated, he didn’t design the freaking Boeing 747. Not like you can just courtesy flush either, not with those scary ass airplane flushes that I’m pretty sure suck you right out through the engines. Really hard to assign blame, just got to chalk this one up to an unfortunate, shitty situation all around.

PS – I just used common sense to assume this was a man because chicks don’t poop, if by some strange chance it turns out a woman was responsible I think we have no choice but to remove her from society.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013

Elementary School Principal In Trouble For Referring To Female Teachers As “Vaginas On Fire”

| March 12, 12:04 pm |14 Comments

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. —Two Orange County principals are facing backlash after 9 Investigates uncovered text messages they shared referring to female teachers under their supervision as “Vaginas on fire.” “Well it sounds like sexual harassment,” said Teacher’s Union President Diana Moore. “I think that creates a very hostile environment for the employees at that school.” The text was sent by Assistant Principal Scott Peters to Principal Daniel Merchant at Dr. Phillips Elementary School in September. “The teachers are very concerned about it,” Moore said. The scandal became known around campus as “textgate” and led to an investigation by Orange County Public Schools. The investigation file is hundreds of pages long. District leaders turned over the documents after WFTV’s lawyers got involved. Documents revealed Merchant, who has previous write-ups in his personnel file, was issued a written reprimand. Peters was given the same punishment. A parent of two girls at the school said the punishment was too lax. “It should be more severe,” said parent Brian Fernandes. Channel 9 was not able to reach Peters for comment. The school district said it couldn’t comment on personnel matters. It’s still unclear what the teachers were upset about that led to the principal using those words in the text message.

First of all, how about this clown news reporter pulling a Schefty?

“Actually guys I knew about this story way before anybody did, is just coming out now.” Congratulations bro. Now pipe down about your inside sources to goddam elementary school drama, check your bow tie at the door, and lets here about these fiery vaginas.

As far as this quote un-quote scandal here, I think we have to use the old “its not offensive if its true.” If a racist joke is funny, its not racist. If a stereotype is dead on, its not offensive. And if you describe a bunch of chicks exactly as they are, then you cant get in trouble for it. I personally cant think of a better description of women in this situation. When women are all fired up and emotional and arguing and acting completely irrational, sometimes I have to wonder if there vaginas are literally on fire. When they get all worked up about dumb shit I start checking to see if smoke is coming out of the top of their pants. Like maybe their legs rubbed together and the friction lit their thong on fire and now theres a small 1 alarm blaze housed in their vaginas. Sometimes that seems like the only logical explanation for women acting crazy.

So I’m sure this dude was sitting in some sort of teachers meeting and the women were arguing about gluten free school lunches or some shit. Things got so out of hand that this principal texted his buddies like “Dont worry about the meeting. All the vaginas are on fire again. I’m calling the fire department now to come put them out. When the fires are out we can get down to business.”

I guess ultimately my question is, ladies am I wrong? Are your vaginas fireproof? Lined with asbestos or something? Because if there arent fires inside your pussies then you guys really truly are nuts.


anti pedestrian
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 19, 2014
I'll drink to that. ;)


Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
My wife was out of town last weekend so I set up a threesome at my place. There were a couple of no shows but I had a good time.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Posted this elsewhere but thought it might belong here. No offense to any vegetarians here. It's a JOKE!