I've never been so disgusted at a college in my life...

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Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Yeah, the NCAA makes the NFL look like an organization with its act together.

I actually have a physical dislike for the NCAA as an organization.

I wonder what ever happened to that homeless kid from Texas who got the full football scholarship to Utah, but it was in jeopardy because his sources of support died prior to him graduating and he was living on couches in order to graduate HS.

The NCAA INSISTED that in order for that kid to be eligible that he HAD to be homeless because if he accepted any housing not from direct relatives (they had all just recently died) it would invalidate the scholarship. The coaches at Utah tried to bring him up to the campus early, but were warned that it would be a full on NCAA scholarship infraction.

This is what it's come to...

I realize that they don't want Boosters to just buy their way to wins. I get that.

But there absolutely HAS to be a way to do that in a manner in which the freaking STUDENTS are attended to.

I mean the NCAA only amended the food rules after Shabazz Napier complained about going to bed hungry during the Final Four. UConn is a school that doesn't have a specific athletic commissary, so as with a lot of athletes who require more calories or might need another meal after a game or a late workout... there's simply nowhere to turn. Their athletes are forbidden to get money so they can't buy food and the school cafeteria closes at 7pm. Arian Foster while at Tennessee was so up against it that he called the coach and said, "if you don't bring me some food, I'm going to do something stupid, I'm so hungry." That's how hungry these guys get. An assistant coach brought them a huge bag of Taco Bell tacos.

I don't think non-athletes understand how hard it is on a schedule to plan to intake 5-9000 or more of the right calories a day. I've done it and it's a right bitch. Granted, I worked and trained for triathlon, so I had the resources to feed myself, plus I could eat whenever I wanted. If I was limited to only eating at a certain place and between certain hours...honestly, I don't think I could have done it.

But really, the very notion that these rules should be used to punish student athletes and either keep them homeless or force them to lose their sports affiliation because they've found housing is truly beyond the pale.

It really and truly is disgusting.

And I dunno if it's the NCAA or Baylor. I have a feeling that Baylor may be acting in a very passive/aggressive manner about this because the NCAA has been such a bunch of F'n Aholes in the past that they're overdoing it to prove a point. Just like when Oklahoma self reported themselves because 3 of their OL had more than 7 ounces of pasta at a fundraiser. Technically, it wasn't a violation, but it illustrated the bigger picture that the NCAA does have ridiculous guidelines in place that are unworkable for schools and that actually damage students.

I'm with you on this, Mem... With you all the way.

All day....all night...no pillow case! (Kevin Hart reference, for those who don't get that)


Jul 25, 2010
Agree it appears Baylor made the decision but the rules under which it acts are promulgated by the NCAA. Allowing someone to play who receives "improper" support subjects the school to sanctions. NCAA has some really strange rules prohibiting someone helping a student in need.


Pro Bowler
Jun 25, 2014
Yep kids aren't allowed a place to live but Nike can have its own billion dollar team.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
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I hate the NCAA more than most but I believe in this case that Baylor made the decision.

Hence why I put "school" in the title instead of "NCAA". Art Briles is a cowardly heaping pile of horseshit for doing that to an All-Academic walk-on who just so happened to be homeless. And then refusing to discuss it and saying that it was Nacita's fault.


Jan 15, 2013
Its an incomplete story....not sure why he was put in this situation. It does not even sound like a violation if the friend was not a booster.
College sports is basically a meat grinder. Whole bunches of people go in, few come out the other side the same way they went in.
As an aside, anytime this sort of thing comes up (has not happened on this thread however) people always talking about kids getting a free education, the majority of football players at D1 schools do not get full rides. Many get no scholarship at all. A D1 football program will have 150 or kids in it at any given time, they are not giving out 150 full rides or even partial rides. That fallacy is always put out there by people and it is not true.


Jan 21, 2013
It's an odd story and without knowing all the facts it seems like the kid was wronged but you're overreacting.

The phrase "everyone involved should go to hell" is usually reserved for terrorism, genocide, or child prostitution rings in my book. Whoever's fault this miscommunication (which is what it looks like to me) was just needs to right this wrong, imo.


You had me at meat tornado.
2023 ROD Fantasy Champion
Jun 18, 2014
We all know the NCAA is broken. Just sounds unfortunate.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
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It's an odd story and without knowing all the facts it seems like the kid was wronged but you're overreacting.

The phrase "everyone involved should go to hell" is usually reserved for terrorism, genocide, or child prostitution rings in my book. Whoever's fault this miscommunication (which is what it looks like to me) was just needs to right this wrong, imo.

Stomping on a kid's dreams just because they're homeless and then blaming the kid for it is a hell-worthy offense, in my book.