Hilarious, they can't all be as good as Ram's DE's (Hard Knocks)

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Pro Bowler
Jul 9, 2014
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I love you guys hahah. i posted this just to make fun of Atlanta and you guys get all philosophical about coaching styles. Well Played.:cheers:


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Sep 7, 2010
Yeah Rasta but when you use that form and that's how you have to get it out of them you have to keep using it .
A lot of wrestling coaches will chew a kids ass when he loses,I don't cuz I know he isn't hearing it anyway,I make HIM tell me what he did,I KNOW then he's thinking about what I need him to .You can yell at 120 decibels but if they aren't listening you're wasting your breath.

I wasn't saying that coaching staff was doing their job either. Lol Not that I agree with the coaching style at all, I'm simply implying that the D-line players are performing at a sub-par level and they deserve to be accountable for their laziness on the field. On the other hand, the coaches need to be replaced for not getting the most out of their players due to their ineffective methods. My personal idea of a great coach is one that keeps a calm demeanor the majority of the time, always allowing the players to feel comfortable in conversation, but will not hesitate to jump on your failures and strike a fear inside you of not working hard to overcome them. This Atlanta coach looks like he has trouble motivating himself to get out of a chair.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
I love you guys hahah. i posted this just to make fun of Atlanta and you guys get all philosophical about coaching styles. Well Played.:cheers:
I admit I'm a nerd about that stuff and haven't got much football experience coaching , but I managed people for 45 years and tried every kind of motivational style I could imagine or read about and found that the less I yelled the more they hear the quieter I talked the harder they tried to listen, coaching was a sideline but I loved it and if it had paid well enough I'd have given the rest up .


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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
I admit I'm a nerd about that stuff and haven't got much football experience coaching , but I managed people for 45 years and tried every kind of motivational style I could imagine or read about and found that the less I yelled the more they hear the quieter I talked the harder they tried to listen, coaching was a sideline but I loved it and if it had paid well enough I'd have given the rest up .

I don't really think there's a right answer in football. You need a bit of both. The most important thing by far is to be able to inspire and motivate your guys. Gotta be able to build a relationship with them.


Hall of Fame
Sep 29, 2013
If he can't take that little bit of criticism they might as well cut him now. Geez.

That was my point. Its about knowing your players I suppose - but you need guys who respond to criticism well and are real hard nosed driven guys who just want to win and get better. This kid knows now that he is absolutely accountable on every play and that there is no hiding place. It'll make him a better player if he's tough enough. If hes not (tough enough) then he wont have a future in the league anyway.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
When I was in Navy boot, one recruit was getting his butt chewed about not doing something and he responded that he hadn't followed an order because he couldn't hear. Well, that set the Company Commode off something fierce.

"Let me tell you something, son. You hear what you want to hear, you understand me. 'Cuz I can guarantee IF you get to the fleet... You can have a Petty Officer screamin' in one ear, another Petty Officer screamin' all up and down your neck and your Master Chief chewin your nose off. But if the Admiral walks up and whispers in your ear while they're all doin' that, I can guarantee you, you'll hear that Admiral clear as a church bell on Sunday morning."

And man alive, was that every true. You hear what you need/want to hear and shut the rest out. Sometimes out of reflex, other times out of frustration. I didn't get a chance to manage as long as others, but by the time I got to that point, if felt like I'd had every kind of BAD boss you could have (I'd been doing IT/Network consulting...so, yeah), so I just figured I'd do it the way I always wanted it done.

I did consulting for military contractors like Hughes and Raytheon and some of my bosses were former military and let's just say that I got real clear from that experience that most civilians REALLY don't take to that harsh military style leadership. Definitely some /popcorn moments on that gig...


Hall of Fame
Oct 28, 2012
Problem with that stuff is it has a short shelf life,each time you use it it gets less effective until it becomes apparent that's as far as you can go.
There are two major forms of motivation faith and fear, fear diminishes with familiarity faith grows,but hey there are some people who can't be reached one way so there ARE times that theory X is appropriate,just seems to me the Atlanta asst. coaches are total theory X .
So I'm not in complete disagreement with ya on this.

Fear as a tactic is definitely short lived. Would love to hear more about the 'faith' side. How do you instill that?


Pro Bowler
Jun 19, 2014
Poor guy didn't look like he was having fun. I guess not every one responds well to criticism. I'm more productive if someone is criticizing my work than if I'm being showered with compliments. Something about being told I suck really lights a fire inside.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Fear as a tactic is definitely short lived. Would love to hear more about the 'faith' side. How do you instill that?
Don't get me wrong though ,if I got a guy I HAD to yell at to get him to move ,I'd either get rid of him or tell him I wasn't going to waste my time with him, he either kept me happy or he'd be gone cuz nuthin pisses me off more than somebody pissin me off ,I had better things to do than think of ways to humiliate him.
I had employees that worked for me 10 years and never one reprimand some never made it a week with me,I didn't start out that way I was a hard ass early on ,I'd learned it from my dad who was a 33yr. veteran who was the consummate ass chewer,with a voice that shook walls, my brother was exactly like him ,I watched him and how people reacted to him and noticed they only put out when he was around and went back to the way they intended to do things once he left ,I started showing people why I wanted them to do things a certain way and they responded and discovered I was happier doing it that way than riding herd over people and they were too,win, win,problem is if they don't have the ability to believe THEN ya gotta go hard and you can only devote an appropriate amount of time and then your goals get compromised .
I don't know if Hageman is worth the effort for Cox to put all that time in maybe the light will go on for him ,but I'll bet Robert Quinn never gets anything resembling that kind of treatment,nor Chris Long nor Aaron Donald IMO Hageman is a talented lazy slug and he'll let ya down when you need him the most.

Did I just set a record for run on sentences???????????????????????


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Poor guy didn't look like he was having fun. I guess not every one responds well to criticism. I'm more productive if someone is criticizing my work than if I'm being showered with compliments. Something about being told I suck really lights a fire inside.
Hence the name "Lazy"? No offense intended only you would know that,just sayin', FWIW though I didn't pass out false praise either so I never "showered with compliments" people catch on when they are being conned too.


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Camp Reporter
Oct 28, 2012
Thordaddy, it sure sounds like you and I have been down the same road and cut from the same cloth.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Thordaddy, it sure sounds like you and I have been down the same road and cut from the same cloth.
Been a few bumps then,but I'm satisfied ,didn't mean to dump on my old man though he has a military facility named for him so within the military way he was pretty effective he knew when not to chew ass too.
i started supervising when I was 16, 80% of my crew was older than me ,I was 26 when I bought the company and half my employess were still older than me,I have to believe I made every mistake you can and I'm sure there are more to come(n)