Getting cheated out of 3rd

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May 28, 2011
This has nothing to do with football, but it's off topic so either way.... I feel a need to vent somewhere.

Last night while my Kings were getting a chance to basically lock up their division and the 3rd seed in their conference, but they were cheated out of what probably would have been a game winning 2 man advantage on the Power Play.... Now, maybe they wouldn't have converted on that PP, who knows. But I do know that both teams PP's were rocking (4 of the Kings 5 goals came on the PP) and the Kings had scored on a 2 man advantage literally seconds before this happened... So they should have had another two man advantage right away that probably would have given them the game winning goal with only a few minutes left.

So while on the PP (after just scoring on the two man advantage) the Kings are on a counter attack against a very gassed San Jose defense. While moving up the ice a San Jose player reached from the bench with his stick and hit the puck to break up the attack. An obvious penalty, everyone saw it. The player who was rushing turned to the ref, the team captain pointed, the D-Man joining in on the rush yelled and then slammed his stick to the ice when they figured the refs didn't see it... The crowd saw it, the announcers saw it, hell even players on the other team looked shock it wasn't called. Everyone inside of Staples Center saw this penalty.

Except apparently the 4 guys who's job it is to see these things. Now I'm usually not one to talk about conspiracy theories, but I'm sick of the Kings coming out on the short end in these types of calls. Too many times they get cheated out of a goal, or another team cheats and gets one. I don't remember off the top of my head, but I remember seeing an article where someone and gone back through all the tape and pointed out that roughly 20 goals were scored against the Kings as a result of an offsides not being called. They've had missed penalties, missed called, missed everything all year long. Hell it happens last year so much that our GM was fined $50,000 for calling the NHL out on their crap.

And after last night, with one of the biggest games of the season on the line, the refs blow it again for the Kings, and that could very well cause them to miss out on their division title and 3rd seed in the playoffs.. The Kings ended up losing in the shootout, and they do have a chance to win again on Saturday (against San Jose, in San Jose) but it's one of those things that they shouldn't have to do. They should have the 3rd seed so they can rest their goalie and a few other guys.


I can't link the video directly (not sure how) but here's a link that does have it... ... -incident/

Yeah, I know most of this is just useless crap, but I needed to vent somewhere. Fuck the refs, in any sport.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
In such an obvious instance, the league should make the offending team forfeit the game or at minimum award a goal if after the fact. That's just too blatant. I hope the Kings are protesting the outcome - not that it won't just fall on deaf ears.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
This kind of stuff happens to every team. Look at my Blues, for instance. There have been some utterly ridiculous calls that have gone against us for decades. The thing that probably infuriates me the most this year is Warren fucking Peters - an AHL scrub who can barely hack it with the Minnesota Wild - receiving a one game suspension for cross-checking David Backes in his ear in a scrum. Meanwhile, two Blues players who had no prior history (Chris Stewart and Ian Cole) were assessed three game suspensions for hits that occurred while playing.

Now tell me which is more blatantly dirty out of these three:




But on the subject of your Kings, I will say this: that was a truly egregious penalty, and I'm shocked that it wasn't called.


May 28, 2011
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Nope the NHL isn't doing anything about it at all, in fact they're basically laughing about it and saying it's karma for something that happened earlier this year with the clock at Staples Center.

Basically what happened there was the Kings were playing against the last place team (months ago) and the clock at Staples froze for about a second and a half in the last 10 seconds, and the Kings happened to score at the last second, technically it shouldn't have counted.... So the NHL looked at it and said that it was just a clock malfunction, it wasn't human error or cheating by the Kings (the clocks are owned and operated by the league, not the teams, the teams don't have their own clock/scoreboard guys).... So the NHL basically said "Well we don't know what happened, but it wasn't human error and the Kings didn't have anything to do with it, but they happened to benefit from it."

And I admit, the Kings got a lucky break.

But the NHL saying that it is okay for a player to blatantly cheat because an incident involving another team entirely happened months ago that the Kings had no control of really pisses me off.

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
bluecoconuts said:
Nope the NHL isn't doing anything about it at all, in fact they're basically laughing about it and saying it's karma for something that happened earlier this year with the clock at Staples Center.

Basically what happened there was the Kings were playing against the last place team (months ago) and the clock at Staples froze for about a second and a half in the last 10 seconds, and the Kings happened to score at the last second, technically it shouldn't have counted.... So the NHL looked at it and said that it was just a clock malfunction, it wasn't human error or cheating by the Kings (the clocks are owned and operated by the league, not the teams, the teams don't have their own clock/scoreboard guys).... So the NHL basically said "Well we don't know what happened, but it wasn't human error and the Kings didn't have anything to do with it, but they happened to benefit from it."

And I admit, the Kings got a lucky break.

But the NHL saying that it is okay for a player to blatantly cheat because an incident involving another team entirely happened months ago that the Kings had no control of really pisses me off.

They aren't going to discipline Clowe at all? I mean, it's right there in the replay. By not doing anything, they're taking the chance that someone else might try the same move during the playoffs. And by ignoring it, they set a precedent: "If you can get away with it, fine by us."

If (and that's really a serious question) the NHL wants to be taken seriously, they can't allow bush league moves that could have happened in the movie "Slap Shot" to go unpunished.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Ram Quixote said:
bluecoconuts said:
Nope the NHL isn't doing anything about it at all, in fact they're basically laughing about it and saying it's karma for something that happened earlier this year with the clock at Staples Center.

Basically what happened there was the Kings were playing against the last place team (months ago) and the clock at Staples froze for about a second and a half in the last 10 seconds, and the Kings happened to score at the last second, technically it shouldn't have counted.... So the NHL looked at it and said that it was just a clock malfunction, it wasn't human error or cheating by the Kings (the clocks are owned and operated by the league, not the teams, the teams don't have their own clock/scoreboard guys).... So the NHL basically said "Well we don't know what happened, but it wasn't human error and the Kings didn't have anything to do with it, but they happened to benefit from it."

And I admit, the Kings got a lucky break.

But the NHL saying that it is okay for a player to blatantly cheat because an incident involving another team entirely happened months ago that the Kings had no control of really pisses me off.

They aren't going to discipline Clowe at all? I mean, it's right there in the replay. By not doing anything, they're taking the chance that someone else might try the same move during the playoffs. And by ignoring it, they set a precedent: "If you can get away with it, fine by us."

If (and that's really a serious question) the NHL wants to be taken seriously, they can't allow bush league moves that could have happened in the movie "Slap Shot" to go unpunished.

No, they aren't. After all, this is the league that thinks that a career AHLer cross-checking a player in the face (which the fans of that player's current team, mind you, were calling for a five-to-ten game suspension) is much less detrimental to their product than a first time offender making a dangerous hit. If Chris Simon was still in the league, he could probably get away with murdering someone.

So, yeah, I'm a Blues fan, and I think that Clowe should be fined at least $5,000 for that cheap display. While I have some bad blood against one member of the Kings (I have lost all respect for Doughty after he boarded Oshie with two seconds left in a game where the Kings routed the Blues - oh, and by the way, that was a $2,500 fine), I can clearly see that they got screwed on this. Two wrongs never make a right.


Sep 24, 2011
That is messed up.

I don't follow hockey but ultimately if they are going to go deep into the playoffs, the difference between a 3 and 4 seed isn't that much.


May 28, 2011
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steferfootball said:
That is messed up.

I don't follow hockey but ultimately if they are going to go deep into the playoffs, the difference between a 3 and 4 seed isn't that much.

Nope, the cheat dropped them from 3rd to 7th or 8th.

The way Hockey works are the top 8 teams make it in.

However if you win your division you automatically are seeded 1-3... And then 4-8 are the next teams to make it. The Pacific division is always really tight, and the Kings were in first in the Pacific with San Jose and Phoenix in second and third (and 7th/8th in the conference)... San Jose cheated and got the win, and then Phoenix was only a point behind, so when they won they took first, and thus the 3rd seed... The Kings and San Jose play again tonight (in San Jose) and if they win they get 7th place and if they lose they get 8th. So now they're forced from having home ice to playing on the road if they want to go far against the two best teams in the NHL.

It really screwed them up, if they got 3rd place they would have played Chicago who they dominated this year. Luckily the Kings match up well against most teams, but it's just a sour note. It feels like the Pats Super Bowl all over again, except this is even worse because it was just so blatant.... I mean seriously imagine someone on the sidelines jumping onto the field and batting down a ball headed towards an open receiver in the endzone.... That's basically what happened and the refs just let it slide.... Even days later it annoys me.