Fisher and Bradford Post-Practice Pressers

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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 82cba13ae4</a>

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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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  • #3
EastRam said:
Doesnt load for me there Mr. X
Might be time to trade in that Commodore.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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  • #5
Fisher (on Watkins): "We had reporting requirements, as everybody does, and he didn't meet them. He had difficulty last year with them, he had difficulty this year with them, so we just felt it was better off cutting him loose.''


Has a Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2011
Sam: "I just feel so much more comfortable with where we're at, with where the ball needs to go. We were talking about it with Shot yesterday. The first year you're just trying to feel your way through things, you know you think you know, you have a pure progression, you kinda go down the list. Whereas year two you know this coverage is not good for this play I've got one answer that's gonna beat this so I can shortcut it get the ball to here, and lets just get to second down. And it's things like that, that are really going to help this year."

I like hearing this talk very much so.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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Rams Head Coach Jeff Fisher – Post-Practice – July 25, 2013

(On if it was a good first day)
“Yeah, it was a good first day. Actually, this is day two for them. Yesterday we were only permitted to do conditioning and meetings, so we got a lot installed yesterday, reinstalled actually. The conditioning test with the remainder of the vets was excellent, but of course, it’s nice to get the first one underway and get it behind you.”

(On if there is rust to be worked out)
“No, we didn’t notice anything. I thought they picked up right where they left off. This is the second time we’ve begun installation, so when you come back and you’re in the same system, the offensive guys are familiar. Again, as we mentioned, it’s just hard to get enough reps for the rooks, but we’re getting a lot of quality walk-through reps in the a.m.”

(On if his approach changes with a young team compared to a veteran team)
“It’s the same. Sometimes you’ll do things a little bit differently from a format standpoint –a little more walk through, little more meeting time – but other than that we’re still trying to do the same thing year after year and that’s to get ready for the season.”

(On his thoughts regarding the crowd’s enthusiasm)
“It was great. I looked out the window about an hour and a half before practice and they were already starting to come out. So it was good to see them and hopefully that will remain the same over the next few days.”

(On releasing G Rokevious Watkins)
“We had reporting requirements, as everybody does, and he didn’t meet them. He had difficulty last year with them, he had difficulty this year with them, so we just felt it was better off cutting him loose.”

(On if it was disappointing that Watkins did not meet reporting requirements)
“It was disappointing. He’s got ability to play, he’s just struggling with some things, and until he can get that stuff figured out and make a commitment, then we’re just better off without him. It wouldn’t surprise me if he gets another opportunity because he’s got some ability.”

(On if TE Lance Kendricks and DT Jermelle Cudjo being on the physically unable to perform list means they are out of a long time)
“It’s active PUP, so they count against the roster. But both situations are a little bit different. I wouldn’t expect to see them on the field for at least the next 10 days to two weeks.”

(On if his expectations of QB Sam Bradford have changed)
“He’s improving, which is good. But I’ve said this all the time, the better the people that are surrounding him are, the better chance he has of taking another step. I think we’ve done everything we can to this point doing that with (Jared) Cook, and the young receivers from last year, Austin (Pettis) is improving, so it’s a good group around him. Now we’ve got to protect him, which I feel like we can. It’s early but our offensive line is certainly a lot different than it was to start last year.”

(On if this season is a make or break season for Bradford)
“No, I think it’s just the next year. He’s a young quarterback with a great future ahead of him, so that’s not the way we look at it.”

(On if he has had a training camp without a starting running back)
“No, I’ve usually had a guy, but that’s what the competition is about, and that’s what camp’s for and preseason games are for. It’s not going to be out of the question that we don’t play two or three of them quite a bit. We may not end up with a ‘bellcow’ like we’ve had last year in ‘Jack’ (Steven Jackson) and previous years, and just let them all play.”

(On if a running back rotation is due to the design of the offense or the fact that they do not have a running back with the ability to be a ‘bellcow’)
“I’m not saying that we don’t have one that can. We just haven’t seen him do it yet. One of them may emerge and carry it 350 times this year, we don’t know. But offensively, it’s nice to have two or three guys in a rotation just because there’s different ability levels at the position.”

(On his expectations for S T.J. McDonald)
“Obviously we were fortunate that he was there. We got a little nervous on draft day, but he’s got all the tools to play the position at this level and play it very, very well. We’re especially impressed with his instincts and his football intelligence, and he’s fit in right now. He’s making calls like veterans make calls in the secondary.”

(On if Rams preseason games being broadcasted on Tennessee television stations speaks to his popularity in Tennessee)
“I wasn’t aware of that, but I’d like to see it kind of reach out into many more states if you will.”

(On the talent level on the roster and his expectations)
“We were able to take advantage of the additional picks. It appears that we drafted well last year, and at first glances, we’re going to have some success and some production out of this year’s draft. If you’re going to build a football team, you need to draft well and you need to take advantage of free agency, and fortunately we’ve got the support from (Owner) Stan (Kroenke) to do that, and we got a good start but we’ve got a ways to go. We’re not satisfied by no means.”

(On how far the team has traveled considering what he inherited a season ago after a 2-14 season in 2011)
“It’s going to be hard to answer that question. We have to play some quality opponents and see how we fare. We were very competitive last year in most of the games, but we have things that we need to work on. We need to work on things such as touchdowns, getting off the field on defense, minimizing penalties, and it’s a challenge with a young group.”

(On if the early finish to practice was due to practice going smoothly)
“No, it’s really unlikely on a 3:30 start that we go till 6:00. I usually finish around between 5:25 – 5:35.”

(On if he was happy with practice)
“Yeah, it was good. I was pleased with practice, first one today. It’s what we expected to have.”

Rams QB Sam Bradford – Post-Practice – July 25, 2013

(On how the first day of practice was)
“It was good. It was just exciting, fun to get back out on the field. Obviously, it was nice to have a little break after OTA’s. But, coming back early in the week I think everyone was a little ansty to get on the practice field, especially since we had been here all day and didn’t get out here until 3:30 (p.m.)

(On how WRs Tavon Austin and Stedman Bailey looked today)
“We’ll have to go watch the film to see how everything was. I think everyone saw they made some plays. They made some nice plays downfield for us today, but today was only the first day. We’re going to have to build on what we did today and come out here and try to get better every time we’re on the field.”

(On the advantages of entering into the second year of the same offense)
“I could be here for days talking about that. It feels good going into the second year of this offense – the second year of any offense for the first time since I’ve been here. Me and ‘Schotty’ (Offensive Coordinator Brian Schottenheimer) we’re actually talking after our walk-thru this morning about how much further ahead we are at this point than we were last year. We had a blitz walk-thru the first thing we did and we threw exotic looks that we saw during the course of the year last year. The guys up front, our running backs, everyone handled it fine. It’s exciting. We have an opportunity to build on what we were able to do last year and not start from scratch. I think that’s our biggest challenge as a group is to not come out and be complacent, and do the same things, but to grow, and become better, and do the things – maybe that we struggled with last year – to do them at a higher level and improve those things.”

(On if he senses that expectations are higher for him this year)
“I try to treat every year the same, to be honest. I think my expectations of myself are always high. I don’t think there’s anyone outside this building that can have higher expectations of myself than I do. Like I just said, it’s exciting going into year two. I think the challenge for me, the goal for me is to build on what I was able to do last year. ‘Cig’ (Quarterbacks Coach Frank Cignetti) talked about it today in a meeting that last year we were learning the offense and this year it’s more of trying to master the offense. That’s my mentality: take it day by day, try to get better, and try to help this team win games.”

(On the changes that are seen when the offense goes against the defense in practice)
“There’s no doubt that this offense has a totally different feel than the one last year. I think if you look at some of the pieces that we’ve added, we’re faster. We’re faster at almost all the positions on the field now. I think that puts a lot of stress on the defense. If they hesitate for a second, we’re by them. We’re going to have to figure out how to best utilize that speed and the things that we can do with that. There’s no doubt that it’s a different feeling with this offense this year.”

(On having T Jake Long in front of him)
“There’s no doubt that it helps. I was probably as excited, if not more excited, than anyone when we signed him when he finally got here. Jake’s a great player. There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s going to come in and play at a Pro Bowl level and knowing that you’ve got that anchor on the blind side, it really helps.”

(On if T Rodger Saffold can make the switch from the left to the right side of the line)
“Absolutely. Obviously, I’ve never played line, but I’m sure it’s a big transition going from the left to the right. It’s kind of like doing everything the opposite that you’ve done your whole career, but he’s a great athlete. I think he’s handled that transition really well. I think he’s improved from the beginning of spring to now. I expect him to do the same thing as we go through camp. There’s no doubt in my mind that he go over and be a great right tackle.”

(On having speed at all the offensive positions notably in TE Jared Cook, WRs Austin and Chris Givens)
“It feels really good. I think it’s just going to allow us an opportunity to create more explosive plays. I think if you look at us over the past couple years, we’ve really struggled to create explosive plays. The best offenses in the league are great at doing that so hopefully the speed will help us.”

(On in if the veteran leadership role falls on his shoulders with Steven Jackson gone)
“Absolutely. I think I realized that the minute that I knew ‘Jack’ was gone. I think it’s the perfect time for me going into year four, going into year two of this offense being comfortable. I think it’s part of my evolution and part of my position that I need to step up and be the leader of this offense.”

(On if he is staying in a hotel during training camp)
“No, I’m in the house. It feels great. If you’re going into your fourth year or more you get to stay at home. I can’t tell you how excited I am that Coach Fisher has that policy. I felt bad for the guys who were going to the hotel last night after we were done with meetings, but I was pretty excited to go home.”

(On if the perks that Fisher offers makes him more likeable)
“Yeah. I think, obviously, Coach Fisher knows what he’s doing. It’s not a huge deal, but to be able to go home – we’re still going to get home at 9 or 9:30 p.m. – but just to be able to spend that 20 minutes on the couch, watching TV and then go to bed in your own bed every night, it’s definitely comforting.”

(On how his football camp in Oklahoma helped him and the receivers bond)
“It was awesome. I had a great time. I think everyone there had a great time. It just give us an opportunity, like you said, to come together, kind of some team building, some team bonding, and also get little refresher before camp starts. Instead of taking the whole five, five and a half weeks off from OTA’s until now, hopping in a couple weeks before camp, that way we’re talking ball and everyone’s hearing things again. So, hopefully that gap between OTA’s and camp isn’t as long.”

(On if anyone stayed in the “Sam Bradford” suite at the Sooner Legends Hotel in Oklahoma during his camp)
“I don’t know. I don’t know if it was available. I didn’t hear (about) anyone stay(ing) in it. They weren’t bragging about it. I don’t know.”

(On if he’s gotten to the point where he is completely familiar and comfortable with the offense)
“Yeah. I think I’m getting there. I just feel so much more comfortable with where we’re at and where the ball needs to go. We were talking about it with ‘Schott’ (Offensive Coordinator Brian Schottenheimer) yesterday – in the first few years you’re kind of trying to feel your way through things, and you think you know, you have a pier progression or something and you kind of go down the list. Whereas year two, you know this coverage is not good for this play. I’ve got one answer, and it’s going to be this so I can shortcut it and I get the ball to here and let’s just get this second down. It’s things like that that I think are really going to help this year.”

(On if the playbook is different this year or if he’s just using different parts of the playbook)
“I think obviously this year, just today, we’re going to be a lot more 11 – a lot more 12 personnel – and I think that gives us the flexibility to move people around and play them in different spots. Last year, I think, there were times where we were pretty predictable as far as who was going to be where and what we were going to do. I think just changing the looks, changing the formations slightly, moving guys around. Chris (Givens) played ‘X’ today, he’ll play ‘X’,’ Z’, wherever, I think that confuses the defense a little bit.”

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
I CANNOT wait to see this offense evolve.
Sam talking about making pre-snap reads and having the knowledge and comfort of the offense to audible out and keep the chains moving vs a bad coverage....NICE.


Mar 9, 2013
It's amazing how confident Sam sounds. He's really ready to be a leader.