E cigs...

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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
PhxRam said:
bluecoconuts said:
Selassie I said:
I remember how much I hated people telling me I should quit,,, encouraging me to quit,,,, offering to help me quit. Any of it. So I don't want to do that to anyone else.

I could only quit when I decided to do it. I'm not like that with other things though.

Anyway, I quit cold turkey too. Both times.

I quit once for over a year back in the late 90's. You guys will appreciate this,,, I picked them back up again during the NFL playoffs in 99.

I finally quit again almost 5 years ago. Done for good.

At the rate things are going people are about to be forced to smoke the e-cigs. There's almost no where left in public that smoking is even permitted anymore. Hell, I think I heard that smoking was banned in your personal vehicle in some places.

The e-cigs might even allow you to partake in places that you haven't been able to in years. There's got to be huge value in that.

There are places that are discussing (or already have) banning smoking inside your house.

Good luck with that..
I know. Should be a piece of cake to enforce that.

Here's another brilliant law.

Georgia code section 16-6-2 provides a 1 to 20 year mandatory sentence for any adults consenting to "any sexual act involving the sex organs of one person and the mouth or anus of another". Married couples are not excluded from this law.


The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
I quit by using Chantix...I tried many times, and never thought I would have been able to do it. I was able to quit the first time on Chantix. It still wasn't easy, but it was a lot easier than any other way. I'd totally recommend it to anyone out there.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Selassie I said:
I remember how much I hated people telling me I should quit,,, encouraging me to quit,,,, offering to help me quit. Any of it. So I don't want to do that to anyone else.

I could only quit when I decided to do it. I'm not like that with other things though.

Anyway, I quit cold turkey too. Both times.

I quit once for over a year back in the late 90's. You guys will appreciate this,,, I picked them back up again during the NFL playoffs in 99.

I finally quit again almost 5 years ago. Done for good.

At the rate things are going people are about to be forced to smoke the e-cigs. There's almost no where left in public that smoking is even permitted anymore. Hell, I think I heard that smoking was banned in your personal vehicle in some places.

The e-cigs might even allow you to partake in places that you haven't been able to in years. There's got to be huge value in that.
Y'bit you can offer encouragement to anyone trying to quit ,and if you were one you know some of those just because of how smokers are segregated by public facility regs.
IMO part of staying off cigs. for the first few years CAN be preaching the gospel of the reformed whore.The whole cognitive reprogramming effort comes into play there. I submit most smokers don't fully accept the consequences as real. I've often said if you REALLY thought smoking was gonna kill you you'd choose a more efficient means of suicide.

By ALL MEANS BE a reformed whore,it's beneficial :ww:

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Thordaddy said:
Selassie I said:
I remember how much I hated people telling me I should quit,,, encouraging me to quit,,,, offering to help me quit. Any of it. So I don't want to do that to anyone else.

I could only quit when I decided to do it. I'm not like that with other things though.

Anyway, I quit cold turkey too. Both times.

I quit once for over a year back in the late 90's. You guys will appreciate this,,, I picked them back up again during the NFL playoffs in 99.

I finally quit again almost 5 years ago. Done for good.

At the rate things are going people are about to be forced to smoke the e-cigs. There's almost no where left in public that smoking is even permitted anymore. Hell, I think I heard that smoking was banned in your personal vehicle in some places.

The e-cigs might even allow you to partake in places that you haven't been able to in years. There's got to be huge value in that.
Y'bit you can offer encouragement to anyone trying to quit ,and if you were one you know some of those just because of how smokers are segregated by public facility regs.
IMO part of staying off cigs. for the first few years CAN be preaching the gospel of the reformed whore.The whole cognitive reprogramming effort comes into play there. I submit most smokers don't fully accept the consequences as real. I've often said if you REALLY thought smoking was gonna kill you you'd choose a more efficient means of suicide.

By ALL MEANS BE a reformed whore,it's beneficial :ww:

Impossible Thor,,, I'll be a whore till the day I die. :ww:


Jan 14, 2013
And the price... my god if I hadn't quit three or so years ago I probably would have to now just based on the prices. Course I live in Illinois.... the land of taxation... hate this ****ing state. But anyway, yeah.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
My 50th birthday present to myself was to quit smoking. I used the patch and ecigs. I still use an ecig but it has no nicotine in the fluid.

I don't recommend the brands mentioned in this thread and I've used all of them. Go to a vape store and select good quality products that don't leak and hold a charge for longer periods of time and try a bunch of flavors and nicotine levels. You can slowly wean yourself down to the point you are not taking in any nicotine. I weaned myself down to zero in less than 6 months. I know someone who got himself to quit and doesn't use the ecig at all anymore in less time than that.

They work and I wish I had done it ages ago.

I hope you quit, you can do it my man. All of us on the other side of the fence are waiting for you to climb over. You can do it East......

Rabid Ram

Mar 13, 2013
LesBaker said:
My 50th birthday present to myself was to quit smoking. I used the patch and ecigs. I still use an ecig but it has no nicotine in the fluid.

I don't recommend the brands mentioned in this thread and I've used all of them. Go to a vape store and select good quality products that don't leak and hold a charge for longer periods of time and try a bunch of flavors and nicotine levels. You can slowly wean yourself down to the point you are not taking in any nicotine. I weaned myself down to zero in less than 6 months. I know someone who got himself to quit and doesn't use the ecig at all anymore in less time than that.

They work and I wish I had done it ages ago.

I hope you quit, you can do it my man. All of us on the other side of the fence are waiting for you to climb over. You can do it East......
Unless you live where there is no vape store


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Rabid Ram said:
LesBaker said:
My 50th birthday present to myself was to quit smoking. I used the patch and ecigs. I still use an ecig but it has no nicotine in the fluid.

I don't recommend the brands mentioned in this thread and I've used all of them. Go to a vape store and select good quality products that don't leak and hold a charge for longer periods of time and try a bunch of flavors and nicotine levels. You can slowly wean yourself down to the point you are not taking in any nicotine. I weaned myself down to zero in less than 6 months. I know someone who got himself to quit and doesn't use the ecig at all anymore in less time than that.

They work and I wish I had done it ages ago.

I hope you quit, you can do it my man. All of us on the other side of the fence are waiting for you to climb over. You can do it East......
Unless you live where there is no vape store

If you have the Internet you have the world.


If you cup your hand near your ear you will hear a knocking sound.....it's opportunity. Maybe a store in your area is just what they need.

Rabid Ram

Mar 13, 2013
LesBaker said:
Rabid Ram said:
LesBaker said:
My 50th birthday present to myself was to quit smoking. I used the patch and ecigs. I still use an ecig but it has no nicotine in the fluid.

I don't recommend the brands mentioned in this thread and I've used all of them. Go to a vape store and select good quality products that don't leak and hold a charge for longer periods of time and try a bunch of flavors and nicotine levels. You can slowly wean yourself down to the point you are not taking in any nicotine. I weaned myself down to zero in less than 6 months. I know someone who got himself to quit and doesn't use the ecig at all anymore in less time than that.

They work and I wish I had done it ages ago.

I hope you quit, you can do it my man. All of us on the other side of the fence are waiting for you to climb over. You can do it East......
Unless you live where there is no vape store

If you have the Internet you have the world.


If you cup your hand near your ear you will hear a knocking sound.....it's opportunity. Maybe a store in your area is just what they need.
Yes there is the internet angle BUT you cant test it through the screen.
and as far as opening a shot got to have the capital for that lol.


Jan 14, 2013
Rabid Ram said:
Psycho_X said:
Rabid Ram said:
Where at in Illinois

Springfield area, work in the city at the moment.
Right on Mt Vernon area here

Ah cool, drove by there a lot over the years as I used to have family that lived in Johnston City and Marion area so would hit up 57 there. Plus, went to college at SIUC... for some random reason I still have a random factoid in my head that Kent Williams (SIUC 2nd career scorer who was there when I was in college) was from Mt. Vernon lol. Weird the stuff we remember.


Van Jefferson’s #1 fan
Jul 27, 2010
I work at a place that sells them and I got them for my girlfriend. I also know a few people who are trying them. I can say that they seem to work well whenever you have a nicotine ctaving but if you are in a very stressful situation...they don't help as much.

Every single person I know that has them say it helps them when their drinking.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Rabid Ram said:
The biggest downer ive heard about them is the lack of throat hit

If you're using one of the ones that is the same size as a real cig thats true. But if you buy one of the bigger batteries you can get much the same feel. Some are even adjustable and I tried one of those on the highest setting and it was too much for me.

A lot of the throat feel also depends on the liquid you use. Try a ton when you go to a vape store and you'll find that some are very strong. Nicotine content also plays a role in the throat hit.

Rabid Ram

Mar 13, 2013
Dont have a vape store around these parts. Just the net and their retirn policys suck lol

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013

Pack a day smoker for 27 years. Had some success going cold turkey several years back. Quit for 1 year then slipped back. Some have mentioned Chantix. I tried that and while it was working, it also fucked me up in the head a bit. But, it does work for some people. For some it's a miracle drug. IMO cold turkey is the way to go for those who are serious. Patches, gum...didn't work.

For me...i was ready to go cold turkey again early this year but after the first day i said "Fuck it. I'm going try vaping."
I switched to vaping in April. I don't miss smoking at all. With the exception of one late night when my glass broke and had to buy a pack of cigs to get me through till the next day(to get to the vape shop) i've been clean. Tasted awful btw, like licking an ashtray i suppose.

I use 70/30 12mg juice. The morning nicotine cravings are still there but not nearly as powerful as they were as a smoker. Vaping has been a win-win for me.
1) Saving a TON of money
2) I feel better
3) No one bums cigarettes from me anymore

The FDA is starting to get involved in regulating some of the vape stores here locally. Can't sell single coils(only packs of coils). Employees can't concoct and mix flavors in-store( you buy the base and the flavor separately and combine them yourself) There are other regulations. Not too big of a deal (yet) but i'm afraid this minor regulation is only the beginning of the FDA and those behind the scenes who are in bed with the tobacco companies who only see lost dollar signs with the growing vape industry will stick their greedy fingers deeper into this in order to keep BIG business tobacco companies strong. We've already seen the mass media do it's part in condemning E cigs.
Sometimes i really hate what this country has become. It's so full of shit to be honest. I'm ranting but yeah.
If this country keeps on going where i think it's headed i'm considering moving in down the street from @CGI_Ram or maybe even @flv :):hiding:

Have any of you vapers out there begun to see new regulations yet?


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude

Pack a day smoker for 27 years. Had some success going cold turkey several years back. Quit for 1 year then slipped back. Some have mentioned Chantix. I tried that and while it was working, it also freaked me up in the head a bit. But, it does work for some people. For some it's a miracle drug. IMO cold turkey is the way to go for those who are serious. Patches, gum...didn't work.

For me...i was ready to go cold turkey again early this year but after the first day i said "freak it. I'm going try vaping."
I switched to vaping in April. I don't miss smoking at all. With the exception of one late night when my glass broke and had to buy a pack of cigs to get me through till the next day(to get to the vape shop) i've been clean. Tasted awful btw, like licking an ashtray i suppose.

I use 70/30 12mg juice. The morning nicotine cravings are still there but not nearly as powerful as they were as a smoker. Vaping has been a win-win for me.
1) Saving a TON of money
2) I feel better
3) No one bums cigarettes from me anymore

The FDA is starting to get involved in regulating some of the vape stores here locally. Can't sell single coils(only packs of coils). Employees can't concoct and mix flavors in-store( you buy the base and the flavor separately and combine them yourself) There are other regulations. Not too big of a deal (yet) but i'm afraid this minor regulation is only the beginning of the FDA and those behind the scenes who are in bed with the tobacco companies who only see lost dollar signs with the growing vape industry will stick their greedy fingers deeper into this in order to keep BIG business tobacco companies strong. We've already seen the mass media do it's part in condemning E cigs.
Sometimes i really hate what this country has become. It's so full of crap to be honest. I'm ranting but yeah.
If this country keeps on going where i think it's headed i'm considering moving in down the street from @CGI_Ram or maybe even @flv :):hiding:

Have any of you vapers out there begun to see new regulations yet?
I just bought 1000ml of 80/20 mix, 50ml of nic juice and 20 vials of flavoring. It cost me $40, and I can make over $2000.00 worth of ejuice from it. I vape at 75 watts, btw. Cloud creatin' like a bawz. Fuck the FDA. I'll stockpile that stuff and be set for years.