Astronomers detect 15 signals from mysterious object in distant galaxy

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Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010

Astronomers detect 15 signals from mysterious object in distant galaxy

While looking for signs of intelligent life in the universe, astronomers have detected 15 fast radio bursts from a distant galaxy.

These poorly understood phenomena are short pulses of radio emission, just milliseconds long, believed to be coming from rapidly spinning neutron stars or black holes in distant galaxies. A less popular theory is that they're signs of extremely powerful spacecraft from alien civilizations.

This particular fast radio burst (FRB), called FRB 121102, is of particular interest as it is the only known one to be repeating, something that astronomers can't yet explain.

Earlier this month, astronomers using the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia (a collection of radio telescopes) not only found 15 more bursts, but found them at a higher radio frequency than was ever observed before, the astronomers said in their findings published in The Astronomer's Telegram.

"It's not surprising that we've found 15 more from this source; we've been detecting many of them over the past few years," Paul Scholz, an astronomer who studies FRBs with the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory in Penticton, B.C., told CBC News. "The one thing that's unique about these [new ones] is that they are at a higher frequency than we've ever seen before."

Scholz, who was not involved with the new discovery, was with McGill University when he and a team of astronomers discovered FRB 121102 to be a repeater. In 2016, a McGill team was able to locate the source of the strange FRB.

At the time the signals left its host galaxy, Earth would have been two billion years old, less than half its current age. The only living things on the planet would have been single-celled organisms.

Solving the mystery

As though the object wasn't strange enough, it also behaves like no other FRB. Typically, objects that emit similar signals, such as pulsars, do so in a smooth fashion across many frequencies. But that's not the case with FRB 121102.

"So it's kind of perplexing," Scholz said.

Scholz said that there could be reasons such as the signal being distorted between its source galaxy and Earth.

In the coming months, a new telescope in B.C. called the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) is expected to begin its research into FRBs, with the possibility of discovering several a day, something that Scholz is looking forward to seeing.

"It's a mystery that needs to be solved," Scholz said.
An astronomical echo?


Jan 23, 2013
I have little belief in flying saucers, unless the physics we consider established theory is absolutely wrong. the only space ships we could ever see would a floating hulk launched a few billion years ago, or a still active craft just about as old with AI machines on board.Space travel takes too long for living things, and AI doesn't need all of the food and water that humans do...Maybe spare parts for the AI instead....anyway, if we receive radio waves from billions of year ago, anyone out there is likely to receive broadcasts of Amos & Andy first (billions of years from now) and they will disregard everything else we

I saw an explanation of how a spacecraft could move back and forth and stop on a dime. One is manipulation of earth magnetic field. Another is vacuum manipulation. By creating a vacuum around the craft they could stop and start or move anyway they choose and it has within the laws of physics, but we don't know how to accomplish this.

I believe in other beings visiting earth. There are too many stories of abductions with similar explanations. Many of the stories have been corroborated with official sources. Now they description of the Grey's is interesting and makes some sense. They are described to have large skulls and tiny bodies. One thing we know of our own brains is that we only use ten percent of it. We see the dramatic effects when certain people can tap into other parts of their brain, like "Rain Man". Also we consider people like Einstein and Dad Vinci to be geniuses and they still could only utilise a very limited portion of the brain.

So, if an advanced race eventually figured out how to use more or all of their brains, then the possibilities would be limitless. Their brains would overtake their bodies. All nutrients would be directed to the brain. They would be able to cure themselves, communicate through telepathy, solve insanely complicated equations, figure out how to travel through space. There would be no need for big strong bodies to physically move things when they could do it with their brains.

The biggest advancement in our evolutionary ascent is the development of our brains. Our skulls capacity for a larger brain has increased. We have to consume massive amounts of protein to feed our brains compared to other living creatures on earth. If we have time to continue on, then it is probable that we could evolve the same way as what ""Greys" are described to look like. Even if they're not able to use all of their brain, they larger size would allow for it to be more powerful because ten percent of a brain twice as big would be like us using twenty percent, and so on with a brain three times would be thirty percent more powerful, etc...


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
I saw an explanation of how a spacecraft could move back and forth and stop on a dime. One is manipulation of earth magnetic field. Another is vacuum manipulation. By creating a vacuum around the craft they could stop and start or move anyway they choose and it has within the laws of physics, but we don't know how to accomplish this.

I believe in other beings visiting earth. There are too many stories of abductions with similar explanations. Many of the stories have been corroborated with official sources. Now they description of the Grey's is interesting and makes some sense. They are described to have large skulls and tiny bodies. One thing we know of our own brains is that we only use ten percent of it. We see the dramatic effects when certain people can tap into other parts of their brain, like "Rain Man". Also we consider people like Einstein and Dad Vinci to be geniuses and they still could only utilise a very limited portion of the brain.

So, if an advanced race eventually figured out how to use more or all of their brains, then the possibilities would be limitless. Their brains would overtake their bodies. All nutrients would be directed to the brain. They would be able to cure themselves, communicate through telepathy, solve insanely complicated equations, figure out how to travel through space. There would be no need for big strong bodies to physically move things when they could do it with their brains.

The biggest advancement in our evolutionary ascent is the development of our brains. Our skulls capacity for a larger brain has increased. We have to consume massive amounts of protein to feed our brains compared to other living creatures on earth. If we have time to continue on, then it is probable that we could evolve the same way as what ""Greys" are described to look like. Even if they're not able to use all of their brain, they larger size would allow for it to be more powerful because ten percent of a brain twice as big would be like us using twenty percent, and so on with a brain three times would be thirty percent more powerful, etc...

The 10%of the brain thing is a myth.

I listened to a TED talk a while back on why humans are so much smarter than animals. Basically it comes down to the number of brain cells (or neurons, I don't remember which or if they're the same) we have. For example, a rat's brain cells are so large that if they had the same number of brain cells we do, their brains would be the size of a car.

As far as "the Grey's", I think that's a chicken or the egg type deal. Giant head/tiny body is the stereotypical cheesy alien. Did it become the stereotype because there were so many stories, or are there so many stories about them because it's the stereotype? I don't know, I'm only 31 so I want alive during the alien craze back in the day. Point in case, when I type alien on my phone, it suggests this emoji: . It may not be grey, but please don't judge by the color of it's skin.