They most likely broke down to peer pressure over anything. It's only possible for PS4 exclusives to take full advantage of the hardware power the PS4 has over the One. Games literally will look the same, the only problem you may have is that it's going to push the One harder than the PS4 and you might get some frame rate sutter here and there.
I've done tons of research on both of these systems, and I still haven't bought one because I'm waiting for Christmas this year to shell out some cash for it.
The Xbox One got a huge setback with the $100 price increase over the PS4. With that happening, and some other questionable policy issues like not being able to buy used games, social media pretty much took over and influenced all the casual gamers (those that don't have allegiance to either system) to buy the PS4. Herd mentality is alive and really strong with this console generation.
R; At the end of the day, it comes down to what features you want. You aren't going to see major problems or differences between the games that play on each console.