What would be your "4 pillars"?

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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
If you were a GM or coach, and you wanted to build a team with four core principles in mind, what would those be? It has to be four. You don't have to rank them in order of importance, but if you want to, that would be an added challenge.

Mine are... (in no particular order)

1. Athleticism (fast, agile and strong)
2. Team First (accountability and shared goals)
3. Controlled anger (everyone on the other side of the field is the enemy, and I hate them)
4. Intelligence (Football intelligence, that is. Able to absorb a playbook, and quickly diagnose plays)


May 28, 2011
1. Honor - Play with it. That means don't do things on or off the field to shame the team. None of the dirty stuff, nothing off the field either.
2. Athleticism - The ability to play the game at a high level, simple as that.
3. Motivation - The desire and drive to be the best and to win. To push yourself to the very limit and put in the time to become the best player you can be.
4. Physicality - Make them pay for every inch. Cleanly of course (that goes back to honor)


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
I am going to contact Mike Martz to see how he answers the question.... really. If he responds, I will post.


Hall of Fame
Jun 24, 2010
X said:
If you were a GM or coach, and you wanted to build a team with four core principles in mind, what would those be? It has to be four. You don't have to rank them in order of importance, but if you want to, that would be an added challenge.

Mine are... (in no particular order)

1. Athleticism (fast, agile and strong)
2. Team First (accountability and shared goals)
3. Controlled anger (everyone on the other side of the field is the enemy, and I hate them)
4. Intelligence (Football intelligence, that is. Able to absorb a playbook, and quickly diagnose plays)

Hindsight is 20/20, but looking back on the Spags era I think there may have been a little too much emphasis on character and not enough on the attributes that win football games. I think your 4 pillars reflect that X. Yours are constructed more around the player than the person.


1) Pride - This is your craft, prefect it. Take pride in yourself, your role, and your team
2) Aggression - Play hard, hit hard, and make other teams dread playing you. Take calculated gambles
3) Preparation - Games are won during the week as often as they are won on Sunday.
4) Trust - Play within yourself. Trust that teammates will pick up where you fall short


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Mine - in order (not talent; that's a given):

1. Instincts. That's the first thing I look for in guys. That's what helps the later round picks succeed and get jobs. The ability to immediately diagnose a play and react accordingly...if the player doesn't have that, there's no way in hell they can become the best. The best are like another coach on the field; they often know what is coming and how to stop it.

2. Accountability. Players should be responsible for their actions on and off the field. If they're a good teammate, if they work their asses off in practice, if they play their hearts out in games, if they own up to their mistakes and make every effort not to make new ones, I'll back them every step of the way. But if they refuse to buy into this concept, they'll never win a title. I want individuals who work as a team, not a group of individuals alone.

3. Possibility. I look at these players and think about how they'll help this team, how they'll grow as athletes. This is slightly different than potential; it helps the player and the team. What can this guy bring to the table? How will he fit into my plans for the team? That kind of thing.

4. Leadership. When the chips are down, when others are struggling to adapt, these players will rise to the occasion and take what they want. The Steven Jacksons of the world, the ones who want it more than anyone else, who can lead others to their desires...that's my final pillar.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
1. Talent - The skill and/or ability to make the team better through your position.
2. Character - both on and off the field as a person and team mate. The dude must value himself as well in a non-egocentric stance.
3. Controlled Aggression - The ability to do everything within the scope of a football game aggressively without putting your team in jeopardy.
4. Tenacity - On the field, in the film room, in the weight room, studying the playbook, and just never letting up when it matters.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
X said:
If you were a GM or coach, and you wanted to build a team with four core principles in mind, what would those be? It has to be four. You don't have to rank them in order of importance, but if you want to, that would be an added challenge.

Mine are... (in no particular order)

1. Athleticism (fast, agile and strong)
2. Team First (accountability and shared goals)
3. Controlled anger (everyone on the other side of the field is the enemy, and I hate them)
4. Intelligence (Football intelligence, that is. Able to absorb a playbook, and quickly diagnose plays)

Huh...sounds familiar...

1. Athleticism (fast, agile and strong)


2. Team First (accountability and shared goals)


3. Controlled anger (everyone on the other side of the field is the enemy, and I hate them)


4. Intelligence (Football intelligence, that is. Able to absorb a playbook, and quickly diagnose plays)



My 4 pillars?

Wife, kids, job, football.

Oh, and woodstoves.

But that's 5.

BTW I saw the Avengers. It's a blast.


Pro Bowler
Nov 16, 2011
Angry Ram said:
X said:
If you were a GM or coach, and you wanted to build a team with four core principles in mind, what would those be? It has to be four. You don't have to rank them in order of importance, but if you want to, that would be an added challenge.

Mine are... (in no particular order)

1. Athleticism (fast, agile and strong)
2. Team First (accountability and shared goals)
3. Controlled anger (everyone on the other side of the field is the enemy, and I hate them)
4. Intelligence (Football intelligence, that is. Able to absorb a playbook, and quickly diagnose plays)

Huh...sounds familiar...

1. Athleticism (fast, agile and strong)


2. Team First (accountability and shared goals)


3. Controlled anger (everyone on the other side of the field is the enemy, and I hate them)


4. Intelligence (Football intelligence, that is. Able to absorb a playbook, and quickly diagnose plays)
