Strangest Place you have ever awakened in

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Hall of Fame
Mar 28, 2015
Okay this was a long time ago. Back in my High School Daze! I went to a Peter Frampton concert with some friends in Long Beach CA. It was a great show! at least the part I can remember. The next morning I woke up in a pitch black room. I turned on a lamp next to the bed and realized I was in a hotel room.
I got up and noticed the room had these big dark sun blocking drapes on the windows so I pulled one open and the brightest sun I've ever seen came shinning into the room. After my eyes adjusted which took about 15 min I was amazed to see the Las Vegas strip staring back at me.
How the hell did I get here? Well after an hour or so here come my two friends back to the room after an all nighter in the casino. They told me they wanted to come to Vegas and didn't know what to do with their drunk passed out friend (me) so they put me in the car and brought me with them.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
For me its not so much where I woke up as how the hell did I get there. Some friends and I started drinking early real early. It was summer and we were having a grand time drinking beer and cruising around. Case after case bit the dust. We kept drinking into the night when we met some friends drinking wine. So we started drinking wine. I don't remember anything after that. I woke up in my home with my car in the driveway. My friends later told me at some point I just left. Drove myself home in a total blackout still have no memory of it. And it still scares me.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Keep in mind that these incidents all happened under the influence of alcohol, which of course excuses and explains everything. :sneaky:

Woke up in my apartment one morning(which doesn't really fit with the theme of this thread but bear with me because I might as well been in the Twilight Zone) and the phone rang. It was my girlfriend who informed me that the night before I had proposed to her on the phone and she was reminding me that she had accepted.

We were married in Reno, NV about a month later by an Elvis impersonator who doubled as the dude who marries people. She fled that same apartment 6 weeks later and filed for an annulment. Bye honey, :shooting: don't let the door...etc.


Not me and the missus nor the same Elvis dude. Just as creepy though.

Now on to a strange place I woke up in. One Friday night in the summer of 1976, me and my boss Earl, who looked exactly like Jasper from the Simpsons, took separate cars and went to see George Thorogood and the Delaware Destroyers at a club in Palo, Alto CA called the Keystone.


That's a paddlin' PT

It turns out that the song "One Bourbon, One Scotch, and One Beer" wasn't directed at me personally to get me to keep ordering and drinking that over and over. Who knew? :cheers:


I decided to drive home from the club using the El Camino Real instead of the freeway. The reason I mention that is because that way home was always packed with cops looking for idiots like me who were too drunk to remember that fact. That's all I remember until the next morning.

I wake up in a motel room. My wallet and keys are gone. There's a note on the dresser with a phone number. I call the number and it's the police station. It turns out that I had been pulled over by two cops and arrested for DWI but they didn't report it and instead took me to this motel and paid for the room. (No, they didn't have their way with me, perverts!) :wabbit::seizure:

The cop on the phone told me where my car was parked and that my wallet and keys were under the seat. But for me to wait 24-hours before driving again or they would arrest me for sure. When I asked why they did this for me, the cop on the phone said that "you had us laughing so hard and it was at the end of our shift so we dropped you off there." See, not all cops are bad. :bow:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
Keep in mind that these incidents all happened under the influence of alcohol, which of course excuses and explains everything. :sneaky:

Woke up in my apartment one morning(which doesn't really fit with the theme of this thread but bear with me because I might as well been in the Twilight Zone) and the phone rang. It was my girlfriend who informed me that the night before I had proposed to her on the phone and she was reminding me that she had accepted.

We were married in Reno, NV about a month later by an Elvis impersonator who doubled as the dude who marries people. She fled that same apartment 6 weeks later and filed for an annulment. Bye honey, :shooting: don't let the door...etc.


Not me and the missus nor the same Elvis dude. Just as creepy though.

Now on to a strange place I woke up in. One Friday night in the summer of 1976, me and my boss Earl, who looked exactly like Jasper from the Simpsons, took separate cars and went to see George Thorogood and the Delaware Destroyers at a club in Palo, Alto CA called the Keystone.


That's a paddlin' PT

It turns out that the song "One Bourbon, One Scotch, and One Beer" wasn't directed at me personally to get me to keep ordering and drinking that over and over. Who knew? :cheers:


I decided to drive home from the club using the El Camino Real instead of the freeway. The reason I mention that is because that way home was always packed with cops looking for idiots like me who were too drunk to remember that fact. That's all I remember until the next morning.

I wake up in a motel room. My wallet and keys are gone. There's a note on the dresser with a phone number. I call the number and it's the police station. It turns out that I had been pulled over by two cops and arrested for DWI but they didn't report it and instead took me to this motel and paid for the room. (No, they didn't have their way with me, perverts!) :wabbit::seizure:

The cop on the phone told me where my car was parked and that my wallet and keys were under the seat. But for me to wait 24-hours before driving again or they would arrest me for sure. When I asked why they did this for me, the cop on the phone said that "you had us laughing so hard and it was at the end of our shift so we dropped you off there." See, not all cops are bad. :bow: got me


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
It was a different time. I still remember my aunt telling the story about the Highway Patrolman pulling my uncle (a raging alki) out of the ditch and telling him to go straight home. Only to have him park in the front yard when he got there.


Hall of Fame
Mar 28, 2015
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  • #6
Now I'm really ratting myself out...In 1982 one night I woke up in my car to a police officer tapping on my drivers side window with his flashlight. He asked me to get out of my car. First I had to take my foot off of the brake and put the car in park...I had fallen asleep at a red light! Drunk off my ass, so of course I failed the sobriety test. To my surprise he told me to walk home and not come back for my car until the morning. I couldn't believe it. I asked him why he was allowing me to walk off and he said when he asked me how many drinks I had that night I told him too many. He admired my honesty and the fact that I gave him my USMC ID along with my drivers license probably didn't hurt either. By the way I was coming home from a bar after a Mike Tyson PPV fight. Not my proudest moment... :confused:
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Pro Bowler
Mar 11, 2012
Whilst not particularly strange, the craziest place I've ever woke up is in the house of some complete stranger while I was at university. I just got up and left while everyone was still asleep. Never did find out who it was, so i just hope i didn't do anything too crazy the night before, because I'll be damned if i remember that night...

Anyway, the best one I've ever seen is this fellow:

Went on a night out in Manchester, England, and woke up in Paris. Quite impressive really...


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Ugh. I really don't wanna tell this story.
I mean, who falls asleep in the middle of getting busy with a girl you brought home from a bar?

So embarrassing.
So drunk.


Pro Bowler
Mar 11, 2012
Ugh. I really don't wanna tell this story.
I mean, who falls asleep in the middle of getting busy with a girl you brought home from a bar?

So embarrassing.
So drunk.
Well, you kinda have to elaborate now. You can't just leave us with that, not knowing the end of a story drives me mad... :ROFLMAO:


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Well, you kinda have to elaborate now. You can't just leave us with that, not knowing the end of a story drives me mad... :ROFLMAO:
I dunno, man. It's kinda raunchy.
And you get the idea of the story now without me having to fill in the holes.


Pro Bowler
Mar 11, 2012
I dunno, man. It's kinda raunchy.
And you get the idea of the story now without me having to fill in the holes.
Must...refrain...from hole related jokes...

That's fair enough though, how about just a TL;DR summary for curious minds? :rolleyes:

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Ugh. I really don't wanna tell this story.
I mean, who falls asleep in the middle of getting busy with a girl you brought home from a bar?

So embarrassing.
So drunk.

We need closure, man. :fighting:

Btw a wise man once told me when I was a teenager, "Never go out with a woman who has an adam's apple or hair on her knuckles. And never fall asleep at a party." That advice has served me well over the years. :shades:


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
That's fair enough, how about just a TL;DR summary for curious minds? :rolleyes:
Or the super long version.

I went to this bar I used to frequent one night (The Banana Boat), alone, just to see what was happening and to tie one on. I was freshly divorced and kinda lonely, but I wasn't really there to pick anyone up. However, shortly after I got there, a woman came in with a friend and she was stunning. I know she was stunning because I wasn't drunk yet and she was a knock-out. After 2:00 a.m., they all look great. But this was like 9:30. I was a regular there, and she had never come in before.

The place had an island bar and she sat at the other side, directly across from me. I would look at her from time to time and kinda look away when she caught me peekin' inbetween dudes coming up to her offering to buy her a drink and asking her if she came there often. Or some stupid shit like that. I'm not really very forward with women until I've had about 6 or 7 drinks in me, so I just sat there and watched her shoot them all down. Which made me feel like I wasn't even gonna try. I mean, who needs to be rejected after being divorced? To my surprise, she caught me looking once because she was already staring at me before I turned to look at her again. So now we're staring at each other and I had no choice but to kinda wave, and she waved back. So, what the fuck. I got up, walked over, and sat down beside her (turns out the bartender [female] who was a good friend of mine was talking me up to her). I said hi, she said hi, and I asked her when she was gonna buy me a drink, because someone as pretty as me shouldn't have to pay. Ice-breaker. I didn't come on to her, and instead used a little humor to see if it would land. If it didn't, I'd just get up and leave. But it did. She bought me a Vodka/cranberry, and we started talking. For a couple of hours. And for a couple of hours I had about 10 drinks.

Turned out we were born in the same State, grew up in the same city, and even knew some of the same people. She had a great sense of humor, and really appreciated mine. I made her laugh at least 50 times, and every time I did, I got the hand on the shoulder or the tell-tale hair-flip. So after about 3 and a half hours together, I guess, her friend took off and we ended up outside by my car and started 'making out' - or whatever the kids call it now. lol. I remember saying, "I'd really love to see you again. How about tomorrow night I buy you dinner?" And she said, "You mean the night is over? I wanna see your puppy." I should mention I had an Australian Shepherd puppy at the time and told her about him. So, yeah. Around the block to my apartment we go.

So we're inside, she's digging my dog, and I'm pouring a couple of drinks. After spending a little time on the couch, picking up where we left off at my car, I stand up and grab her hand and say something magnificent. Had to be, because now we're heading to my room. On the way, the walls are making parallelogram movements and I know I'm way way way past my personal limit. I guess I was a little nervous after we got there, because I was pouring her regular drinks and mine were triples. A couple of those, added on to what I had at the bar, and it had to be in excess of 20 shots. I mean I was useless. At any rate, we got there and now I'm horizontal on my back. Not good. Spin city. So I managed to get on my side with her on her back, and that was a little better because I could get her out of her clothes and focus on a task to avoid thinking about the spinning. Man what a body. I mean crazy tight. And I remember she wore Warm vanilla sugar body spray from Victoria Secret too. I'll never forget that scent. So anyway. Now we're both stripped down and we do the mutual pleasure thing for a while, but that's making me spin again because I'm on my back again. So I pick her up off of me and lay her down so I can climb aboard. It's the only position I thought I could manage and still keep my balance. Push-up position if you will. So I get going, and we're groovin' fairly slowly. Nice and smooth. And then I relax my arms and kinda lay down on her.



Huh? What? (remembering what I was doing 15 seconds ago) No. NO. NONONONONONO!

She berated me while getting out of bed, berated me while getting dressed, berated the dog, berated my name, my performance, my existence, and damned my soul. So what do I do? Well, I puke. That was awesome. Right on the side of the bed. Well, that's nice. Now I suck on multiple levels and made the worst possible situation an epic embarrassment as well.

Never got her number either. Which is odd. Because i was pretty smooth for 4:58 of our 5 hour date.


Sep 26, 2015
Or the super long version.

I went to this bar I used to frequent one night (The Banana Boat), alone, just to see what was happening and to tie one on. I was freshly divorced and kinda lonely, but I wasn't really there to pick anyone up. However, shortly after I got there, a woman came in with a friend and she was stunning. I know she was stunning because I wasn't drunk yet and she was a knock-out. After 2:00 a.m., they all look great. But this was like 9:30. I was a regular there, and she had never come in before.

The place had an island bar and she sat at the other side, directly across from me. I would look at her from time to time and kinda look away when she caught me peekin' inbetween dudes coming up to her offering to buy her a drink and asking her if she came there often. Or some stupid crap like that. I'm not really very forward with women until I've had about 6 or 7 drinks in me, so I just sat there and watched her shoot them all down. Which made me feel like I wasn't even gonna try. I mean, who needs to be rejected after being divorced? To my surprise, she caught me looking once because she was already staring at me before I turned to look at her again. So now we're staring at each other and I had no choice but to kinda wave, and she waved back. So, what the freak. I got up, walked over, and sat down beside her (turns out the bartender [female] who was a good friend of mine was talking me up to her). I said hi, she said hi, and I asked her when she was gonna buy me a drink, because someone as pretty as me shouldn't have to pay. Ice-breaker. I didn't come on to her, and instead used a little humor to see if it would land. If it didn't, I'd just get up and leave. But it did. She bought me a Vodka/cranberry, and we started talking. For a couple of hours. And for a couple of hours I had about 10 drinks.

Turned out we were born in the same State, grew up in the same city, and even knew some of the same people. She had a great sense of humor, and really appreciated mine. I made her laugh at least 50 times, and every time I did, I got the hand on the shoulder or the tell-tale hair-flip. So after about 3 and a half hours together, I guess, her friend took off and we ended up outside by my car and started 'making out' - or whatever the kids call it now. lol. I remember saying, "I'd really love to see you again. How about tomorrow night I buy you dinner?" And she said, "You mean the night is over? I wanna see your puppy." I should mention I had an Australian Shepherd puppy at the time and told her about him. So, yeah. Around the block to my apartment we go.

So we're inside, she's digging my dog, and I'm pouring a couple of drinks. After spending a little time on the couch, picking up where we left off at my car, I stand up and grab her hand and say something magnificent. Had to be, because now we're heading to my room. On the way, the walls are making parallelogram movements and I know I'm way way way past my personal limit. I guess I was a little nervous after we got there, because I was pouring her regular drinks and mine were triples. A couple of those, added on to what I had at the bar, and it had to be in excess of 20 shots. I mean I was useless. At any rate, we got there and now I'm horizontal on my back. Not good. Spin city. So I managed to get on my side with her on her back, and that was a little better because I could get her out of her clothes and focus on a task to avoid thinking about the spinning. Man what a body. I mean crazy tight. And I remember she wore Warm vanilla sugar body spray from Victoria Secret too. I'll never forget that scent. So anyway. Now we're both stripped down and we do the mutual pleasure thing for a while, but that's making me spin again because I'm on my back again. So I pick her up off of me and lay her down so I can climb aboard. It's the only position I thought I could manage and still keep my balance. Push-up position if you will. So I get going, and we're groovin' fairly slowly. Nice and smooth. And then I relax my arms and kinda lay down on her.


I wake up to "OH MY GOD, ARE YOU freaking SERIOUS RIGHT NOW???????"

Huh? What? (remembering what I was doing 15 seconds ago) No. NO. NONONONONONO!

She berated me while getting out of bed, berated me while getting dressed, berated the dog, berated my name, my performance, my existence, and damned my soul. So what do I do? Well, I puke. That was awesome. Right on the side of the bed. Well, that's nice. Now I suck on multiple levels and made the worst possible situation an epic embarrassment as well.

Never got her number either. Which is odd. Because i was pretty smooth for 4:58 of our 5 hour date.
Been there man.
At first I said, hey its just cause I feel so comfortable with you....she didn't but it, tried to get all rude and put me down....I just said basically, look Im sorry but you are boring, so are so freaking boring not even you been nude helped, now, please leave my house and don't call me.


Pro Bowler
Mar 11, 2012
Or the super long version.

I went to this bar I used to frequent one night (The Banana Boat), alone, just to see what was happening and to tie one on. I was freshly divorced and kinda lonely, but I wasn't really there to pick anyone up. However, shortly after I got there, a woman came in with a friend and she was stunning. I know she was stunning because I wasn't drunk yet and she was a knock-out. After 2:00 a.m., they all look great. But this was like 9:30. I was a regular there, and she had never come in before.

The place had an island bar and she sat at the other side, directly across from me. I would look at her from time to time and kinda look away when she caught me peekin' inbetween dudes coming up to her offering to buy her a drink and asking her if she came there often. Or some stupid crap like that. I'm not really very forward with women until I've had about 6 or 7 drinks in me, so I just sat there and watched her shoot them all down. Which made me feel like I wasn't even gonna try. I mean, who needs to be rejected after being divorced? To my surprise, she caught me looking once because she was already staring at me before I turned to look at her again. So now we're staring at each other and I had no choice but to kinda wave, and she waved back. So, what the freak. I got up, walked over, and sat down beside her (turns out the bartender [female] who was a good friend of mine was talking me up to her). I said hi, she said hi, and I asked her when she was gonna buy me a drink, because someone as pretty as me shouldn't have to pay. Ice-breaker. I didn't come on to her, and instead used a little humor to see if it would land. If it didn't, I'd just get up and leave. But it did. She bought me a Vodka/cranberry, and we started talking. For a couple of hours. And for a couple of hours I had about 10 drinks.

Turned out we were born in the same State, grew up in the same city, and even knew some of the same people. She had a great sense of humor, and really appreciated mine. I made her laugh at least 50 times, and every time I did, I got the hand on the shoulder or the tell-tale hair-flip. So after about 3 and a half hours together, I guess, her friend took off and we ended up outside by my car and started 'making out' - or whatever the kids call it now. lol. I remember saying, "I'd really love to see you again. How about tomorrow night I buy you dinner?" And she said, "You mean the night is over? I wanna see your puppy." I should mention I had an Australian Shepherd puppy at the time and told her about him. So, yeah. Around the block to my apartment we go.

So we're inside, she's digging my dog, and I'm pouring a couple of drinks. After spending a little time on the couch, picking up where we left off at my car, I stand up and grab her hand and say something magnificent. Had to be, because now we're heading to my room. On the way, the walls are making parallelogram movements and I know I'm way way way past my personal limit. I guess I was a little nervous after we got there, because I was pouring her regular drinks and mine were triples. A couple of those, added on to what I had at the bar, and it had to be in excess of 20 shots. I mean I was useless. At any rate, we got there and now I'm horizontal on my back. Not good. Spin city. So I managed to get on my side with her on her back, and that was a little better because I could get her out of her clothes and focus on a task to avoid thinking about the spinning. Man what a body. I mean crazy tight. And I remember she wore Warm vanilla sugar body spray from Victoria Secret too. I'll never forget that scent. So anyway. Now we're both stripped down and we do the mutual pleasure thing for a while, but that's making me spin again because I'm on my back again. So I pick her up off of me and lay her down so I can climb aboard. It's the only position I thought I could manage and still keep my balance. Push-up position if you will. So I get going, and we're groovin' fairly slowly. Nice and smooth. And then I relax my arms and kinda lay down on her.


I wake up to "OH MY GOD, ARE YOU freaking SERIOUS RIGHT NOW???????"

Huh? What? (remembering what I was doing 15 seconds ago) No. NO. NONONONONONO!

She berated me while getting out of bed, berated me while getting dressed, berated the dog, berated my name, my performance, my existence, and damned my soul. So what do I do? Well, I puke. That was awesome. Right on the side of the bed. Well, that's nice. Now I suck on multiple levels and made the worst possible situation an epic embarrassment as well.

Never got her number either. Which is odd. Because i was pretty smooth for 4:58 of our 5 hour date.
I think I speak for everyone here when I say; that was fucking spectacular. I'm sure it probably wasn't for you, but as a story, absolute killer. From such highs, to such lows, in that period of time...

A story befitting of The Dude.


Jan 15, 2013
Woke up on a bench outside of a mariachi bar in Colorado Springs....meanest people I have ever run into traveling, the people of Colorado Springs.
Had reservations and a car waiting for me, car fell through, money got lost, no card that was working, no phone, hotel was in Boulder....trying to find a place to get money wired to me and make a call.....long story short ended up sleeping on the bench outside the bar. It is amazing how quickly it can go bad sometimes.
Woke up sleeping in the hall way of a nice hotel in White Plains New York. Went to the second "Woodstock", I put that in parenthesis because it was a totally different thing. Had a lot of fun. Ended up back at this hotel. Got irritated by the people in the room and made it half way down the hallway. A nice older lady woke me up and asked if I was ok, "fine, very tired"....went down in just my boxers to the hotel bar, asked for a waffle.
Woke up, pitch dark, I can't move....something is like 4 inches from my face, a wall behind me....I start freaking out and thrashing around, finally get standing up, at some point during the evening at a party I had apparently slid behind the couch and was wedged between the couch and the wall. Everyone was gone and I didn't know the peoples who's house it was....I was afraid I would get beat up or shot or something....doing the party pass out math I figured had time to pop a waffle in the toaster for the road, no one woke up, I left but my car was gone. This was pre cell phone. This is when you find out who your bros are. I called my buddy, hey its 4:15 am, my car is gone, Im wasted, can you come get me.....sure, 40 minutes later he pulls up, in my car.


Hall of Fame
Mar 28, 2015
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  • #18
Woke up, pitch dark, I can't move....something is like 4 inches from my face, a wall behind me....I start freaking out and thrashing around, finally get standing up, at some point during the evening at a party I had apparently slid behind the couch and was wedged between the couch and the wall.


May 28, 2011
I woke up naked face down on a tennis court about half a mile from my hotel down in Corpus Christi when I was in the Army.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
The back seat of my car, in a McDonald's parking lot.

Hey I was like 7 and fell asleep during a road trip. My parents couldn't find a hotel so we slept in the car at a rest stop and the next morning stopped at McDs for breakfast.